MW2 is a disappointment /sigh IMO

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#1 RadecSupreme
Member since 2009 • 4824 Posts

Yes IMO it is. I was one of those people who has a friends list full of people playing MW2. I fell to the peer pressure. I heard about how awesome the multiplayer game and how it destroys killzone 2 and Uncharted 2 multiplayer but damn, I think I wasted 60 dollars.

My complaints-

-This game is so fast pace and its so damn arcadey. Sure the guns are cool but kind of bland too.

-Nothing in this game has any decent detail

-Perks, in all honesty, the perk system feels cheap and bad. I mean I understand some mild speciliazations but the perks are like cheap game changing stuff.

-Deathstreak? Whatever happened to keep trying till you get better and you will learn from your mistakes. Deathstreak is just being spoonfed.

- Sniping. The snipers are cool but the maps are so damn small and everyone is always running and gunning. I mean I have seen people snipe but they are usually around the corner so they barely have a benefit.

-Nuke? Seriously, so if someone gets 25 kills streak it just ignores the objective and they win.

-Lag, seriously, some dedicated servers would have helped but IW were just too cocky with their crappy new server system. If there is one bad host connection then the whole game becomes a lagging crapfest.

-Battlefield BC 2 beta is funner than this.

Just had to rant because people need to get over the fact that this game isnt the best thing since sliced bread.

And for those wondering whether to get Uncharted 2 or MW2. Get Uncharted 2. IMO it has WAYYY better single player not to mention longer as well, and it also has much better multiplayer.

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#2 GodofBigMacs
Member since 2008 • 6440 Posts
I completely agree.
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#3 Daniel72296
Member since 2009 • 1930 Posts

I've been thinking that it's been all hype. Looks totally overrated, but I still wanna rent it just to try it out. It's got some pretty easy trophies, too.

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#4 RadecSupreme
Member since 2009 • 4824 Posts

I've been thinking that it's been all hype. Looks totally overrated, but I still wanna rent it just to try it out. It's got some pretty easy trophies, too.


Yes, go rent it. My mistake was falling for the hype and going straight to buy it.

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#5 Sloan360
Member since 2009 • 1449 Posts

i see no problems with MW2, best game out there, in terms of multiplayer cause singleplayer is meh, but hey to each is own.

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#6 GrandJury
Member since 2009 • 15396 Posts

Hmm it seems with every game that comes out(especially big named ones)there are people that don't like it. That is fine but this seems more suited for your blog or the MW2 thread.We all know that MW2 is not the best thing since sliced bread.

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#7 planbfreak4eva
Member since 2006 • 2856 Posts


and buy UC2, great game

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#8 leo_andres_21
Member since 2007 • 170 Posts

Yes IMO it is. I was one of those people who has a friends list full of people playing MW2. I fell to the peer pressure. I heard about how awesome the multiplayer game and how it destroys killzone 2 and Uncharted 2 multiplayer but damn, I think I wasted 60 dollars.

My complaints-

-This game is so fast pace and its so damn arcadey. Sure the guns are cool but kind of bland too. - That's how COD has always been.

-Nothing in this game has any decent detail - it might not be technical impressive like kz2, but it still looks fine.

-Perks, in all honesty, the perk system feels cheap and bad. I mean I understand some mild speciliazations but the perks are like cheap game changing stuff.

-Deathstreak? Whatever happened to keep trying till you get better and you will learn from your mistakes. Deathstreak is just being spoonfed. - deathstreak doesn't help that much.

- Sniping. The snipers are cool but the maps are so damn small and everyone is always running and gunning. I mean I have seen people snipe but they are usually around the corner so they barely have a benefit. - totally depends on who you're playing with

-Nuke? Seriously, so if someone gets 25 kills streak it just ignores the objective and they win. - most of the matches, the highest kills of a player are like 20-30. so having 25 kill streak equals win, what's wrong with it?

-Lag, seriously, some dedicated servers would have helped but IW were just too cocky with their crappy new server system. If there is one bad host connection then the whole game becomes a lagging crapfest. - you were playing on a PS3? why bother with dedicated server? consoles COD never had dedicated server, this is a PC problem.

-Battlefield BC 2 beta is funner than this.

