The Last of Us 2 - Do Not Want.

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#1  Edited By TheEroica  Moderator
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The Last of Us was an incredible game. It wasn't perfect, but it was easily one of the most memorable games of the past decade, maybe more. Gameplay with a narrative that respects your investment is not something that can be overlooked in this medium, so color me impressed with the Last of Us.

I do not want another last of us.... Sorry. Some games do it right on their first iteration and it should be left alone.

I absolutely don't want another story with Joel and ellie, because we resolved that story and purposefully left it in gray, which made it all the more intriguing in the end.

I don't want a story with new characters in a different area of the infection, because I don't believe it is necessary... You won naughty dog... You made a classic, it doesn't need more paint, or fluffy clouds or shadows... It needs to be left alone and celebrated for being what it is and move on to another world to tell a story in.

Any sequels to this game will soften the legacy of the first game... Itll be Pujols going to the Angels and leaving his legacy behind for cashola.... Yuk.

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#2 StrongBlackVine
Member since 2012 • 13262 Posts

I do and we are going to get it. Can't wait to play as a young adult Ellie. She will be the next female gaming icon. Druckmann already said he envisioned TLOU as Ellie's origin story.

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#3  Edited By Ant_17
Member since 2005 • 13634 Posts

Well said, friend.

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#4  Edited By Cloud_imperium
Member since 2013 • 15146 Posts

I agree... Some games don't need sequels and The Last of Us was one of those games. But still, I won't say "No" to a new game. With new hardware, they can do even more with the franchise.

They should bring completely new story on the table. May be new kind of Post Apocalyptic environment, something that takes place far in the future with completely new cast and new threats.

Or may be they'll change it into franchise and tell us stories of different characters in the same universe. It'll loose its uniqueness that way IMO. Either way, I'm interested if there is going to be TLOU 2 but they don't HAVE TO make it happen.

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#5 jg4xchamp
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I agree, but that's modern entertainment, it's the business side of things. Game developers can't do one offs, and thus we get sequels.

Creatively speaking, they are shooting themselves in the foot if they go back to Ellie and Joel, it'll appeal to gamers sure, but they clearly have a low ass bar for story. Gameplay wise? Eh there is a lot of room for improvement there, they can definitely double down on the survival elements, but they won't. It's not the type of game Naughty Dog makes, mechanically ambitious isn't something I would associate with that studio.

That said the last part I disagree, soften its legacy? Nah, that's always been stupid. Godfather 3 doesn't make Godfather 1 and 2 less excellent, as cheesy as the Rocky sequels are (and I do like them) they don't retroactively change the part where the original Rocky is a legitimately well made movie. Lord knows the shitty Alien sequels never ruined the glory that is the original Alien. So even if Naughty Dog made something as poorly designed as Uncharted 1 and 3 (and I think that's doubtful given the base mechanics of The Last of Us), it wouldn't ruin the legacy of how good The Last of Us is.

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#6 khoofia_pika
Member since 2006 • 16761 Posts

Couldn't agree more. Any sequel, no matter how good it is, would only ruin the impact and the beauty of the first game. But ND and Sony obviously see a lot of potential in this IP, commercially and otherwise, so of course we're going to get a sequel.

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#7  Edited By mjorh
Member since 2011 • 6749 Posts

Couldn't agree more.

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#8 Desmonic  Moderator
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@TheEroica: Booo this man! Booo I say!

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#9 DaVillain  Moderator
Member since 2014 • 56428 Posts

I do. I want another Last of Us game and guess what, Nolan North already told everyone that ND is indeed working on TLoU2 as we speak. Ya'll haters can sit there and bitch all you want but some of us want more. I just hope it's not Joel and Ellie this time around, there story is finish and it's time to start a new characters with similar fates to Joel's downfall.

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#10 khoofia_pika
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I will say this- if they do end up making another TLoU (which they obviously will), I sincerely hope they don't make it about Ellie and Joel. TLoU wrapped up that story perfectly, we don't need a sequel spoiling that.

