Uncharted 2: Am I the only one that hates this trash!

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#1 JonathanDBowden
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts

In the wake of Uncharted 3 i've been playing Uncharted 2 again after failing to finish it when it came out (due to the fact that it was terrible), and I have to say... I still hate it, that this game is so lauded is appaling. If it had bad graphics and Uncharted 1 was poorly reviewed this game would have had no where near the acclaim. The fact that there are apparently NO negative reviews in the whole world seems very odd to me, I know most people take whatever is thrust down their throats (just look at the music charts), but seriously this is just weird.

It is perhaps the most critically acclaimed game in a decade, but why? Seriously. I have tried to finish this game twice now and have had to stop both times because it is, in a word, dire. What exactly does it do well? Graphics? Yep, a decent score? Yep. But... absoloutley nothing else. The combat is a staggering slog, enemy after enemy after enemy, it feels almost never ending, were you still enjoying the combat come the end of the game? There was absoloutley no variation in enemy, games tend to gradually introduce new enemies to keep it fresh, Uncharted 2 doesn't do this, every enemy you kill is the same as the last one, perhaps one will be carrying a shield or the other a helmet but thats it. They didn't even put any boss fights in the game, I cannot see why, boss fights actually serve a purpose, they, ironically, give you a break from the games usual structure, something to focus your attention on, but Uncharted 2 seems to be one throbbing mass of gunfire and the odd puzzle (very odd, I mean about 2 in the whole game).

Before I move onto the woeful plot let me look at a few flawed gameplay mechanics:

  • The hand to hand combat is highly frustrating, enemies can take a while to knock out meaning you WILL get shot from all sides because there are ALWAYS dozens of enemys around.
  • The climbing sections are simply not fun, the bit in the snowy caves for instance takes an extremely long time where nothing really happens.
  • Often Chloe or Elane will say in a hushed manner "better be quiet Nate, we don't want to attract unecessary attention", so you assume 'oh, I must be able to get through this area without being seen', it soon becomes obvious that either you can't so you just think 'forget it, I may a well plough them down'. Ultimatley the enemies are about as intimidating as a baby squirrel so you never need to not be seen, you KNOW that you can take out every enemy with ease.

Now onto the plot. Well i'll start by saying this, Uncharted 2 has one of the worst plots in any game I have ever played, it makes the Teletubbies sound like Dickens. Essentially Drake meets up with an old friend who, for reasons that are absoloutley without justification or reason, turns his back on Drake. Drake then decides to persue the treasure that his English friend was after, either for fame, fortune or revenge Drake sets out on an utterly unjustified massacre killing hundreds of "enemies" (that were presumably only doing their jobs as hired hands) whilst making jokes about punching holes in ticket trains as their brains splatter down the walls. Usually in games the protagonist is the good guy, the enemy the provocatuer, the contrary is true in Uncharted 2, Drake is the intruder, the murderer, the sociopath; and don't tell me this doesn't matter because empathy can be the difference between enjoyment and despair in games.

The games is chocked full of plot holes:

  • Why didn't Lasaravic simply buy the seemingly "worthless" (to use Drakes owen description) vase from the museum if he is as rich as is hinted during the game.
  • Why is Drake so reluctant to kill museum guards but so jovial about killing soldiers?
  • Why, and this is one of the bigger plot holes, WHY on earth did Lasaravic kidnap the elderly guy? Answer me this? Elena says it is because "he had the knife"... well then take the knife... why kidnap the guy?
  • How on earth did the Nazi's get as far as Drake without the key, presumably there is only one key and if they had it, it couldn't have been where Drake found it.
  • Chloes justification for turning her back on Drake is flawed, he didn't what to leave a guy to die? How appaling of him...
  • Would a helecopter really fire rockets at the train that it was on the same side as?

Okay okay, you might say plot doesn't matter but when a game is trying so hard to mimic the likes of Broken Sword and Indiana Jones it seems obscene that it should fail so dismally at what made those so engaging.

The plot is so SO slow, the only thing that has changed between reaching Shangri-La and the very start of the game is that Drake now has a justification to kill hundreds of men (because they are gunna get really powerful due to an ancient object (how origional...)), this is the only change! We still don't know if Chloe is trustworthy, Elana has had no input in the plot, Sullivan is still conspicuously absent!