Just had to rant because people need to get over the fact that this game isnt the best thing since sliced bread.

And for those wondering whether to get Uncharted 2 or MW2. Get Uncharted 2. IMO it has WAYYY better single player not to mention longer as well, and it also has much better multiplayer.


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#9 MrGanny
Member since 2009 • 2911 Posts

I agree with you TC. :)

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#11 MarcRecon
Member since 2009 • 8191 Posts

Well, it lived up to my expectations...but then again I wasn't expecting alot!! lol...but seriously MW2 isn't anything revolutionary "BUT" I must say that it is a solid shooter.

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#12 taplok
Member since 2005 • 4473 Posts

It's fine with me... i really like and still enjoying the game! 8)

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#13 M0wen10
Member since 2009 • 7555 Posts

Thats your problem, I love everything it offers

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#14 realistic44
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I actually thought it was a major improvement from the first version.

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#15 M0wen10
Member since 2009 • 7555 Posts

I actually thought it was a major improvement from the first version.


me too

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#16 deactivated-58f6434d57f33
Member since 2009 • 1171 Posts

Finally someone who is smarter than those teens saying this game is''da bestzzz'' without mentioning minuses because they also help to decide if you should buy the game or think about other options as well. I agree with you TC.

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#17 KapG
Member since 2007 • 1037 Posts

the game is too fast?

It's ALWAYS been a fast twitch shooter....

As for the Nuke I have played the MP for around 1 day and 20 hours and I have not seen ONE nuke. FYI I play Ground war 95% of the time.

The game is a HUGE improvement on the MP of MW. For one they got rid of those trash perks like Martyrdom *(now a deathstreak perk) and Juggernaught.

As for sniping. Ummmm there are certain maps where sniping is fantastic and others where you might be better off with an Assault rifle...not sure whazt the problem is there.

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#18 danimal233
Member since 2008 • 547 Posts

I agree with everything that leo wrote ^^^^

obvoiusly you dont like the style of this game though, fair enough. but if you dont like it because there is a nuke at 25 kills, or deathstreaks..a lot of these things are so minor that they hardly change the game at all. I as well have never seen a nuke and ive clocked over 15 hours. in fact, i WANT to see a nuke i think its a great idea.

Anyway I am addicted to this game and think its one of the best games released this generation - for multiplayer alone. Dont forget the amazing but short (and not well told) campaign, and the special ops which i havent even put a dent in. this game has put many other game purchases on hold for me as I will spend 200+ hours on it before even considering moving on.

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#19 zarshack
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I've gotten a good 30ish hours enjoyment out of the SP/Spec-ops/MP so i feel like i've gotten my moneys worth out of it for now. I'll still play it to get the platinum trophy when i can get friends to do spec ops with me, Which i find more fun then the MP.

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#20 barn_acles
Member since 2009 • 109 Posts

Yes IMO it is. I was one of those people who has a friends list full of people playing MW2. I fell to the peer pressure. I heard about how awesome the multiplayer game and how it destroys killzone 2 and Uncharted 2 multiplayer but damn, I think I wasted 60 dollars.

My complaints-

-This game is so fast pace and its so damn arcadey. Sure the guns are cool but kind of bland too.

-Nothing in this game has any decent detail

-Perks, in all honesty, the perk system feels cheap and bad. I mean I understand some mild speciliazations but the perks are like cheap game changing stuff.

-Deathstreak? Whatever happened to keep trying till you get better and you will learn from your mistakes. Deathstreak is just being spoonfed.

- Sniping. The snipers are cool but the maps are so damn small and everyone is always running and gunning. I mean I have seen people snipe but they are usually around the corner so they barely have a benefit.

-Nuke? Seriously, so if someone gets 25 kills streak it just ignores the objective and they win.

-Lag, seriously, some dedicated servers would have helped but IW were just too cocky with their crappy new server system. If there is one bad host connection then the whole game becomes a lagging crapfest.

-Battlefield BC 2 beta is funner than this.

Just had to rant because people need to get over the fact that this game isnt the best thing since sliced bread.

And for those wondering whether to get Uncharted 2 or MW2. Get Uncharted 2. IMO it has WAYYY better single player not to mention longer as well, and it also has much better multiplayer.


