Daily Writing Challenges Version 2

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#1 Sparky-05
Member since 2006 • 2015 Posts

Daily Writing Challenges:

Every day I will put out a writing challenge in this topic for you to do. If you take part you will earn Prestige Points (information below) and you may even learn something!

Challenges can be anything, one day you may be asked to write a short story about your walk to the park and the next a poem about work. You may pick and choose which challenges you take part in, however, it is recommended that you at least try to do the majority of the challenges.

As mentioned before, you will receive Prestige Points for taking part, the point distribution for this month is as follows;

- For each challenge you complete, you will be awarded 5 Prestige Points
- For a 2 Day Challenge Completion streak, you will be awarded: 1 Bonus Prestige Point
- If you complete 3 of the 7 challenges in a week, you will be awarded: 3 Bonus Prestige Points
- If you complete 5 of the 7 challenges in a week, you will be awarded: 5 Bonus Prestige Points.
- If you complete 7 challenges in one week, you will be awarded: 15 Bonus Prestige Points.

Basically, if you do every challenge you will walk away with more than 50 Points a week and I guarantee that you will have improved your writing skills.

So I urge you all, expand your barriers, take a chance, take part and earn some Prestige Points, I mean come on, the absolute worst thing you can do is not try, not even once.

So stand up, pay attention and get involved, because the Writers' Lounge is going somewhere, fast!

Click here to visit the Daily Writing Challenges Version 1 Topic.

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#2 Sparky-05
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Challenge for November 4, 2007.

Write a piece of appropriate length for a deceased family member and/or close friend.

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#3 Foolz3h
Member since 2006 • 23739 Posts

She liked to murder ants
And she wore grey high-hung pants
She was sexist and from a time past
But still she was quite grand!

I managed to write a terrible/y short poem that made my grandmother sound like a horrible person!
That's what you get for writting this sort of thing when you're too tired and can't think of anything.

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Oh... I didn't see this challenge until today... I suppose I will submit something anyway.

Hey Grandma,

I may sound selfish but I have never understood why people are so sad when other people die. Everyone dies... People are dying at this very moment. Just as people are breathing at this very moment. It has been this way since the dawn of man. I did feel bad when you died, I swear Grandma. You were very nice to me. But so quiet and soft-spoken. I must admit I've always felt a rift apart from my father's side of the family. You were also the most quiet. I do remember the soft skin of your cheek as I kissed it. And the vulnerability of your frail frame. The bones of your body like those of a bird. When you spoke, people listened. Finally your laugh, like your name, Lily.

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#5 Sparky-05
Member since 2006 • 2015 Posts

That's fine, the challenges generally run from 9 PM EST one night to 9 PM EST the next.

Anyways, here is my piece.

In Loving Memory

His selfless life has leaned towards Sainthood,
yet what happened to my friend was not that good;
He was one of the victims in a car bomb killing eight,
And now for us up in Heaven does he wait.

[spoiler] It is an epitaph (A brief poem inscribed on a tombstone in memory of a deceased person) for my friend Justin B. Schmidt who passed on April 29th, 2004 when he was killed alongside seven other men in a carbomb in Bagdahd. He served in the United States Army. May he rest in peace. [/spoiler]

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#6 Foolz3h
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Challenge for Monday November 5, 2007.

Write a short piece about the flawed side of something you like and why you like it anyway.
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#7 Foolz3h
Member since 2006 • 23739 Posts

There is no bad side to cotton
Or perhaps I have just forgotten!
Then again it's just as possible
That cotton itself has caused this problem
But nevertheless I must digress
For even if it had I could not care less!
For you see if cotton causes memory loss
This little problem is easilyforgot!

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#8 helios_rietberg
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The strings are too thin and they break too easily
The hair just too smooth that it screeches noisily
The rosin far too sticky that it leaves dust on the bridge
And when the bow is dragged, it's enough to give one a stitch!

But it's good when it is sighing
Good when it is weeping
Good when it is laughing
Good when it is singing

Though it's hard to get it to sigh
Hard to get it to weep
Hard to get it to laugh
Hard to get it to sing

Yet when it does finally sigh, weep, laugh and sing
The muscle in the right arm is just too sore to think
All one wants to do is to through the bow far away
Out, out, out and beyond, to regret on another day.