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#11 Legend002
Member since 2007 • 13405 Posts

blog it?

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#12 TheEroica  Moderator
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@Desmonic: I don't say what you want to hear... I only say what you need to hear. :P

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#13 cainetao11
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@TheEroica: Bravo my friend. It is a great game. I too feel it should get Spielberg's treatment he gave to ET his movie. Don't let it be watered down. Let the classic stand.

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#14 deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
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I agree. It's a perfect story, and I don't want it potentially ruined with shoehorned sequels which were never a part of the plan in the first place.

With that said, we are definitely getting a sequel- and I trust Naughty Dog enough to get it right. Is it something I wanted? Nope. Is it something I will still eagerly look forward to? Oh hell yes.

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#15  Edited By MirkoS77
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Capitalism and all that jazz.

I can understand the argument of it not needing another entry, but disagree that one would somehow diminish or tarnish the original's legacy. I will say I don't wish to revisit Joel and Ellie. One and done for sure, but their narrative is not the only reason I'm enamored with the game (to some peoples' astonishment I'm sure...they just can't grasp how anyone could enjoy this game when taken on any other merit but its storytelling).

I adore the world that ND created and also greatly enjoy TLoU's gameplay. It plays beautifully with great presentation and an excellent conveyance of tension that I've seldom seen executed so competently before. As long as the games remain great and the stories keep one unto themselves, I don't care how many they make. I will be there, as it is a universe worth revisiting, both from a dramatic standpoint and a mechanical perspective also.

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#16 zassimick  Moderator
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If you asked me that question after first playing the game, I'd say I agree with you. After I've played it a second time through The Last of Us: Remastered, though? I changed my mind, even going against the grain by supporting a continued story for Joel and Ellie.

Their ending to the original game is great! The ambiguity of what's going to happen next with the certainty that Ellie knows.

But I don't believe that it means there's no more story to tell. These characters still live and there could still be drama, danger, or just more that is worth telling in this world. That's great that The Last of Us is currently this wonderful standalone story, but maybe that's just the beginning for Joel and Ellie, the lead-up to the real problems that are coming their way.

If Naughty Dog believes that's the case, I support it.

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#17 Shewgenja
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Seemed like the end of TLOU was merely the beginning of a very rich creative universe. I think you're way off the mark.

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#18 TheEroica  Moderator
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@Shewgenja: didn't feel that way for me... Even after a few playthroughs... Felt like a beautifully experienced stand alone that was very poignant, raw and honest... The way it left things in ambiguity was so thought provoking and that's how I personally want to remember the game...

The second the last of us 2 comes out (with Joel and ellie as central characters) all that goes out the window.

I am so happy to be off the mark if it means preserving the feeling of the classic that is tlou... And i dont feel a need, (never have) to make every game a "rich creative universe". I fully trust naughty dog to go mix new ideas into a new classic and let their work stand on its own forever...

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#19 mems_1224
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Yup, 100% with you. The worst thing they can do is make a sequel with Joel or Ellie. It would be a huge bummer and a waste of ND's talent.

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#20  Edited By Zethrickk382
Member since 2013 • 480 Posts

@Desmonic: "@TheEroica: Booo this man! Booo I say!"

Agreed, lol

Although I feel the story had closure and a sequel would do well with completely new characters.

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#21 PSP107
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I went through The Last of Us(PS3)early this year and didn't see "game of the generation"

Uncharted 2 and God of War 3 was more impressive.

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#22 Shewgenja
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@TheEroica: I mean.. I'm inclined ed to say that it took its point and drove it home unbelievably well. To that end, I absolutely see where you are coming from. It's just that in another sense, within that ambiguity, lies a story and a world that continues from that point.

What if Ellie found out? What kind of choices would she make? That was entirely out of the equation, and there is a damn good story there.

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#23 SexyJazzCat
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Well i fucking do.