Sorry not to argue but I barely agree with anything you said.

-Too arcadey? Did you ever play any other COD in your life? They have always been like this, not much has changed.

-No detail? Man this game looks great on my 40" bravia. Uncharted and killzone look amazing, but these are exclusives :p

-The perks have been the same from the first game, maybe adding a few such as dual weapon attachments for example. They all seem pretty well balanced imo.

-The deathstreak I WILL agree is kinda stupid, for if your dying over and over why should you get an extra perk?

-There are definitely sniping levels. You just gotta know where to be :D

-Lag has been an issue, but if we remember it was back when MW came out. All these people griping about dedicated servers. MW never had them did it? Everyones acting like we got jipped. It would be nice though.

N I played the battlefield beta, and although good, and nice looking, it just didn't make me wanna keep playing for hours. Not to discredit everything you said, but people also need to get over the fact that the game is quite good (and many people feel that way), WILL be the best selling game this xmas for sure whether certain people feel it deserves it or not, and is a game that I can willingly get my moneys worth from. Its all opinion, but you saying people need to get over the fact that its a great game is just biased don't you think. Your trying to convince those that believe it is that its not?

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#21 shadowkiller11
Member since 2008 • 7956 Posts
I agree however your titles says it like its a fact when it is not.
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#22 CrispexOps
Member since 2009 • 182 Posts

I mainly agree with multiplayer. It takes me AGES to get into a game because it keeps scanning for good games...only to find a few, and even then its connection is horrible. I've tried both by wire and by wireless and it's the same speed, slow.

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#23 goozay
Member since 2008 • 29 Posts

To me it seems as if IW focused completely on spec ops. Spec ops is a lot of fun and they completely nailed this part! The single player is ok, although not as mind-blowingly awesome as the first MW, and the online just seems lazily done.The online experience is the exact same as the original. But then again, why change something that is perfect? The small changes that have been done just feel like things they had to add just so that they could say that they changed something (online that is)

So yes, it is a disappointment, but I definitely would not say that I have wasted 60 bucks. It's still a great game, probably worth around 9/10 but nothing more.

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#24 1076751
Member since 2008 • 328 Posts

I don't know why people complaint about this game so much.

I personally enjoyed the game a lot, Single player is not that short (took me 7 hours) but every mission is action packed and fun as hell. Spec Op is the best coop experience I've ever had in a game. The multiplayer is hands down the best part, I'm willing to pay $60 just for this mode.

My only complaint is the control... I guess I grew up playing FPS with mouse/keyboard, switching to two sticks is very hard and sluggish.

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#25 deactivated-5c23908d36a7f
Member since 2009 • 859 Posts

Wow. Most of those problems you are stating aren't even problems, you're just pretty much complaining about probably because you're not very good.

Perks are game changing? Yes ok they are but what? But do you want every single FPS to be the same? Enter matchmaking shoot them that's it. Stupid complaint.

Lag? I don't know if you've heard or even gave it a proper chance but when there is lag they have integrated a host migrate system. So i the host has a low speed broadband then it migrates to a better host. Stupid complaint

Deathstreaks? You do realise some people can't actually get better at games? Everyone has there peak, so by integrating deathstreaks it keeps even the noobs a little bit happy. Stupid complaint.

No decent detail? Are you serious? Look around every map and there is great detail, cars, rubble, buildings, tanks, huts, the list goes on. Again another stupid complaint.

Tbh i think you're complaining about all the things that make the game good. I'm not an FPS fanboy as i prefer platformers and RPG titles, however it is a really good game. I reckon this, you were either to upset about the change from the first MW to the sequel or you just sucked at it.

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#26 deactivated-5c23908d36a7f
Member since 2009 • 859 Posts

Well that's your connection then because i (unless the host has a sucky connection, which then it migrates host anyway) i'm always on green, you must have bad broadband or you're just lying. Because that is not true.....Always slow pfft xD

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#27 Papadrach
Member since 2008 • 1965 Posts


Yes IMO it is. I was one of those people who has a friends list full of people playing MW2. I fell to the peer pressure. I heard about how awesome the multiplayer game and how it destroys killzone 2 and Uncharted 2 multiplayer but damn, I think I wasted 60 dollars.