Gameplay wise, plot wise, the game does everythng averagely. Why do people love this game so much?! WHY?! Am I the only person??

Oh and before you slap the "360 Fanboy" label on me I don't own a 360.

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#3 H_M_1
Member since 2011 • 1150 Posts

In the wake of Uncharted 3 i've been playing Uncharted 2 again after failing to finish it when it came out (due to the fact that it was terrible), and I have to say... I still hate it, that this game is so lauded is appaling. If it had bad graphics and Uncharted 1 was poorly reviewed this game would have had no where near the acclaim. The fact that there are apparently NO negative reviews in the whole world seems very odd to me, I know most people take whatever is thrust down their throats (just look at the music charts), but seriously this is just weird.

It is perhaps the most critically acclaimed game in a decade, but why? Seriously. I have tried to finish this game twice now and have had to stop both times because it is, in a word, dire. What exactly does it do well? Graphics? Yep, a decent score? Yep. But... absoloutley nothing else. The combat is a staggering slog, enemy after enemy after enemy, it feels almost never ending, were you still enjoying the combat come the end of the game? There was absoloutley no variation in enemy, games tend to gradually introduce new enemies to keep it fresh, Uncharted 2 doesn't do this, every enemy you kill is the same as the last one, perhaps one will be carrying a shield or the other a helmet but thats it. They didn't even put any boss fights in the game, I cannot see why, boss fights actually serve a purpose, they, ironically, give you a break from the games usual structure, something to focus your attention on, but Uncharted 2 seems to be one throbbing mass of gunfire and the odd puzzle (very odd, I mean about 2 in the whole game).

Before I move onto the woeful plot let me look at a few flawed gameplay mechanics:

  • The hand to hand combat is highly frustrating, enemies can take a while to knock out meaning you WILL get shot from all sides because there are ALWAYS dozens of enemys around.
  • The climbing sections are simply not fun, the bit in the snowy caves for instance takes an extremely long time where nothing really happens.
  • Often Chloe or Elane will say in a hushed manner "better be quiet Nate, we don't want to attract unecessary attention", so you assume 'oh, I must be able to get through this area without being seen', it soon becomes obvious that either you can't so you just think 'forget it, I may a well plough them down'. Ultimatley the enemies are about as intimidating as a baby squirrel so you never need to not be seen, you KNOW that you can take out every enemy with ease.

Now onto the plot. Well i'll start by saying this, Uncharted 2 has one of the worst plots in any game I have ever played, it makes the Teletubbies sound like Dickens. Essentially Drake meets up with an old friend who, for reasons that are absoloutley without justification or reason, turns his back on Drake. Drake then decides to persue the treasure that his English friend was after, either for fame, fortune or revenge Drake sets out on an utterly unjustified massacre killing hundreds of "enemies" (that were presumably only doing their jobs as hired hands) whilst making jokes about punching holes in ticket trains as their brains splatter down the walls. Usually in games the protagonist is the good guy, the enemy the provocatuer, the contrary is true in Uncharted 2, Drake is the intruder, the murderer, the sociopath; and don't tell me this doesn't matter because empathy can be the difference between enjoyment and despair in games.

The games is chocked full of plot holes:

  • Why didn't Lasaravic simply buy the seemingly "worthless" (to use Drakes owen description) vase from the museum if he is as rich as is hinted during the game.
  • Why is Drake so reluctant to kill museum guards but so jovial about killing soldiers?
  • Why, and this is one of the bigger plot holes, WHY on earth did Lasaravic kidnap the elderly guy? Answer me this? Elena says it is because "he had the knife"... well then take the knife... why kidnap the guy?
  • How on earth did the Nazi's get as far as Drake without the key, presumably there is only one key and if they had it, it couldn't have been where Drake found it.
  • Chloes justification for turning her back on Drake is flawed, he didn't what to leave a guy to die? How appaling of him...
  • Would a helecopter really fire rockets at the train that it was on the same side as?

Okay okay, you might say plot doesn't matter but when a game is trying so hard to mimic the likes of Broken Sword and Indiana Jones it seems obscene that it should fail so dismally at what made those so engaging.

