GrandJury's Guide to playing BC2. v2.0

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#1 GrandJury
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*NOTE*Ok I needed to make this thread again so I could add everything to the front page and it would be easy for you all to find and read.

Ahh welcome everybody. So if you are like me and you really love BC2, but if you are also like me you have wondered and wondered why the community is not as good as it could be. Well lets say you are looking to get better at the game, well if that is the case never fear cause I am here. This guide will hopefully help some of the people who seem to be struggling to get a hold of how the game works.

Game Types

In this section of the guide I will be explaining how all four of the gametypes in BC2 work.


Rush, just like Goldrush from the original Bad Company is your standard attack and defend type game. One team, who we will call Team A. will be the attacking team. They spawn and their objective is to attack the Mcom stations on each base. Team B. will be the defenders. Their job is to kill all of the attackers and make their counter drop down from 75 to 0. Once the attackers counter hits 0 the defenders win, however; if the defenders fail to do such a thing and the attackers manage to destroy all of the Mcom stations in a map the Attackers win. In reality there are not that many tips to tell for this game type, most of it boils down to common sense.

This is what the Mcom stations look like.

Once the defenders lose a base(both objectives have been destroyed) they will move back to their next base and any lives they took from the attackers will be replenished. So in other words if your team could not stop the attackers the first time you do get multiple chances but the attackers get their numbers back.

Tips for Attacking

Ok so you landed on the attacking side, what do you do. Well these tips seem to work best to you advantage.

  1. DO NOT be a lone wolf, just because you see nobody does not mean the area is clear. I've seen so many people(and actually have been guilty of this myself a few times) run in plant a charge by themselves and then die, then the defenders defuse it. Wait for at least one good team member to go with you to the charge.
  2. Explosives are you friend. Say your team is running low on number and the Mcom is indside a buidling, remember that grenades, GL, tank shells, C4, Mortar strikes and rockets could all bring that building down. Sometimes you need to use what the game has given you to your advantage
  3. If and when you plant the charge be sure to get a good vantage point to make sure you can take down any and all enemies who try to defuse it
  4. Don't just sit back the whole time. You need to balance running and gunning with strategic gameplay and thinking. Nothing is ever going to get done if you just sit back, but it ain't going to end well for you if you just rush it. Make sure an area is clear. The respawn time for someone is usually 5-10 secs if that helps.
  5. Medics: Reviving your team members do indeed help out your ticker, so when you see someone who has died, make sure the area is clear and get them up.

Tips for Defending

Alright so now it is your turn to defend what do you do, well let me help you. It seems to me that I have a harder time getting a good team of defenders than attackers.

  1. DO NOT SPAWN CAMP. *Sigh* I see so many, many, many people who right out of the damn gate run towards the enemies base, do not do this. I repeat, do NOT do this. I've lost so many games because everybody wants to run and spawn camp, sure they will hold them off for a min but eventually the other team will sneaks it's way over and have an easy time destroying the stations. You can move up and meet them half way but don't just sit in their base.
  2. Make a good base of operations, Assaults put out random ammo boxes, medic give out random health boxes, snipers throw some motion sensors. Get ready for the attackers to come to your base. If the base has tanks have some engineers place some good ATmines(Anti tank mines)
  3. Have good snipers on your team. Other snipers will try to call in Mortar strikes on your base, this will not happen if the other snipers spot them out.
  4. Tanks can cause some of the most havok for defenders, this is why Engineers need to do their job and blow those damn things to bits.
  5. Revive, revive, revive. As a defender you will need all of your guys in good shape, laying face down in the dirt is not good shape so medic keep your team strong and healthy.


Conquest is the gametype I believe all of the original Battlefield games had. It does not seem to be as popular as Rush but it is still an amazing experience if you know how to play it. The game is the standard king of the hill, VIP esq gametype. You capture different positions on the map, these positions are indicated as flags. The team who can hold down the flags and kill off the enemies ticker will win the game. The losing team knows they are about to lose because they are treated with a very lovely blaring horn.


Well once again not that many tips to give but here goes.

  1. Make sure your team moves as one. If your team is trying to capture flag Alpha, do not run and try to capture flag Charlie by yourself, I mean you can but it will not end well for your virtual soldier.
  2. Listen to the little ticking sound. When you are capturing a base you will hear a ticking sound, if that stops that means there are enemies in your AO.
  3. Don't be greedy. If you captured two good positions and your team is good at the killing game don't worry about the third. You have the advantage and mostlikely will win.

Squad Deathmatch/Squad Rush

There is only one good tip I can give for these two gametypes and that is...

  1. Squad up. Seriously playing these two gametypes with random people with no mics is as about as fun as taking a hammer to the teeth.

C.lass Strategies

So no that you know what the gametypes are it is time for you to choose a C.lass Now with all of the stuff you can unlock and use it can be over whelming at times but let me see if I can break it down for you.


