fluid, fun and great. this is one game that race fans should not let slip away.

User Rating: 8.5 | Forza Motorsport 3 X360
So where shall I start? Well Forza 3 is an excellent racing game and by far the best offering on the Xbox 360. There are over 400 cars to choose from and many different tracks and track variations.
There are many ways to customize the cars you collect and the mechanic for doing this is very user friendly. I however play racing games to, well, race and complete the career so that's all I'm going to say on that subject.

The bulk of the game is the career mode and this centres around seasons, each of which is a "world champioship". The lengths of the seasons vary from 3 races upwards and the races are always at least two weeks apart. Inbetween times you are invited to partake in a series event - anything bewteen 3 and 5 races usually with a theme. These themes can be location, trying new tracks or trying new cars. After each world champioship race you are given a choice of 3 of these series events to partake in before the next WC race. Credits are awarded to build up your cash, driver level and car level. Leveling up the cars gives you access to cheaper upgrades, at each driver level you are presented with a new car and cash can be used to buy more cars or to upgrade the ones you have.
All of these events can be replayed (or played for the first time if it's one of the events you didn't choose) from the event menu allowing you to replay until you get the victory you desire!

On-line play is very solid and there are on-line leader boards for the best times on all tracks with all car classes.

There are several driver assists that can be toggled on and off at will (and inbetween each race if you want) and this includes automatic braking (which I always turn off), dynamic racing line, traction control, auto gearing. Turning the assists off earns you a percentage extra for all prizes you earn.

Grapically the game is stunning - some of the backdrops are amazing and using the cockpit view you could almost be there. On one of the courses is a stunning waterfall in the distance! The cars are well modelled and the damage is very realistically done.

The sound is very good - the cars sound like cars and there is a difference between them.

Plenty of replay value to win all the events, buy all the cars and get some on-line scalps and records.

If you're a racing fan and you own a 360.....go get it!!

(please visit my channel and check out more reviews in my contribution tab on the right side of the screen, more than 50 reviews on new games on all platforms)