My complaints-

-This game is so fast pace and its so damn arcadey. Sure the guns are cool but kind of bland too. - That's how COD has always been.

-Nothing in this game has any decent detail - it might not be technical impressive like kz2, but it still looks fine.

-Perks, in all honesty, the perk system feels cheap and bad. I mean I understand some mild speciliazations but the perks are like cheap game changing stuff.

-Deathstreak? Whatever happened to keep trying till you get better and you will learn from your mistakes. Deathstreak is just being spoonfed. - deathstreak doesn't help that much.

- Sniping. The snipers are cool but the maps are so damn small and everyone is always running and gunning. I mean I have seen people snipe but they are usually around the corner so they barely have a benefit. - totally depends on who you're playing with

-Nuke? Seriously, so if someone gets 25 kills streak it just ignores the objective and they win. - most of the matches, the highest kills of a player are like 20-30. so having 25 kill streak equals win, what's wrong with it?

-Lag, seriously, some dedicated servers would have helped but IW were just too cocky with their crappy new server system. If there is one bad host connection then the whole game becomes a lagging crapfest. - you were playing on a PS3? why bother with dedicated server? consoles COD never had dedicated server, this is a PC problem.

-Battlefield BC 2 beta is funner than this.

Just had to rant because people need to get over the fact that this game isnt the best thing since sliced bread.

And for those wondering whether to get Uncharted 2 or MW2. Get Uncharted 2. IMO it has WAYYY better single player not to mention longer as well, and it also has much better multiplayer.

Actually if you look back at like the first three COD's there was no sprint feature. It wasnt really fast paced. And sniping in this game is not at all like COD4. In that game sniping was fun. This game is just meh. And the only deathstreak that is aggrivating to deal with is Painkiller. It gives you more health than juggernaut.
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#28 jsmoke03
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Yes IMO it is. I was one of those people who has a friends list full of people playing MW2. I fell to the peer pressure. I heard about how awesome the multiplayer game and how it destroys killzone 2 and Uncharted 2 multiplayer but damn, I think I wasted 60 dollars.

My complaints-

-This game is so fast pace and its so damn arcadey. Sure the guns are cool but kind of bland too. - That's how COD has always been.

-Nothing in this game has any decent detail - it might not be technical impressive like kz2, but it still looks fine.

-Perks, in all honesty, the perk system feels cheap and bad. I mean I understand some mild speciliazations but the perks are like cheap game changing stuff.

-Deathstreak? Whatever happened to keep trying till you get better and you will learn from your mistakes. Deathstreak is just being spoonfed. - deathstreak doesn't help that much.

- Sniping. The snipers are cool but the maps are so damn small and everyone is always running and gunning. I mean I have seen people snipe but they are usually around the corner so they barely have a benefit. - totally depends on who you're playing with

-Nuke? Seriously, so if someone gets 25 kills streak it just ignores the objective and they win. - most of the matches, the highest kills of a player are like 20-30. so having 25 kill streak equals win, what's wrong with it?

-Lag, seriously, some dedicated servers would have helped but IW were just too cocky with their crappy new server system. If there is one bad host connection then the whole game becomes a lagging crapfest. - you were playing on a PS3? why bother with dedicated server? consoles COD never had dedicated server, this is a PC problem.

-Battlefield BC 2 beta is funner than this.

Just had to rant because people need to get over the fact that this game isnt the best thing since sliced bread.

And for those wondering whether to get Uncharted 2 or MW2. Get Uncharted 2. IMO it has WAYYY better single player not to mention longer as well, and it also has much better multiplayer.