The plot is so SO slow, the only thing that has changed between reaching Shangri-La and the very start of the game is that Drake now has a justification to kill hundreds of men (because they are gunna get really powerful due to an ancient object (how origional...)), this is the only change! We still don't know if Chloe is trustworthy, Elana has had no input in the plot, Sullivan is still conspicuously absent!

Gameplay wise, plot wise, the game does everythng averagely. Why do people love this game so much?! WHY?! Am I the only person??

Oh and before you slap the "360 Fanboy" label on me I don't own a 360.

Ok, nice mini review of Uncharted 2, one that won't distract many. To each his own.
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#4 -Rinder-
Member since 2008 • 1307 Posts

That's my response to this.



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#5 BoxingTheStars
Member since 2007 • 1241 Posts

its just a game bro

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#6 ipumpmygun
Member since 2007 • 456 Posts

If the creator of this thread doesn't like it, he doesn't like it. Not everyone has the same likes and dislikes.

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#7 Sepewrath
Member since 2005 • 30689 Posts
Why does no one understand the meaning of the term plot hole?
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#8 MC-Reap
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#9 RickTophen
Member since 2011 • 487 Posts
Why does no one understand the meaning of the term plot hole? Sepewrath
I do, and theres none in uncharted 2.
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#10 mugen_infinity
Member since 2007 • 156 Posts

Even though I enjoyed the game, I must say, he raises some valid points. I was annoyed by a number of these problems, but I was able to overlook them. The game is quality, but I think it was a bit overrated.

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#11 cdragon_88
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#12 Bedizen
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I liked it, but I don't take gaming as intense as TC

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#13 2Chalupas
Member since 2009 • 7284 Posts
Sweet essay. I'd read it but I have A-D-D.
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#14 MethodManFTW
Member since 2009 • 26516 Posts
I like the game because it's fun. That is usually my first priority when it comes to games... Bummer you have a game you don't like though. :(
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#15 3dfd
Member since 2008 • 767 Posts

Uncharted 2 was pretty good. He acutally did open up my mind with some of them things about the plot though.

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#16 greensthooligan
Member since 2008 • 426 Posts

should have written this in the review section buddy :roll:
uncharted 2 was a masterpiece. end. of. story.

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#17 Fightingfan
Member since 2010 • 38011 Posts
[QUOTE="Sepewrath"]Why does no one understand the meaning of the term plot hole? RickTophen
I do, and theres none in uncharted 2.

Yes there is. The old man had no point in the whole game.
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#18 Sepewrath
Member since 2005 • 30689 Posts
Someone having no value to the plot is not a plot hole.
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#19 IndianaPwns39
Member since 2008 • 5037 Posts

Alright I'm just going to respond to your bullet points. I honestly don't give two craps if you like the game or not but those points... well, they're worth replying to.

- Pro tip: Don't melee people when you're being shot at. Yup.

- Ok, that's your opinion. You don't find it fun. Fair point.

- There are a lot of sections where you can stealth your way through. So...

And the story points

- Maybe it wasn't for sale. Dun dun dun!

- Museum guards are innocent security personal that are just doing their jobs. The soldiers are ruthless, paid killers that shoot at him so he fires back. Not even remotely a plot hole.

- Bargaining chip. No reason to kill him when he might be helpful in solving the location of Shangra-la and also as a way to damage Drake mentally, considering they were allies.

- It was over 60 years since the Nazis found their way in there. Maybe there were two keys, or maybe there was another entrance that they used that wasn't there anymore due to natural causes such as an avalance or something. Maybe they used explosives to get in in an area we never quite see. Maybe they found access to it the same way the Guardians did.

- Chloe was completely justified in turning her back on Drake according to her character. You say "how appalling of him" for saving a man but that isn't her character. Chloe is presented as a selfish character that looks out for herself. Drake directly put her life in danger by trying to save Jeff and she didn't want to take the risk. Drake didn't even hear her out, so of course she got angry but ultimately came to her senses to help Drake and Elena.

- If everyone was dead why not? It wasn't like he was trying to destroy the entire train. But no that probably wouldn't happen in real life. Just like Nazis fighting supernatural Guardians in Shangra-la.

