Official Role-Playing Topic

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#1 OddballTECH
Member since 2005 • 7905 Posts

I don't know how many of you are familiar with online roleplaying or "RPing" as some like to call it.  So I will explain what exactly role-playing is:

-Basically, a user will create his/her own fictional character.  The character must be historically accurate, which depends on the time period that the RP is in.  You begin by writing a detailed description of your character, including things such as physical characteristics, personality traits, weapons, background/ history, place of birth, etc.  Then you write a short story using your character, just as an example of your role-playing skills.  Please remember to use correct spelling and grammar.

Once we get enough players, we will begin to establish a basic map of the area we will be RPing in.  Then, characters will be able to get involved with one another.

For anyone who likes writing fantasy stories, role-playing is definitely something to look into.  If you are interested, please post your character here.  The basic setting is in the middle ages, so be accurate.  Be sure to follow this format:

Name: (a creative name of your choice)





Eye Color:

Birthplace: (fictional name)

Personality Traits:

Physical Characteristics:

Marks/ Tatoos:



Roleplay Example:


Name: Trigar Tevian

Age: 28

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 190 lbs

Gender: Male

Eye Color: Brown

Birthplace: Devnon

Personality Traits: Trigar is a very energetic man.  He is working toward becoming an Impreial Guard for the Royal Empire of Devnon, and often enjoys showing off his sword fighting skills.  Trigar is quick to fight, especially when he is insulted.  He doesn't like to take no for an answer, and he is generally a very impatient person.

Physical Characteristics:  Trigar is as fit as could be.  His body is well-toned, and he can wield heavy weapons quite well.  He wears a silver curiass, which has three rubies embedded in it.  2 horses are imprinted on each side of the curiass, and in the middle, there is a fine tree etched in gold.  Trigar is often seen wearing his curiass and greaves, but doesn't usually wear gauntlets or pauldrons unless he is going into battle.

Marks/ Tatoos:  Tatoos are prohibited for Imperial Guards.  However, he does have a large scar across his left cheek.

Weapons: (you should think of unique names for each weapon, as well as a dexcription of why the weapon is special.)

Background/History: ***

Roleplay Example: Trigar's room was dimly lit by a small candle flickering beside his bed.  He sat at his work table, insightfully examining various scrolls that he had taken from the Royal Library in the town commons.  It had been just two days since Trigar had met with that mysterious being in Dreusel Forest; the being who claimed to be able to forsee the future.  "You will rise to power Trigar, yes, most definitely so.  Then, you will fall.  You will fall from your highest throne, back to the impoverished life which you once lived.  If only you had those scrolls."

There was something strange about this thing, whoever or whatever it was.  Trigar was not much of a believer in premonitions, but for some odd reason, this was different.  He felt a sense of great worry as this thing spoke to him.  Flipping carefully through the scrolls, he came upon a section of text which was accompanied by his family crest.  Could this be the answer he has been awaiting?

(Now, I wrote that rather quickly, so its not very good.  Take some time when you write yours.  Make it interesting to the reader, and use descriptive adjectives.)

For more examples of how to roleplay, please visit DULTHANE, and click on the Bordona Settlement Link on the board.

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#2 Sparky-05
Member since 2006 • 2015 Posts
Name: Maximus (I love that name, that will be the name of my son :) )

Age: 24

Height: 5'7

Weight: 153 Pounds

Gender: Male

Eye Color: Light Blue

Birthplace: Unknown (Assume that he was born somewhere in Spain)

Personality Traits: Maximus is a quick tempered person. He is not fond of people at all. He lives to kill and has no other desires than to be the greatest fighter of all time. His pride blinds him at times and he walks into death traps, looking for a fight. He lives his life with a "Never Say Never" attitude.

Physical Characteristics: He is in great shape and there are only a few who can compare to him in terms of his athletic ability. He is a very fast man and to catch him is an amazing feat.

Marks/ Tattoos: He has a Celtic cross encircled by barb wire tattooed on his back. Also, he has a scar on his left cheek from his days as a slave.

Weapons: He carries with him two light one handed killing swords and a shield. However, he has never used the shield in a real fight.

Background/History: No one knows where Maximus was born, but it is assumed that he is from Spain. No one knows where he grew up or who his family is. At one point he was a slave used as a fighter for the crowd, but he won his freedom. He now lives alone and spends most of his time training with his swords. He hunts often and enjoys it very much. He lives to fight and has never conceded defeat.

Roleplay Example:

"What do you want from me!" His voice echoed through the night. He had been training for hours with his sword, but had become distracted at the noise that had surrounded him. "Show yourself coward!" No one emerged from the darkness, not because they were afraid to show themselves, but because no one was there. Maximus began to yelling louder and louder, but still no answer. The wind was abnormally fast for this time of year, and Maximus figured he had just heard the wind. He concluded it was time to go home, his mind was playing tricks on him.

He began the long trek home, it would take at least an hour without stopping. He started mumbling to no one in particular and his voice soon faded out in the distance. Something had happened, he was not quite himself. His long killing swords were covered with fresh blood, but he carried no prey, he hadn't been hunting. Maximus seemed to be carrying a burden, it was as if the world rested on his shoulders alone and it was his duty to save the world from the impending doom ...

Quick Roleplay, I got so much to do. This is my crappy character. Sweet Idea mate.

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#3 Sarge_Maximus2
Member since 2004 • 7767 Posts
Name: Maximus (I love that name, that will be the name of my son :) Sparky-05
Hey! You stole my name! Lol, just kidding, I don't have enough time for one of these topics anyhow.
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#4 Ptolemaueus
Member since 2006 • 947 Posts
Does he have to be a fantasy character?