P.S. That's a violin, if you haven't figured it out!

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#9 Sparky-05
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Challenge for November 6, 2007:

Write a journal entry from the perspective of a household pet who has been ignored for the entire day.

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#10 Zeta_Thompson
Member since 2007 • 83 Posts

Asleep in the sunbeam, I hear the voice of strangers in the big room. They come from the box on the table and stop with an ear splitting sound. I stretch and wander into the feeding room. The dry food sits in my dish. I eat, wash and return to the sunbeam with a sigh. Footsteps overhead of people playing with my enemy intrude upon my nap, stupid barking animal. I slinkinto the morning sun room. She is there making clicking noises with her front paws as her claws tap the dark flat toy before her. I try to jump into her lap with a purr.

"no!"I sit watching her for a moment more. The noise her claws make hurts my ears. I return silently the way I came when she does not look at me.

In the eating room Istart call for the others "Come play with me!"I beg.

"Stop yowling," says the small one from the afternoon room. I race down the pasage to play with her, but she and the man are watching the lighted box.

Bored, I decide to taste the food on the counter in the eating room. I jump, I creap up to it, I pounce upon it. It does not struggle. the unnatural smelling covering quickly succumbs to my teeth and paws. I taste the soft food. Footsteps from the morning room to the eating room alert me, I jump down.

"Bad Cat, Leave the bread alone!" She yells. Finally, she noticed me! I purr.

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#11 Foolz3h
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6am: woken by a loud bang from outside.

6:5am: asleep again after much scratching.

7am: woken, this time for good and this time on my own account.

7:5am: got out of bed after much scratching and it seems to be a rather sunny day.

7:30am: It appears I fell asleep while sunbathing.

8:30am: it happened again! Now I am far too hot as well.

8:31:am: the backdoor is mysteriously closed.

9am: no matter how much barking and scratching the door will not open. Not only that, it has left me very tired and far too hot!

9:05am: After much thought in the rather stuffy (though shaded from the sun) bed I have decided to go back to sleep until the door is open again.

10am: alas! The door is still not open however at least several grey clouds have now stopped the burning reach of the sun.

10:05am: the clouds have betrayed me and have unleashed rain thunder and lightning!

10:10am: The bed offers some shelter but I find myself unable to sleep due to the loud thunder and the flash of lightning.

10:30am: it has stopped! But has left the ground wet and muddy.

11am: finally! The door has been opened.

11:05am: alas as I ran inside I was picked up and thrown outside again but at least a small savoury biscuit was thrown out after me.

11:30am: though the biscuit tasted bland it has at least let me pass the time and a small rainbow shines across the backyard.

12am or is it pm?: I find myself asleep again.

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#12 just4yoshi
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Write a short story (100-250 words) about why the raving rabbit has orange goop in his glasses (probably is a real reason, but I don't care about that; make up your own :P).
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#13 Foolz3h
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129 words.

Ravid Rabidaire is an affliction generally found in fictional alien rabbits which most uncomfortably results a very orange goop that is generally found in a rabbit's eyes. However as it is at the moment the height of fashion for rabbits to wear glasses it usually collects there. Indeed some have argued that it is in fact caused by the glasses but whether it is or isn't is incidental as health will beat fashion. The goop that is commonly known as goop has a chemical reaction with the glasses which does not help matters. Indeed it positively worsens them! For you see not only does it make it every bit goopier it also makes it far orangier. So what is to be done? I believe myxomatoses is the perfect option.

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#14 Foolz3h
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Challenge for November 8, 2007:

Write something that is exactly 100 words but that makes sense.

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#16 Foolz3h
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One Hundred

One hundred words! One hundred words meshed together so tightly that they're forced to make sense. I managed Seven Hundred and Fifty with a little chopping and cutting but this is even less. One hundred words! One hundred Is, or one hundred yous. It all sounds like so much but I've sentences spanning thousands upon thousands of words forming a rich tapestry that can be devoured and will give you more than enough literary nourishment. But one hundred? Verboseness is akin to hyperbole here and to be succinct won't even get you near. But nevertheless I have success!