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#20 MethodManFTW
Member since 2009 • 26516 Posts
[QUOTE="RickTophen"][QUOTE="Sepewrath"]Why does no one understand the meaning of the term plot hole? Fightingfan
I do, and theres none in uncharted 2.

Yes there is. The old man had no point in the whole game.

I dunno if you are saying those two things are related, but Karl Schafer being in the game is not a plot hole..
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#21 Fightingfan
Member since 2010 • 38011 Posts

[QUOTE="Fightingfan"][QUOTE="RickTophen"] I do, and theres none in uncharted 2. MethodManFTW
Yes there is. The old man had no point in the whole game.

I dunno if you are saying those two things are related, but Karl Schafer being in the game is not a plot hole..

No the whole "City" was the major one, but the whole story in Uncharted2 has huge gaps that they didn't fill. Guess it's something they can use to make Vita games.

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#22 MethodManFTW
Member since 2009 • 26516 Posts

[QUOTE="MethodManFTW"][QUOTE="Fightingfan"] Yes there is. The old man had no point in the whole game.Fightingfan

I dunno if you are saying those two things are related, but Karl Schafer being in the game is not a plot hole..

No the whole "City" was the major one, but the whole story in Uncharted2 has huge gaps that they didn't fill. Guess it's something they can use to make Vita games.

Ah ok, I thought you were saying Karl Schafer was a plot hole.
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#23 RickTophen
Member since 2011 • 487 Posts
[QUOTE="RickTophen"][QUOTE="Sepewrath"]Why does no one understand the meaning of the term plot hole? Fightingfan
I do, and theres none in uncharted 2.

Yes there is. The old man had no point in the whole game.

Lying again? Are you talking about Sully?
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#24 TheReaper45
Member since 2008 • 26 Posts

that was the most pathetic overview of a game I have ever read. Seriously, it was that bad i still think its a troll. please say you're trolling.

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#25 ez_moneymaker
Member since 2006 • 1211 Posts

In the wake of Uncharted 3 i've been playing Uncharted 2 again after failing to finish it when it came out (due to the fact that it was terrible), and I have to say... I still hate it, that this game is so lauded is appaling. If it had bad graphics and Uncharted 1 was poorly reviewed this game would have had no where near the acclaim. The fact that there are apparently NO negative reviews in the whole world seems very odd to me, I know most people take whatever is thrust down their throats (just look at the music charts), but seriously this is just weird.

It is perhaps the most critically acclaimed game in a decade, but why? Seriously. I have tried to finish this game twice now and have had to stop both times because it is, in a word, dire. What exactly does it do well? Graphics? Yep, a decent score? Yep. But... absoloutley nothing else. The combat is a staggering slog, enemy after enemy after enemy, it feels almost never ending, were you still enjoying the combat come the end of the game? There was absoloutley no variation in enemy, games tend to gradually introduce new enemies to keep it fresh, Uncharted 2 doesn't do this, every enemy you kill is the same as the last one, perhaps one will be carrying a shield or the other a helmet but thats it. They didn't even put any boss fights in the game, I cannot see why, boss fights actually serve a purpose, they, ironically, give you a break from the games usual structure, something to focus your attention on, but Uncharted 2 seems to be one throbbing mass of gunfire and the odd puzzle (very odd, I mean about 2 in the whole game).

Before I move onto the woeful plot let me look at a few flawed gameplay mechanics:

  • The hand to hand combat is highly frustrating, enemies can take a while to knock out meaning you WILL get shot from all sides because there are ALWAYS dozens of enemys around.
  • The climbing sections are simply not fun, the bit in the snowy caves for instance takes an extremely long time where nothing really happens.
  • Often Chloe or Elane will say in a hushed manner "better be quiet Nate, we don't want to attract unecessary attention", so you assume 'oh, I must be able to get through this area without being seen', it soon becomes obvious that either you can't so you just think 'forget it, I may a well plough them down'. Ultimatley the enemies are about as intimidating as a baby squirrel so you never need to not be seen, you KNOW that you can take out every enemy with ease.