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#24 TheEroica  Moderator
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@Zassimick: here's the thing... I agree with much of your sentiment, but what I don't believe is that it will all be executed in the "perfect" way or even in a way that will augment the franchise further.... By leaving the conclusion ambiguous it allows fans to romanticize their own story for where these characters lives go... I see this falling into the same trap most other "art of gray" sequels/stories take us... To unfulffilling expectations. It's not that I think naughty dog can't make another last of us that is interesting to play, what I'm saying is that their efforts could be spent creating something brand new... Another classic, another struggle, another character... I crave no more information about the last of us. Just like I crave no more trees in the background of the Mona Lisa or another disciple in the last supper... I just want to celebrate it for what it is and allow a fantastic developer (one that is not infallible by the way, naughty dog does not hit a high note in every game and by the same measurement one could say Uncharted is becoming long in the tooth, from a narrative perspective, or at least overly familiar) to create a new game that blows us away the way tlou did...

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#25  Edited By Heil68
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I would like to see them do something new of course, but if they make a TLOU2, I'm playing that sucka. :P

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#26 06
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Well I would love another one just so they can give us multiplayer, Last of Us has my favorite multiplayer out of PS3 and PS4 games so far, spent many hundred hours on it, so I would love an improved version.

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#27  Edited By clone01
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I would, but I do agree to not have Joel or Ellie. I'd like a new set of characters set within that universe.

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#28 xdude85
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Hell no, after that cliffhanger in the first game, I definitely want to see what happens next.

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#29  Edited By Bread_or_Decide
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I found TLOU to be all right. Maybe I should play it again. Maybe the hype ruined my experience. I found it to be an okay story, nothing stellar, with some well made stealth sections, poor gunplay, and awful filler segments. How anyone could put up with all those get ellie across water sections I'll never know. Does it need a sequel? Does anything need a sequel? They won't let money sit on the table when they know part two would sell big time.

You know what really broke my immersion with TLOU? I would stealthily get passed an entire section of enemies only to discover I couldn't go on until I killed them all. WHAT? You mean I don't get a choice?

The best thing about TLOU is the score. I honestly think the music is what made everyone think it to be a better game than it is.

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#30 dante1972
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It will be awesome. Cant wait. It will also be a HUGE system seller and help drive another stake in XBONE.

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#31 Terrencec06
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i hear where you are coming from, but I look at the next story as Ellie's journey through the world. Naughty Dog is a very talented team and wont let us down

But if you truly feel this way, don't play the next one.

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#32 TheEroica  Moderator
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@Shewgenja: there are definitely questions to be answered and as you said, there are conversations that game could still present that would be very powerful... But that IS the romanticism with leaving something in gray that makes it fun to wonder. I guess I'm on the side of keeping that wonderment in tact because it's an element that makes the original game a classic...

I'm not taking a shot at naughty dog... I do that enough over Uncharted, but I'm not in the camp that believes naughty dog is an infallible developer... I think they make mistakes in gameplay and narrative, same as everyone else. To me it's an unnecessary risk to further blow out that story and more a money thing (which I can't blame them for) than a desire to resolve a story they already told with great conviction.

If they released a teaser for a new ip, that allowed me to begin that romanticism with a new universe all over again,id be so much more excited.

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#33  Edited By Zero_epyon
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@Desmonic said:

@TheEroica: Booo this man! Booo I say!

Second! Stick to your calibrations @TheEroica

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#34  Edited By TheEroica  Moderator
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@Zethrickk382: @Zero_epyon: come.... Lay your boos at my feet.... Archangel can take it. :P

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#35  Edited By TheEroica  Moderator
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@Terrencec06: that's the problem... Once the game exists, whether I play it or not, the wonderfully raw and honest ending of the first is rendered, useless.... There is no more discussion as to what could be... There just "is" and there is no guarantee, in fact I'd argue it's likely the sequel will not reach the same height as the first.

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#36  Edited By TheEroica  Moderator
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@dante1972: I don't much care for increasing ps4 sales on the backs of a last of us sequel.... I'm more concerned with going from the Matrix to the Matrix 2/3 in terms of how powerful and engrossing an ip can be. . You can't unsee that and you can't go back to when it was nearly perfect, once it's out its connected and the original is different.