Assault is the first C.lass on the menu and probably the easiest for someone who is new to the game. This is the C.lass that should be in the front lines and doing most of the killing. The assault rifles in the game are very accurate and once you unlock the red dot scope you should be even more deadly. There is more to the assault C.lass then just killing though. Here are some tips on how to be an effective assault users.

  1. Give out ammo, those crates are not just for you to use when you are almost empty. Go around like a crazed mad man dropping ammo crates to replenish the ammo of your team. If that was not good enough you also get points for it.
  2. You can a launcher at the bottom of you gun, use it. Grenade launchers are great for taking out people on mounted MGs' or people who are hiding behind what they think is good cover. Go ahead, shoot a grenade up at a bulding with guys in it, you will be pleased with the results.
  3. Another grenade that many people don't seem to use is the smoke grenade. Now I can sorta see why you would rather have an explosive grenade over a smoke but seriously it does help. Use smoke to cover a position so snipers can see you, they come in BIG help when trying to defuse a charge or set one.
  4. The last launcher weapon is a shotgun. Yep it is a 40MM shotgun launcher. This will pack the same force as the regular shot gun but it is not pump action so if you do decide to use this weapon use it with Caution.
  5. If you decide to use this c.lass with a shotgun, M14, G3, or Thomson your GL will be replaced with C4.


Ahh yes, the lets blow stuff up C.lass. The engineers man role in BC2 is to, well blow stuff up; they are good for other things though hmmm...

  1. Ride with the vehicles. Whether it is a tank, a Humvee; a helicopter or hell even an ATV ride with them. When they become damaged you get points for fixing them up with your power drill
  2. You have a very good sub-machine gun, use it. Hide out in places and pop out to kill enemies at short range. You can even manage to kill enemies at medium to sometimes long range if you squeeze the trigger just right.
  3. Tag your it! The tagging gun is one of the most useful tools in bad company 2 and sadly not many people know how to use it. The tagging gun replaces your standard pistol so always remember that. When you tag an enemy vehicle(or person lol) it will light up this target on your map. Any engineers with and RPG can have the missile guide to that target...Now this is were people mess up, they are not patient. Just because the vehicle is tag does not mean you can just fire at it right away. Find a good spot, aim your RPG and wait for the distance to pop up below the the red square and then fire away. ONLY fire when you see the distance. The distance will be shown in little white numbers.
  4. When you see a tank don't just sit there, use your wits and destroy it
  5. At mines are to be placed in smart areas of the map. A smart area is where you know for a fact that tanks will be coming.


Personally my favorite c.lass in the game. If you want to be cool like me then you will be getting most of your points from giving out health packs and reviving people. Luckily this time around the LMGs are not worthless so you can still get a decent amount of kills when the time is right.

  1. Drop random health packs. With a push of the right button on the D-pad you will drop a health kit. It will stay there for a certain period of time so if any person walks over it they will be healed and you get points, pretty neat eh?
  2. Look at your map. Your map will show you people who are dead and need a shock back to like and it will show you when someone needs health.
  3. When reviving people MAKE SURE the area is clear. Cause if not you will end up getting killed or reviving the person only for them to die again.
  4. Be risky, but not to risky. What I mean is this. If some poor guy gets snipe, yeah risk it all and go revive him, but if some fool runs in front of a tank just leave him be. He will respawn again.
  5. The LMG are awesome they are not overpowered, no they are overpowered and need to be toned down. Whatever you may think about these guns they are damn good for taking out enemies. LMGs primary goal is to provide support for every one else, since they are so good why do you just do that. They are excellent for covering open bases and mowing down enemies without having to reload a lot.


*Sigh* The C.lass every single person wants to be, the sniper. I don't mind when there are really good snipers on a team, but it seems like not everyone knows how to REALLY be an effective recon C.lass

  1. Know if you are good first. I see so many snipers who pull off one or two good kills and for the rest of their BC2 career they think they are godlike or something. Make sure you can actually snipe.
  2. Throw motion sensors. People seem to forget these exsist, I guess it is because they are too busy being l33t snipers. Seriously, throw them, they help a lot
  3. Use the C4. Now I know it is really hard to ask you to move from your lovely spot but please place C4 on the roads where you know tanks will ride through, or if not that run up on one and place TWO of them to blow up a tank.
  4. Mortar Strikes. Now these things are awesome, and I mean damn awesome but it takes awhile for them to recharge so use them carefully. Best time to use a Mortar is when a charge is planted and you see a ton of guys running by the area to defuse it.
  5. Find out which sniper suits you best in my opinion the Gol is a great sniper. Great cross hairs and amazing accuracy.
  6. Remember to aim the sniper rifle a little above the persons head when going for a headshot. This game has bullet drop and in order to be good you need to master it. Also learn to lead your shot. Try to figure out the general direction the enemy is going have the cross hair a little in front of him and then fire.
  7. If you can master these tips you can become one of the most important pieces in a great teams puzzle.