Now onto the plot. Well i'll start by saying this, Uncharted 2 has one of the worst plots in any game I have ever played, it makes the Teletubbies sound like Dickens. Essentially Drake meets up with an old friend who, for reasons that are absoloutley without justification or reason, turns his back on Drake. Drake then decides to persue the treasure that his English friend was after, either for fame, fortune or revenge Drake sets out on an utterly unjustified massacre killing hundreds of "enemies" (that were presumably only doing their jobs as hired hands) whilst making jokes about punching holes in ticket trains as their brains splatter down the walls. Usually in games the protagonist is the good guy, the enemy the provocatuer, the contrary is true in Uncharted 2, Drake is the intruder, the murderer, the sociopath; and don't tell me this doesn't matter because empathy can be the difference between enjoyment and despair in games.

The games is chocked full of plot holes:

  • Why didn't Lasaravic simply buy the seemingly "worthless" (to use Drakes owen description) vase from the museum if he is as rich as is hinted during the game.
  • Why is Drake so reluctant to kill museum guards but so jovial about killing soldiers?
  • Why, and this is one of the bigger plot holes, WHY on earth did Lasaravic kidnap the elderly guy? Answer me this? Elena says it is because "he had the knife"... well then take the knife... why kidnap the guy?
  • How on earth did the Nazi's get as far as Drake without the key, presumably there is only one key and if they had it, it couldn't have been where Drake found it.
  • Chloes justification for turning her back on Drake is flawed, he didn't what to leave a guy to die? How appaling of him...
  • Would a helecopter really fire rockets at the train that it was on the same side as?

Okay okay, you might say plot doesn't matter but when a game is trying so hard to mimic the likes of Broken Sword and Indiana Jones it seems obscene that it should fail so dismally at what made those so engaging.

The plot is so SO slow, the only thing that has changed between reaching Shangri-La and the very start of the game is that Drake now has a justification to kill hundreds of men (because they are gunna get really powerful due to an ancient object (how origional...)), this is the only change! We still don't know if Chloe is trustworthy, Elana has had no input in the plot, Sullivan is still conspicuously absent!

Gameplay wise, plot wise, the game does everythng averagely. Why do people love this game so much?! WHY?! Am I the only person??

Oh and before you slap the "360 Fanboy" label on me I don't own a 360.

This might sound unoriginal but its as simple as this. I like it and you dont. Why are you forcing yourself to play a game you hate. DONT PLAY IT. Again unoriginal but if everyone jumped off the cliff then why join. Its just not for you. Some look past some of those flaws and make our own assumptions as to why. I can tell you DONT PLAY UNCHARTED 3!! Im sure you will cuz everyone is and you hafta see what the hoop-la is all about. Then rant bout how you hate it and try to wonder why we like it so much. Look its as simple as this. There comes a time where ppl will like different things then one another. Religion, music, movies, games, and all other hobbies. Just play what you like and stop trying to figure out why other ppl like it.
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#27 PSP107
Member since 2007 • 18827 Posts
I liked Uncharted 2 overall but its an example of why this gen is overrated.
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#28 JangoWuzHere
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  • The hand to hand combat is highly frustrating, enemies can take a while to knock out meaning you WILL get shot from all sides because there are ALWAYS dozens of enemys around.
  • The climbing sections are simply not fun, the bit in the snowy caves for instance takes an extremely long time where nothing really happens.
  • Often Chloe or Elane will say in a hushed manner "better be quiet Nate, we don't want to attract unecessary attention", so you assume 'oh, I must be able to get through this area without being seen', it soon becomes obvious that either you can't so you just think 'forget it, I may a well plough them down'. Ultimatley the enemies are about as intimidating as a baby squirrel so you never need to not be seen, you KNOW that you can take out every enemy with ease.

I don't recommend picking up Uncharted 3 if those are your main complaints with the gameplay. Those issues are far more prevalent in the sequel. Especially the hand to hand combat bits. In UC2, you spend at about 3-5 seconds at most fist fighting any enemy. In UC3, the fist fights can drag on for almost half a minute with just one armored guy or giant brute.

