Onapeg- My Game Storyline Idea

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#1 OddballTECH
Member since 2005 • 7905 Posts

If you've ever visited my profile, you probably saw some of the game ideas that I posted when I first started here on Gamespot.  I never posted this one on my profile, so I figured I'd share it with you guys.


By the year 2021, Japan will be plagued by war and disease.  The country is becoming much too populated, so much that its people cannot possibly live healthy lives.  Because of this, a new disease has developed.  This blood disease causes blood vessels in the human body to slowly deteriorate.  Not only is the disease very harmful, but the effects are horrifying.  Broken blood vessels cause humans to bleed under their skin.  Infected individuals will slowly begin to develop large black blemishes all over their bodies, and by the time they die, they would have turned completely black.  The blood under the skin dries and coagulates, leaving the dead horribly deformed.

To deal with this outbreak, the Japanese government has sent out massive extermination teams to kill off the infected people.  The problem is that they will kill anyone who is even mildly infected, even though there may be hope for a cure in the near future.  Nearly everyone in Japan is becoming infected with the horrible disease, except one person.  Onapeg Narita.

Onapeg Narita is a 17 year old boy who lived with his parents, until they too were killed by the disease.  The doctors began to question why he was not infected after being in close contact with his infected parents for some time.  One night, he wakes up in a hopsital bed, with tubes and electrodes all over him.  Shocked, he quickly finds a way to escape.  It has become obvious to him that they are trying to experiment on him, using his body to find a cure without his consent. 

Just two days later, the newspaper headline reads, "Cure Found!"  It turns out that the reason that the scientists and the government did not pursue Onapeg after his escape was because they had already found the cure.  But there is one problem: the government is charging 5 million yen for 1 dose of the vaccine!  Even though the vaccine is quite plentiful, there is the risk that the disease might spread throughout the world, and other countries might try to take the vaccine from Japanese labs.  The quarantine on Japan was not established until 2 weeks after the disease was discovered.  When interviewed, government and military officials said "We did not anticipate that the disease would be contagious until hundreds of cases began to arise.  By then, it was too late.  People leave our country every day, and we fear that the disease will spread further."

Onapeg knows that although the government has left him alone for now, they will come back to find him.  The government hopes to make more doses of the vaccine to profit off of and sell to other countries.  Even though they have enough for all the people in Japan, the price still stays the same.  People are dying fast, and those who cannot afford the vaccine are immediately exterminated.  For some odd reason, Japan is not accepting any foreign aid.  They received $1 billion from the US, $600 million from England, $900 million from Russia, and $1 billion from China.  Days later, all that money was returned to the foreign governments.

Throughout the game, you will play as Onapeg Narita.  It will involve a lot of hiding, and patience.  As you move through the cities of Japan to try and steal the secret to the cure from the biochemical labs, you see dead bodies throughout the streets.  The opening cutscene shows the back story that I explained above.  Then you see Onapeg hiding in a dark alley.  There are dead people lined across the alley walls.  Onapeg ducks behind a pile of old boxes.  Then suddenly, you hear gunshots and screams.  Peeking out from the alley, you see a squad of close to 20 soldiers chasing someone.  They have gas masks with tempered glass faceplates, as well as riot shields and sub machine guns.  On their belts, they carry tear gas and incendiary grenades.  The beams of their flashlights shine in your eyes as you quickly duck back into the shadows.  A Japanese man is running from these soldiers with his young son.  The army pins them at a dead end, and they shoot the infected kid in the head with a pistol.  His father lets out a terrified and angry scream, and runs toward the soldiers.  In a flash, he is gunned down by a shower of SMG bullets that rip him apart right before your eyes.  Scared and in great danger, you know you must be careful as you make your way over 100 miles to the North to the Japanese biochem lab in Kyoto.

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#2 irmeleeman5995
Member since 2005 • 2484 Posts
Sounds like a promising game.
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#3 spikeyhairedkid
Member since 2006 • 8495 Posts
Yes,not as good as Halo though!:wink:j/k
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#4 Platyphyllum
Member since 2005 • 8105 Posts
That's a very nice game idea! I like the concept of how you are just a 17 year old trying to escape the clutches of the government by hiding and stuff. You're not some sort of superhero or a secret agent but just a 17 year old being pursued! I like that type of concept!
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#5 Sparky-05
Member since 2006 • 2015 Posts
Awsome dude, as you know ... I only tracked you for one reason. I love your game ideas, and for some reason this one seems like one of your other ones. But I might be mistaken. Either way I loved reading it and either you better sell this idea or create it yourself. I hope you share more ideas with us. Its a lovely concept and it would be a great game. Lates Mate.
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#6 OddballTECH
Member since 2005 • 7905 Posts

Awsome dude, as you know ... I only tracked you for one reason. I love your game ideas, and for some reason this one seems like one of your other ones. But I might be mistaken. Either way I loved reading it and either you better sell this idea or create it yourself. I hope you share more ideas with us. Its a lovely concept and it would be a great game. Lates Mate.Sparky-05

I guess it is kind of similar to my one idea, Spectrum Dark, but I really like storylines that deal with outbreaks and stuff like that.