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#17 Sparky-05
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Challenge for November 9, 2007.

This challenge is a form of 'hot writing'. You are to think about anyone and without stopping write a paragraph or two about their opposite (If they like socks, your character should hate it.) Also, you should name your character the backwards spelling of their first name.

Note: Try writing your piece in the span of 2 minutes. I promise that it will provide a fun excercise if done properly. Don't worry about it being all neat and pretty, post whatever you come up with in the span of 2 minutes. In the case that you can't think of anything to say, just type "red blue red blue ..." and so forth until time is up.

Happy Hot Writing!

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#18 Foolz3h
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He dealt with grief very well and loved women. In fact he was a bit of a pervert. He wasn't married and the only way that he could have ever been married was if polygamy was legal. Not only that but he wasn't very polite. He was very mean as well and if he had ever gone to school there's no doubt that he would have been a bully. Though he hated his parents he got on pretty well with them and they had a wonderful relationship.

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Amlig, was a shy old man. He had drooping man-boobs and a beardextending out to the same length as his boobs. If anyone saw him with his shirt off, they would find it an odd sight, to be sure. He never smiled. He was a poor homeless, drug addict. He had no friends. Amlig, spent his days at the busiest intersection in all of China. Panhandling...

Sorry this is the best I could do. I tried the red blue thing, but I couldn't think of anything else but "red blue". So I just stopped and thought before I wrote. :P But it was two minutes. I guess I kind of failed the excercise in that sense. :(

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#20 Foolz3h
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Challenge for November 10, 2007.

Write a series ofsimilies describing someone eg. "he had eyes like raisins and a mouth like a gunshot up the backside!" :P

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#21 Foolz3h
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His face was not entirely different to a watermelon if of course a watermelon's skinis black. He was, much like a watermelon red on the inside. His ear's were of the texture of rocks; smoothed by a stream, in fact it could be argued that it was the texture of his silky skin not his ears. His eyes however were darker than the blackest night on saint patrick's day and his brown pupil's as black as any guiness! He had a moustache like Mario however unlike Mario he was not a cartoon (not that Mario is a cartoon but he is in a way like one!). His apperance however was like that of a cartoon character!
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#22 helios_rietberg
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Like shadows in the eye, she drifted by slowly, and just like the clouds in the sky, she seemed so pure. But she stared, and stared like an unblinking hawk, looking past me intentionally. Like so many others at the train station, she would look down the track, anticipating the train, but she looked like a child waiting for candy. Each time she got into the train, each morning we took it together, she would sit opposite me as still as a statue. Yet, today it was different; she looked at me like a dove to its partner, and she smiled - as sweetly as an angel.
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#23 Foolz3h
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Challenge for November 11, 2007.

Write a short poem about how last week's DWC was such a success!

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#24 Foolz3h
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The DWC was buzzing with delight
There were poems about cotton
Touching pieces written
For ones already passed
There were stories about animals
Ignored for the day!
Oh how they cried!
The horror they endured!
But things began to look up
As there was an exploration of disease
Discussion of myxomatosis
Was dealt with, with ease
There were two pieces
Exactly 100 words long
Together making
200 and none
Backwards written names even was there
But that passed quite quickly like a zertec
And finally we discussed the success!
And this is my report
I hope you take it with pleasure to your breast!

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#25 Sparky-05
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Challenge for November 12, 2007:

Write a decent sized children's myth about Radion the mythical __________

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#26 Foolz3h
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Radion the Mythical Radio

The story goes than an old transistor radio was playing the cool tunes of Barry Manilow when it was struck by a bolt of lightning. To make matters worse it was in the core of a Nuclear Reactor! The power plant was sent into melt down and the whole of South Dakota was destroyed. The only thing that was left was Fanning and The Radio. The Radio immediately gave itself a name: Radion and then sent Fanning on her Hollywood career. The Radio has never been seen since but it is said that if you listen really closely to Barry Manilow music playing on the radio that you hear Radion crying.

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#27 Foolz3h
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Challenge for November 13, 2007:

Write a short rhyme about a piece of twine.
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#28 just4yoshi
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November 14:

Write a review of GameSpot's reviewing system.