Actually if you look back at like the first three COD's there was no sprint feature. It wasnt really fast paced. And sniping in this game is not at all like COD4. In that game sniping was fun. This game is just meh. And the only deathstreak that is aggrivating to deal with is Painkiller. It gives you more health than juggernaut.

im a lot dissapointed with the mp 2. i'm only playing it because i don't want to loose my rep for being a really good cod player among my friends.

but my complaint is that its 2 slow. compared to 4, this game is a snooze fest. i can run around for a whole minute on some maps and not find anyone....and the maps are straight up camping maps made for campers....

some of the guns are wack....where is my mp5? mp5k is a crappy gun with 2 much recoil.....

what happened 2 the frags? they suck now....i know a blast radius of a frag used by a green berret is i know the spamming of the old one....but i thought that the frags are 2 week...its like a 2 ft radius now.

sentry guns....really? is this kz2 now?

perks that don't work....cold blooded is supposed to be invisible to thermal...yet ive looked at my killcam....these campers with thermal scope still see me....i was picked up with a heart sensor despite equiptin ninja. steady aim is crap.....they took away the single most important perk i had. steady aim is soo diminished that i pop in the sights 90% of the time. steady aim in cod4 was perfect imo (i know i'm a little bias) i can go heads up with anyone qcf and i get the better end of steady aim is worthless

what is up with the takes no skill to aim and shoot anymore.its like whoever gets first trigger not who aims higher. did they make the hit boxes bigger or something?

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#29 ropumar
Member since 2005 • 1135 Posts

Perhaps SOCOM CONFRONTATION is more your style.

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#30 Zeller--
Member since 2009 • 840 Posts

I haven't played it yet, whilst the price is high. I want 2 play it though just to say I've played it and because the trophies look easy to get.

I see where you're coming from though. I've always had more fun on SWBattlefront and Bad Company than on COD but it seems to be more popular. COD4 was amazing though so MW2 ought to be much better.

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Member since 2006 • 3540 Posts

Most obvious to me was that a LMG felt so light and floaty I was in shock.....

Overall is just more of the same old............

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#32 l2odolfo
Member since 2009 • 425 Posts

It's his own opinion...

But,I couldn't agree more with TC.

Btw, KZ2 >>> MW2

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#34 Doolz2024
Member since 2007 • 9623 Posts

God job TC. Way to give in and buy a game you weren't even sure you'd like. :|

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#35 ReaperV7
Member since 2008 • 6756 Posts
Twitchy controls. That is the only reason why i did not buy MW2. My example of perfect FPS controls on consoles are killzone 2 and battlefield bad company 2.
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#36 SouL-Tak3R
Member since 2005 • 4024 Posts

Are you kidding me? The perks are way more balanced out than the other two. MW2 is a great game.

Lag hardly ever happens to me and if it does it is not a big problem.

I prefer the single player of uncharted to modern warfare 2, but they are two totally different games. And Uncharted multiplayer is cool, but not as good as MW2. Plus Uncharteds online just gets boring pretty quick.

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#37 sn4k3_64
Member since 2007 • 1134 Posts

I can see what you mean, and agree with some of your points but you have to remember that this game is trying to aim it a wide audience, so death streaks for example will encourage some people to play more if they are getting killed regularly. I have to say though, the host migration thing can muck up for me quite a bit, and it just gives me some message like "sorry we cannot migrate you to this host" or w/ im booted out the game

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#38 sn4k3_64
Member since 2007 • 1134 Posts

Also the game IS WAY OVERHYPED!! It made it worse for me, cos i though i'd be playing something amazing, when actually i think cod 4 is slightly better than this. Still its a pretty decent game, ive spent a long time playing multiplayer, seems they tried a bit too hard, i think if they kept it more simple it would of benefited the game more...

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#39 Eazy1891
Member since 2009 • 3089 Posts

I think its a disappointment as well but its not for the reasons you think it is other than what you said about deathstreaks and lagging at times.....what you said about the other stuffis untrue....i see plenty of people snipe and personally its n every map....and i dont know i think camping is whack.....youre not even playing the game you just find a place and when someone walks by you smash the R1 button...go chill with yogi bear for other problem is in MP if youre blasting someone with a gun and theyre within a couple feet of you as long as they press R3 theyll most likely win the battle everytime especially with seems to me that the only people who cant see through this are the COD ****riders

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#40 KapG
Member since 2007 • 1037 Posts

I think its a disappointment as well but its not for the reasons you think it is other than what you said about deathstreaks and lagging at times.....what you said about the other stuffis untrue....i see plenty of people snipe and personally its n every map....and i dont know i think camping is whack.....youre not even playing the game you just find a place and when someone walks by you smash the R1 button...go chill with yogi bear for other problem is in MP if youre blasting someone with a gun and theyre within a couple feet of you as long as they press R3 theyll most likely win the battle everytime especially with seems to me that the only people who cant see through this are the COD ****riders


knifers dont stand much chance even with commando against my dual G18's with FMJ

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#41 rawr_xd
Member since 2009 • 790 Posts

Yes IMO it is. I was one of those people who has a friends list full of people playing MW2. I fell to the peer pressure. I heard about how awesome the multiplayer game and how it destroys killzone 2 and Uncharted 2 multiplayer but damn, I think I wasted 60 dollars.