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#37  Edited By Shewgenja
Member since 2009 • 21456 Posts

@TheEroica said:

@Shewgenja: there are definitely questions to be answered and as you said, there are conversations that game could still present that would be very powerful... But that IS the romanticism with leaving something in gray that makes it fun to wonder. I guess I'm on the side of keeping that wonderment in tact because it's an element that makes the original game a classic...

I'm not taking a shot at naughty dog... I do that enough over Uncharted, but I'm not in the camp that believes naughty dog is an infallible developer... I think they make mistakes in gameplay and narrative, same as everyone else. To me it's an unnecessary risk to further blow out that story and more a money thing (which I can't blame them for) than a desire to resolve a story they already told with great conviction.

If they released a teaser for a new ip, that allowed me to begin that romanticism with a new universe all over again,id be so much more excited.

Word. I'm willing to humor the sequel if it is as honest as the first, that is for sure. That's all I ask. Humor the thought that the story could continue, even in context, and deliver a riveting story still. Of course, they could totally take a water shit all over one of the best games gen 7 graced us with. In that regard, it would be a terrible travesty.

The fact that the risk is that big is really just a testament to how good the game was out of the gate. In this day and age of trilogies, it's painfully rare for something to make a lasting impact in one go.

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#38 Flyincloud1116
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Honestly I could care less what ND makes next, as long as it's good.

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#39  Edited By KratosYOLOSwag
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Naughty Dog's next game has to be Savage Starlight, or anything sci-fi. Druckmann said they had concepts for TLoU 2, a sci-fi game, and a fantasy game. In a recent interview where he was asked about why Uncharted 4 is the last Uncharted from Naughty Dog, he said that Sony basically gives them the freedom to make what they want, and it sounded like he wanted to do something new after The Last of Us and Uncharted 4.

We know Naughty Dog has a second AAA project underway but I'm curious if it's still Straley/Druckmann as leads or if Naughty Dog got some new directors.

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#40 ColdCaseLuke
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@Legend002: What's this "blog it" movement I see popping up everywhere. It seems only a few members that everyone knows on this forum will post this. Instead of engaging, with the "less popular posters" when they took the time to write whatever it may be. I know most are dedicated troll's... Why not point out to a mod why this or that isn't SW material??? (General question, not pertaining to TC.)

OT: TLOU was the second to last game on ps3 I got. It was a brilliant game, that didn't need to over explain the world. The ending is not everyone's cup of tea (being a film buff, it was refreshing). Whether we get adult Ellie, older Joel. Something else entirely, or nothing at all. Be glad it was truly a game, that blended game/cinema together (The Order anyone....) I have complete confidence in ND to continue this, there is no way in an office during a brainstorm session they all agreed on "Umm... Lets take a step back from killing it?"

Yes Uncharted 3, I know... Trial and error. Still leaps beyond most similar games at the time. I want a tlou sequel, pshhh I want a damn double trilogy if its going to capture that feeling over, and over again.

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#41 Litchie
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They do this with games and movies we love all the time. And I agree, it sucks.

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#42 Zero_epyon
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@TheEroica said:

@Zethrickk382: @Zero_epyon: come.... Lay your boos at my feet.... Archangel can take it. :P

Archangel is a myth! A Myth I say!

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I agree but they'll beat the dead horse regardless. Let 'em. The charm will die, why should I care? the only ones to regret later will be those who want it.

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#44  Edited By dalger21
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@TheEroica said:

The Last of Us was an incredible game. It wasn't perfect, but it was easily one of the most memorable games of the past decade, maybe more. Gameplay with a narrative that respects your investment is not something that can be overlooked in this medium, so color me impressed with the Last of Us.

I do not want another last of us.... Sorry. Some games do it right on their first iteration and it should be left alone.

I absolutely don't want another story with Joel and ellie, because we resolved that story and purposefully left it in gray, which made it all the more intriguing in the end.