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#29 Chaos_Bladez
Member since 2007 • 5801 Posts
That's fine that you didn't like it (although I don't see a point in making a thread 2 years later) but I'll answer your plot questions. 1. The vase probably wasn't for sale. 2. Because the guards aren't bad guys. Lazaravic's men are evil. 3. He kidnapped him to get the knife and to draw Drake to him. Doesn't Elena say something about it being a trap? 4. The key has been around for a while. Someone else had to have used it. 5. She was playing both sides so when Lazaravic was coming to find them with Jeff dying there, she had to make it look like she was there first or her cover would have been blown. 6. Yes, to kill Drake I guess. Shame you couldn't enjoy this game, as I disagree heavily with all of your points. I find it to be one of my favorites of all time. Like I always say here, OPINIONS! :D
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#30 volume_three
Member since 2005 • 2142 Posts

That's my response to this.



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#31 Fightingfan
Member since 2010 • 38011 Posts
Anyone mind telling me what was the point in Karl? I've beaten U2 a crap load of times(have the platinum), and I still can't seem to figure it out? He doesn't seem anymore significant then Jeff the camera man to me from what I remember.
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#32 MethodManFTW
Member since 2009 • 26516 Posts
[QUOTE="Fightingfan"]Anyone mind telling me what was the point in Karl? I've beaten U2 a crap load of times(have the platinum), and I still can't seem to figure it out? He doesn't seem anymore significant then Jeff the camera man to me from what I remember.

He knows where the entrance to Shambhala is, and is the reason Zoran finds it... He also said he had to kill his entire exploration group because he is scared what the nazi's would of done with the power of the cintimani stone.. you know... video game story stuff..
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#33 jbc7343
Member since 2007 • 441 Posts

Anyone mind telling me what was the point in Karl? I've beaten U2 a crap load of times(have the platinum), and I still can't seem to figure it out? He doesn't seem anymore significant then Jeff the camera man to me from what I remember.Fightingfan

I'm just putting this out there and I may be wrong or my analysis may be off but this is how I see it.

[spoiler] Karl was part of an expedition to also find the entrance to Shambala. If you remember Karl had to kill his traveling companions (Nate later finds the dead bodies) when he learned of the power of the Cintamani Stone. To me, the point of Karl was to convince Nate to continue looking for the entrance to Shambala and that it existed. [/spoiler]

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#34 jbc7343
Member since 2007 • 441 Posts

[QUOTE="Fightingfan"]Anyone mind telling me what was the point in Karl? I've beaten U2 a crap load of times(have the platinum), and I still can't seem to figure it out? He doesn't seem anymore significant then Jeff the camera man to me from what I remember.MethodManFTW
He knows where the entrance to Shambhala is, and is the reason Zoran finds it... He also said he had to kill his entire exploration group because he is scared what the nazi's would of done with the power of the cintimani stone.. you know... video game story stuff..

awww ... you beat me to it.

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#35 Weenski
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The fact that there are apparently NO negative reviews in the whole world seems very odd to me,JonathanDBowden
Maybe because it's a great game. If Uncharted 2's review scores surprise you, maybe it's you that's wrong, not the reviewers. As for the plot, don't take it so seriously. If you are SO OBSESSED with finding 'plot holes' in a video game, maybe you need to get out of the house, go and have some fun, maybe even talk to somebody about your problems.
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#36 Fightingfan
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[QUOTE="MethodManFTW"][QUOTE="Fightingfan"]Anyone mind telling me what was the point in Karl? I've beaten U2 a crap load of times(have the platinum), and I still can't seem to figure it out? He doesn't seem anymore significant then Jeff the camera man to me from what I remember.

kill his entire exploration group because he is scared what the nazi's would of done with the power of the cintimani stone.. you know... video game story stuff..

Ok, I remember the whole nazi thing now.
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#37 MethodManFTW
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[QUOTE="JonathanDBowden"]The fact that there are apparently NO negative reviews in the whole world seems very odd to me,Weenski
Maybe because it's a great game. If Uncharted 2's review scores surprise you, maybe it's you that's wrong, not the reviewers. As for the plot, don't take it so seriously. If you are SO OBSESSED with finding 'plot holes' in a video game, maybe you need to get out of the house, go and have some fun, maybe even talk to somebody about your problems.