My complaints-

-This game is so fast pace and its so damn arcadey. Sure the guns are cool but kind of bland too.

-Nothing in this game has any decent detail

-Perks, in all honesty, the perk system feels cheap and bad. I mean I understand some mild speciliazations but the perks are like cheap game changing stuff.

-Deathstreak? Whatever happened to keep trying till you get better and you will learn from your mistakes. Deathstreak is just being spoonfed.

- Sniping. The snipers are cool but the maps are so damn small and everyone is always running and gunning. I mean I have seen people snipe but they are usually around the corner so they barely have a benefit.

-Nuke? Seriously, so if someone gets 25 kills streak it just ignores the objective and they win.

-Lag, seriously, some dedicated servers would have helped but IW were just too cocky with their crappy new server system. If there is one bad host connection then the whole game becomes a lagging crapfest.

-Battlefield BC 2 beta is funner than this.

Just had to rant because people need to get over the fact that this game isnt the best thing since sliced bread.

And for those wondering whether to get Uncharted 2 or MW2. Get Uncharted 2. IMO it has WAYYY better single player not to mention longer as well, and it also has much better multiplayer.


Modern Warfare 2 is the first game where the guns actually each feel different and look realistic.

Modern Warfare 2 is a gorgeous game in HD, are you using a TUBE TV?!?

The perks work wonders for everyone, there is an incredible sense of balance in this game, and if you don't agree you're blind. Every major game critic has stressed the fact that there is no game with such balance in it than MW2.

The deathstreaks are after you die 3-4 times and they aren't anything special. Painkiller lasts a whopping 10 seconds, copycat is useful in some situations, but definitely not all, and even they take your class it won't matter.

Every map in this game is medium-large size. The only small maps in the game are Rust and Scrapyard. Sniping is still very popular and people still do perfectly fine with their sniping, so that's a problem within yourself.

You had to bring up the nuke? The nuke takes a 25 kill streak to get. Your team deserves to lose if you can't defend one guy from getting 2500 points on you. That's a third of the points it takes to win, all in one streak. The nuke is fine, and besides everyone uses different streaks because who gets a 25 kill streak on a regular basis?

The lag is never an issue. Besides, you only lag if you have a bad connection in MW2. Their servers are very quick and plantiful, and I have yet to experience lag. Oh, and it chooses a host, but it doesn't go off of their connection, so you're wrong there.

Battlefield Bad Company 2 is a good game, I admit. But it will never get the love and support of MW2 because it's simply not the complete package.

If you don't like MW2, fine. But don't make these ridiculous excuses after playing the game for an hour. I wasn't sure what to think of at first, but it turned out MW2 might possibly be my favorite game of all time.

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#42 rawr_xd
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Are you kidding me? The perks are way more balanced out than the other two. MW2 is a great game.

Lag hardly ever happens to me and if it does it is not a big problem.

I prefer the single player of uncharted to modern warfare 2, but they are two totally different games. And Uncharted multiplayer is cool, but not as good as MW2. Plus Uncharteds online just gets boring pretty quick.



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#43 Flame_Blade88
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Most disappointing game this year, but that's just my opinion.
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#44 Gau0123
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to me it doesnt destroy kz2 online or uncharted 2 online... mw2 is basically the exact same engine as cod4
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#45 Chelseablu
Member since 2008 • 56 Posts

It would be a great multiplayer game if I could got to play it for more than a couple of matches before it goes off.

For 2 days now, the lag has worsened and it just will not stay signed in to PSN. I thought the issues would have been addressed by the powers that be by now, but this is sadly not the case and my gaming experience with MW2 is wearing ever so thin.