I don't want a story with new characters in a different area of the infection, because I don't believe it is necessary... You won naughty dog... You made a classic, it doesn't need more paint, or fluffy clouds or shadows... It needs to be left alone and celebrated for being what it is and move on to another world to tell a story in.

Any sequels to this game will soften the legacy of the first game... Itll be Pujols going to the Angels and leaving his legacy behind for cashola.... Yuk.

I said the exact same thing when I finished it the very first time on PS3. I do not want a sequel. It was too good to warrant a sequel. It cannot possibly live up to the original no matter what they do.

@Bread_or_Decide said:

You know what really broke my immersion with TLOU? I would stealthily get passed an entire section of enemies only to discover I couldn't go on until I killed them all. WHAT? You mean I don't get a choice?

Not sure how you were playing it but there were very few sections where you "had" to kill anyone.

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#46 TheEroica  Moderator
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@Zero_epyon: how dare you sir... When archangel takes the shot he never misses!

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#47 Bread_or_Decide
Member since 2007 • 29761 Posts

@dalger21 said:
@TheEroica said:

The Last of Us was an incredible game. It wasn't perfect, but it was easily one of the most memorable games of the past decade, maybe more. Gameplay with a narrative that respects your investment is not something that can be overlooked in this medium, so color me impressed with the Last of Us.

I do not want another last of us.... Sorry. Some games do it right on their first iteration and it should be left alone.

I absolutely don't want another story with Joel and ellie, because we resolved that story and purposefully left it in gray, which made it all the more intriguing in the end.

I don't want a story with new characters in a different area of the infection, because I don't believe it is necessary... You won naughty dog... You made a classic, it doesn't need more paint, or fluffy clouds or shadows... It needs to be left alone and celebrated for being what it is and move on to another world to tell a story in.

Any sequels to this game will soften the legacy of the first game... Itll be Pujols going to the Angels and leaving his legacy behind for cashola.... Yuk.

I said the exact same thing when I finished it the very first time on PS3. I do not want a sequel. It was too good to warrant a sequel. It cannot possibly live up to the original no matter what they do.

@Bread_or_Decide said:

You know what really broke my immersion with TLOU? I would stealthily get passed an entire section of enemies only to discover I couldn't go on until I killed them all. WHAT? You mean I don't get a choice?

Not sure how you were playing it but there were very few sections where you "had" to kill anyone.

There's a section in a tunnel with buses near the end. That's the one that really pissed me off.

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#48  Edited By indzman
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I want sequel to be all foccused on now grown up Ellie. Her Boyfreind ( a new Protagonist ) Teams up with her. In search for her father figure now old Joel who is taken captive by Military for Unkown reasons.. New NPC's and Criminal Organisations, Throw in Military as prime antagonists, New and more deadlier Zombie Varities. Gameplay: while Firearms returning, Elee can weild upgradable Katanas , Chainsaws , Axes for Overkill. Can Change Costumes. Its a perfect win :)

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#49 jhonMalcovich
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@StrongBlackVine said:

I do and we are going to get it. Can't wait to play as a young adult Ellie. She will be the next female gaming icon. Druckmann already said he envisioned TLOU as Ellie's origin story.

Shut up, Meg.

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#50 cainetao11
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@TheEroica: I am so happy to be off the mark if it means preserving the feeling of the classic that is tlou... And i dont feel a need, (never have) to make every game a "rich creative universe". I fully trust naughty dog to go mix new ideas into a new classic and let their work stand on its own forever

I agree completely. To answer other people, no the godfather 3 doesn't make 1&2 bad but when someone mentions the godfather it inevitably comes to mention "well except 3". Look at halo. The way alot of people have been shitting on it since 3. Nothing makes the first game worse but the name no longer carries that weight of an incredible property. I agree with you. TLOU2 maybe a great game. But it will make TLOU just like every other popular thing: needlessly continued. ND are suck a creative force I would love to see what else they could come up with as a new ip