I'm not gonna check but I find it incredibly had to believe the game has no negative reviews... I've seen Uncharted 3 with a 4/10 and a 5/10...
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#38 Fightingfan
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Go did you guys beat U3? What was the whole point in the Arabic guy? I totally going to have to repeat the whole story.

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#39 MethodManFTW
Member since 2009 • 26516 Posts

Go did you guys beat U3? What was the whole point in the Arabic guy? I totally going to have to repeat the whole story.

To move along the story... [spoiler] to help drake [/spoiler] What do you mean by what is the whole point? Basically all characters in every game are just plot devices..
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#40 SummerHillard
Member since 2011 • 414 Posts

Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 3 are gaming masterpieces that put most big-budgetHollywood films to shame.

Without a doubt Sony CE's greatest franchise in its 15-year history.

The end.

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#41 jbc7343
Member since 2007 • 441 Posts


Go did you guys beat U3? What was the whole point in the Arabic guy? I totally going to have to repeat the whole story.


To move along the story... [spoiler] to help drake [/spoiler] What do you mean by what is the whole point? Basically all characters in every game are just plot devices..

Honestly, I just stop questioning certain plot devices. I find that if I wonder too much then I don't really enjoy the game. Why can't you just enjoy the game for what it was?

The arabic guy reminded me of the Arabic guy from the Mummy movies.

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#42 jbc7343
Member since 2007 • 441 Posts

Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 3 are gaming masterpieces that put most big-budgetHollywood films to shame.

Without a doubt Sony CE's greatest franchise in its 15-year history.

The end.


I kind of disagree with you. Their whole catalog is nothing to scoff at. While I do enjoy the Uncharted games I wouldn't say that it is Sony's greatest franchise.

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#43 Fightingfan
Member since 2010 • 38011 Posts


Go did you guys beat U3? What was the whole point in the Arabic guy? I totally going to have to repeat the whole story.


To move along the story... [spoiler] to help drake [/spoiler] What do you mean by what is the whole point? Basically all characters in every game are just plot devices..

Ok, I was right. I just wanted to confirm there wasn't some bull****hidden reason that I didn't catch.

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#44 Foulcry
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The reason Uncharted 2 is so highly praised by critics is because Naughty Dog raised a lot of bars with their technology in the game. Things that were never done yet or are still hard to do to this day was pulled off to near perfection. The story/plot might not bethe franchisesstrong suite and thats fine. Naughty Dog never claimed to have an original story. Its everything else in the game that grips people. From the cinematic over the topinteractive sequences. To the beautifully crafted worldand the characters.

To the graphics and gameplay. The game has a little bit of everything that makes it a truely remarkable game. To some peoplethe gamemight not merit a perfect 10 but to others it might. It all depends on what your taste in games is and obviously your tasteisn't into cinematic action/adventure games. Thats fine but this is a forum. Not a place for reviews.....thats under your profile where this should have went. I to have many issues with the game but not enough to dampen my experience playing it. I definitelylike the overall story of the first one more.

I just finished the 3rd one a couple of hours ago and I have to say they definately outshined the 2nd one with everything. Critics are saying not much has changed and thats why it doesn't deserve as high a score. I think thats a little unfair and thats why I don't really take much of what critics say into account. Gamespot has been getting to cocky of late and they are giving out horrible reviews.

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#45 koospetoors
Member since 2004 • 3715 Posts

Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 3 are gaming masterpieces that put most big-budgetHollywood films to shame.

Without a doubt Sony CE's greatest franchise in its 15-year history.

The end.

A shallow shooter with super-duper graphics? Sony's fallen pretty low if that's their greatest franchise....
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#46 Jackc8
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There are plenty of well reviewed games that I don't care for at all. It's just one of those things - different strokes for different folks.

Though I usually satisfy myself with just writing a bad review of the game over in the review section.

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#47 Terrencec06
Member since 2008 • 4024 Posts

Sweet essay. I'd read it but I have A-D-D.2Chalupas


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#48 Weenski
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I thought Uncharted 2 was amazing. BUT after reading many posts about people being dissapointed in U3, and after discovering Skyrim, I've decided not to get Uncharted 3. Uncharted 2 will always be one of my favorite games ever. TC, it would be interesting to hear what your favorite game(s) are.
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#50 hanslacher54
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