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#29 Foolz3h
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Gawd dammit! I missed one. :(

Gamespot Reviews, Review:


The reviews appear as a wall of text on one's screen and though the screenshots do a little to break it up it is not aesthetically pleasing. To make matters worse they use a variety of different background colours which almost always hampers the reading experience.


I must admit that it is a guilty pleasure of mine to read through the reviews and laugh. But overall the reviews are poorly written, full of contradictions and at times nonsensical! And overall it has to be said that most of the reviews are very boring to read.


The sound of disgruntled shooter fans gushing over Spaceman with a Gun 5000 is incredibly realistic but after awhile their ravid shouting grates as does the constant playing of thrash metal.

1.0 - Big Rigs

Closing Comments:

Worth it for the novelty value alone but do not expect it to be a pleasant novelty.

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#30 Symphonycometh
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Gamespot Reviews:


The reviews seem to ramp in FAVOR of shooters, granting them "excused" passes that other genre's seem to never be allowed to do. Voila a game being "too short" will be knocked down almost 2 pegs every time...unless you happen to be eye-candy Gears of War (Shooter) in comparison to Heavenly Sword. This certainly hurts it's credibility whenever people notice small things like that.


They have no hook. Their humor is equivalent to trying to get a laugh out of a dead horse, and it doesn't make it easier when they knock down great games for such small reasons. (Shadows of the Colossus.) NO ONE cried about Shadow of the Collossus' frame rate, but yet GS was more than happy to point this out.

This gaming site is certainly not enjoying their games as they should be, but rather working to look for flaws now. That IS NOT what gaming is about. It's about seeing how much fun you're supposed to have. A nagging wife should point out flaws, gamers should be pointing out the fun in defense and Gamespot has become that nagging wife.

Score: 2 out of 10

It would've been a 2.3, but with that new system....

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#31 Foolz3h
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Challenge for November 15, 2007:

Write a non-fiction poem that does not rhyme.

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#32 helios_rietberg
Member since 2005 • 424 Posts

I woke with a sore throat
Something brewing within me
Collapsing out of bed, I began
The dreadful day ahead

Coughing and snivelling through c.lass
I sat like a dazed mummy
Staring at the babbling monkeys
Pointing at various shapes

Feeling horribly under weather
I ventured to the sick bay
Where women greeted me with smiles
And tiny frowns of pity

Lying there silently, I stared
At the dim, frosted glass
And formed it through my perception
Seeing blocks and triangles

Soon, my foul day was over
And collapsing back onto bed
I woke the next day
With another burning throat

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#33 Foolz3h
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So I must write a
poem that does not rhyme
It must not be fiction either

So if poetry
does not need to rhyme?
What makes it poetry
Rather than writting?

If I continue
Along like this
This might be
CIassed as fiction

For such philosophical
Rantings are just in my mind
And therefore they could be consiedered
(though they are in my mind)
to be fiction

I think I better digress
Fore' I am simply ranting
I'll leave you with one thought
Poetry without rhyme is worth what?

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#34 Foolz3h
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Challenge for November 16, 2007:

Write a rhyme about a divine piece of twine. :P

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#35 Foolz3h
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Oh, twine, oh twine you are so divine! Whatever I do I can't get you of my mind! I try to bathe, I try shave but there you are sitting next to my lad, he asks the twine "why are you so define?" for it is, always on his mind, the twine replies, "I see you have noticed, my divinity, and let me tell you not sparingly, I am divine for I was bathed in wine, I was used by god, to tie his legs, which were cut at the time, and he needed some twine, to tie on a bandage." and so now we knew why the twine was divine but still we could not get it off our minds.

Well, that rhyme wasn't really a rhyme and barely rhymed. But hey, it was about a piece of divine twine. :P

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#36 Foolz3h
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Chellenge for November 18, 2007.]

Write a flash fiction (VERY short story, Ie. at least short enough to write before the next DWC is up!:P) about your favourite game.

P.S. Where are ya Ether?