I have fiddled around with my internet settings and faffed about with my modem till I have lost the will to live!!.....this is not what I payed top dollar for and am regreting the loyalty and expectations I had with Infinity Wards 'masterpiece'.

..........its a technical shambles!!! and I feel a new game purchase is on my horizon and the death of MW2 is iminent

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#46 R7_3
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Yes IMO it is. I was one of those people who has a friends list full of people playing MW2. I fell to the peer pressure. I heard about how awesome the multiplayer game and how it destroys killzone 2 and Uncharted 2 multiplayer but damn, I think I wasted 60 dollars.

My complaints-

-This game is so fast pace and its so damn arcadey. Sure the guns are cool but kind of bland too.

-Nothing in this game has any decent detail

-Perks, in all honesty, the perk system feels cheap and bad. I mean I understand some mild speciliazations but the perks are like cheap game changing stuff.

-Deathstreak? Whatever happened to keep trying till you get better and you will learn from your mistakes. Deathstreak is just being spoonfed.

- Sniping. The snipers are cool but the maps are so damn small and everyone is always running and gunning. I mean I have seen people snipe but they are usually around the corner so they barely have a benefit.

-Nuke? Seriously, so if someone gets 25 kills streak it just ignores the objective and they win.

-Lag, seriously, some dedicated servers would have helped but IW were just too cocky with their crappy new server system. If there is one bad host connection then the whole game becomes a lagging crapfest.

-Battlefield BC 2 beta is funner than this.

Just had to rant because people need to get over the fact that this game isnt the best thing since sliced bread.

And for those wondering whether to get Uncharted 2 or MW2. Get Uncharted 2. IMO it has WAYYY better single player not to mention longer as well, and it also has much better multiplayer.

I agree. I get tired of the multiplayer really fast. My favorite part of the game is the single player, even if it is short. I just like how even though it's on Veteran, this time it's actually fair, because as long as you're patient you can beat the missions. Yeah I like the game, but the multiplayer is just too crazy sometimes with stuff flying everywhere.
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#47 rsoxguy12
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I love MW2, but the initial addiction I had when I first bought it is starting to wear off. I dunno if I would put it higher than Uncharted 2 though.

Uncharted 2 Campaigan > MW2 Campaign

MW2 Multiplayer >or= Uncharted 2 Multiplayer

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#48 JoKeR_421
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MW2 been a big hype all a long, it never meant to be a good game, lol. i wish it was but its not, i see myself going back to killzone alot more than mw2, it feels like a mw1.5 honestly. it wasnt all of a waste of my money but its nothin i give a damn about, i wish i waited though for a price drop or used copy but ohh well wats done is done. but yea mw2 is a big let down, cod are just over hyped games taht never really deliver, only game i give it alil credit to is mw1 it was decent enough well maybe cuz there weren't much games then when i got it and i was stuck with it lol. but yea i agree with u.
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#49 LegatoSkyheart
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Battlefield Bad Company 2 is Better than Modern Warfare 2 in everyway but that's because it's strictly Online Multiplayer. Besides I enjoy Modern Warfare 2 better because of it's Fast Pace style. I like Respawning fast and killing fast. Death Streaks are good if you die alot (like me) and kill streaks are good but not all Kill Streaks are good.

I have not played KillZone or KillZone 2 but I may think about playing it now.

As for Uncharted 2. BEST SINGLE PLAYER GAME EVER! Online Multiplayer just gets extra cookies! :) I love Uncharted 2.

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#50 Nick3306
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Battlefield Bad Company 2 is Better than Modern Warfare 2 in everyway but that's because it's strictly Online Multiplayer. Besides I enjoy Modern Warfare 2 better because of it's Fast Pace style. I like Respawning fast and killing fast. Death Streaks are good if you die alot (like me) and kill streaks are good but not all Kill Streaks are good.

I have not played KillZone or KillZone 2 but I may think about playing it now.

As for Uncharted 2. BEST SINGLE PLAYER GAME EVER! Online Multiplayer just gets extra cookies! :) I love Uncharted 2.

Why does every on thing BFBC2 is online only? Its not, it will have a campaign just like the first one did.