A Universe from Nothing

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#1 GabuEx
Member since 2006 • 36552 Posts

One of the most common attacks on the big bang theory from creationists is the line, "How could the universe have been created from nothing?"  There are many equally common replies, most of those being, "It didn't," in some form or another, but I happened to come across a video that actually argues quite interestingly that it might well have - among other equally interesting propositions, based on cutting-edge cosmology that I had previously been unaware of.

It's about an hour long, but if you've got that time to set aside, it's well worth the watch - I don't usually say this, but on a number of occasions I can truthfully say that my mind was blown:


For those who watched at least a portion of it, any thoughts?  As the guy says, I rather doubt that this will be accepted as an answer to that question by creationists, but still, it seems like very interesting stuff.

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#2 michaelP4
Member since 2004 • 16681 Posts
It is indeed very interesting and complicated. I watched some of it, and my mind was overwhelmed with parts of it, that I just had to stop watching... my head hurts now. :P However, common counter questions to that one would be that why did God create the universe, whenever most of it is just space? Who or what created God? In essence, these questions are very difficult to answer at this moment of time.
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#3 dracula_16
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I watched up to the 37 minute mark and I think I need to throw in the towel. :P

The part that said that protons are made up almost entirely of empty space was intruiging, but my educational backround in Science is very limited. I've seen some Yotube videos that explain the same concept in a more understandable way, but I still can't wrap my mind around it.

The "forget about Jesus" joke was hilarious. Perfect timing! :D

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#4 RationalAtheist
Member since 2007 • 4428 Posts
I found it very interesting. Thanks for posting. I thought the conclusions at the end - about the flat universe, with galaxies travelling apart faster than the speed of light, was quite enlightening.
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#5 itsTolkien_time
Member since 2009 • 2295 Posts

I'll load up the video and watch it later today. It's never wise to even attempt these things at such early morning hours. It would do me no good.

EDIT: Nevermind, I couldn't resist. :P I was previously familiar with all the concepts until about the 20 minute mark, then there were progressively more and more things that were pretty new to me. Very interesting, and I'd like to get the in depth on some of the equations that were just glanced upon. More about determining the weight of the universe, and more about that phenomena that bent the light around the galaxy in that one photo.

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#6 RationalAtheist
Member since 2007 • 4428 Posts

It looks like Stephen Hawkins has been reading this thread, since he's come up with the same ideas.

There is a recent BBC report here where Hawkins claims "God did not create Universe". He illustrates this (apparently) in his new book - out on 9 September 2010. There is a 2 minute video to the news story here. In his new book, he says things like:

"Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist." and "It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going."

The book is called "The Grand Design". It is a departure from "A Brief History of Time", where Hawkins used the deistic terminology to describe knowledge.