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#37 helios_rietberg
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Fayt skidded round the corner and came to an abrupt stop in front of the weapons' shop. All was still in quiet hours of the morning, with the mist shrouding the sky from view. He pulled the door open quietly and snuck into the shop. The owner, a typical early-bird, had already gone in to set up the shop. Unfortunately for him, he hadn't locked the door nor the weapons' rack. Seized with a sort of beggar's desperation, Fayt slid the most expensive sword from the rack onto his belt and slipped out of the door.

Outside, the city was still quiet. He stole into the dark alleyway beside the weapons' shop and pulled out his teleporting device. Now, if he could just locate the place where he'd crashed the spaceship, he could teleport there, and then be on his way...

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#38 Foolz3h
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EVERYbody take note of when I'm posting this. You should be posting a DWC around this time if you're scheduled to do so. ;)

Challenge for November 19:

Write a small piece on what parts of GS you use.

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#39 EtherTwilight
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P.S. Where are ya Ether?Foolz3h

I didn't realize it was Sunday. Which is a lame excuse, but it may be even lamer due to the fact that it's actually true. ; ;

Sorry, Foolz. I'll catch it this week. :D

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#40 Foolz3h
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[QUOTE="Foolz3h"]P.S. Where are ya Ether?EtherTwilight

I didn't realize it was Sunday. Which is a lame excuse, but it may be even lamer due to the fact that it's actually true. ; ;

Sorry, Foolz. I'll catch it this week. :D


oh dear...
ah well at least you're not the only one who seems to have forgoten what day this is.
Just remember everyone that I am currently adding sharp pieces of metal to my whip which are likely to become lodged in your lower back if no body posts their DWCs. :P

Blogs -

A little place I call home where I am able selfishly post about myself

Unions -

Where the fratanasing takes place. A nice secluded little area directly related to my own interests depending ont he union.

System Wars -

A violent and always humorours place where I can go to laugh at other people and get modded.

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#41 irmeleeman5995
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What time should I post? The note you put up said 9:41 PM my time. That's cool with me, and thats in about 11 hours from now...So should I wait til then?
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#42 Foolz3h
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Yep, so you'd want to be posting it about now (so about 10pm your time). :)

I won't post one and I'll assume that you're gonna get this message. ;)

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#43 irmeleeman5995
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WC: Write a short story about the last time you were truly scared.
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#44 Foolz3h
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The rain shattered against the ashpalt and then flowed slowly into the sea. The sea smashed against the rocks exploding into white icicles which melted and fell back to where they'd come from. The ship zig-zagged between the rocks scraping against them. The sparks flew as the metal of the bow caressed the rocks. The water flowed in and was welcomed by the ship's bowls and in turn the water welcomed the ship into its depths.

I couldn't remember being truely scared so I made something up. :P

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#45 irmeleeman5995
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#47 just4yoshi
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DWC: Write a description of how to turn your favorite video game into a board game.
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#48 Foolz3h
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Metroid Prime: The Board Game

Basically the board game is a series of rooms. You move from room to room depending on what you roll and when you stop on certain squares marked with an X you have a chance to get an upgrade; you get the upgrade you must roll a 6 on a D 6. To win the player must make it to the end of the board and fight Ridley. The fight against Ridley is a simple roll of the dice. Meta Ridley has 100 HP and when you roll the dice you do damage: 1 on the D is worth 1 damage 2 is worth 2, 3 is worth 3 etc. Each upgrade you have got before you get to Ridley doubles your damage so if you have 2 upgrades a 6 on the D will do24 damage instead of 6.

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#49 Foolz3h
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Challenge for, November the 22nd:

Write a small poem about a book you do not like.
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#50 irmeleeman5995
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Metroid Prime: The Board Game

Basically the board game is a series of rooms. You move from room to room depending on what you roll and when you stop on certain squares marked with an X you have a chance to get an upgrade; you get the upgrade you must roll a 6 on a D 6. To win the player must make it to the end of the board and fight Ridley. The fight against Ridley is a simple roll of the dice. Meta Ridley has 100 HP and when you roll the dice you do damage: 1 on the D is worth 1 damage 2 is worth 2, 3 is worth 3 etc. Each upgrade you have got before you get to Ridley doubles your damage so if you have 2 upgrades a 6 on the D will do24 damage instead of 6.


That may be the single-most genius thing I've ever heard.