Other tips

Well I am about done with this guide but here are some final tips on what you can do in the game.

  1. Always spot enemies. This only works in regular games but if you press the select button a red dot will pop over the enemies head and your team will be able to spot them. Plus you get points for spotting assist
  2. To take a screen shot of something funny press the select button then start, you will get a message that pops up saying that it was saved. To view these photos you need to wait for EA to fix the my soldier page...
  3. Dog tags can be collected by knifing people, once you knife someone their dog tag will stay in your collection for ever Muahahaha.
  4. When using the UAV make sure you turn on Alt fire under the vehicle specs, I see so many people asking how you use the machine gun on the UAV, well there you go.
  5. Flying the helicopter can be tricky, it takes some practice but you can do it. Please, please DO NOT fly the helicopter or UAV straight into the ground trying to get your Airkill trophy. If you want to do it with the UAV make sure you can fly it back up and kill more people.
  6. You can only talk to the people in your Squad of 4 people so make sure you always play with a good one.
  7. Speaking of talking, please get a headset. It is pretty much needed in a game like this.
  8. With all the guns try firing in short burst, especially with the LMG and the SMGs at a distance.
  9. Another little yet very helpful tip. If you are on the Russian team but don't know Russian there is an easy fix for that. Go into options, then audio, then scroll down to "Enemy team VO" Switch it to Localized. It will be a Russian accent but they will be speaking English.
  10. To use the parachute double tap the X button.


YEEAAAAAAAAH! HC is so awesome....To an extent. Hardcore has you playing the same gametypes but no map, and players take more damage.

  1. You will find A LOT of snipers since it is one shot one kill, if you choose to play something other than the sniper always take cover...They are everywhere.
  2. No map means you need communication is a key, always have a good squad.
  3. Medics will get big healing points. Since you take more damage if a shot does not kill someone then they will almost be dead. Run to them and give them health.
  4. It is not a bad idea to rush in period but in this game type you should NEVER rush in by yourself.

Well That about wraps up my guide. I kinda made this to vent some of my anger so if you don't like it oh well. Plus the HTML error prevented me from posting some of the stuff I wanted. Anyway here you go, enjoy, hate it I don't care. Feel free to add anything if you want.


Here is the section I will be adding video that give tips. I will add more as I find them.

Standard tips

More good tips.

Assault C.lass video

Engineer C.lass video

Medic C.lass video

Recon C.lass video

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#2 GrandJury
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Spec Guide.

C.lass Specs

In this part of the guide I will list all of the C.lass and vehicle specs and what they do.

Assault Spec

Marksman Assault training-This spec is basically a grip that imroves your gun's handling

Engineer spec

Marksman SMG training-It is a silencer that reduces your guns noise and increases accuracy

Medic Specs

Medic kit improved heal- This spec improves the amount of health kits you can have on the battlefield

Medic improved range-This spec allows for the health kits to heal you quicker

Markesman LMG training-A heavy barrel which imroves your accuracy

Recon Specs

12x scope-A scope which allows you to see further zoomed in

Spotting scope-Remember how I said that you had to press the select button to spot enemies, well with this scope all you have to do is look at them and it will spot them.

All C.lass specs

These specs can be used with all C.lass

Red dot scope-A small scope which fits over top of the iron site, great for guns with bad iron sites

4x scope-Pretty much your standard medium to some times long range scope

Lightweigh combat equipment=Makes you move a little faster

Magnum ammo-Bullets that do more damage and range

Ammo Bandolier-Ability to carry more ammo

Grenade vest-This allows you to carry twice the ammount of grenades and 40mm grenades

Deramic body armor-More body armor, more damage can be taken

Explosive leg pouch-Get the silly ideas out of your head, this allows you to carry more C4 and rockets

Improved Demolitions-Bigger and badder explosions

12 gauge slugs-For shotguns only, takes away some fire power but gives it more range and accuracy. Great with the Semi-shotguns

Extended shotgun magazine-More ammo for shotguns

Vehicle Specs

Electronic warfare package-A radar that will tell you if a sneaky sniper is next to your vehicle

Quick reload package-Reduces the reload time for tanks and such

Active armor upgrade-More armor for vehicles

Smoke countermeasures-A 360 degree smoke screen can be shot out to hide your tanks

Improved warhead package-More damage for tank rounds

High power optics package-You can snipe with your tank, you can take out targets at a longer range

Alt Fire package-Pretty much what it says. This spec will allow you to use the machine gun on the UAV and big tanks, missle guided rocket on the small bradly and machine gun on the other Anti air tank


Gadgets and specs

Gadgets and specs

Gadgets and Specs

Trophy Guide

I am putting the trophy guide here since it will not fit in the first post.


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#3 GrandJury
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Land Vehicles


Good for: Trying to get you and your buddy somewhere fast. Example, sneaking into a base

Bad for: Pretty much everything else. When using the ATV you have to make sure no one sees you or you catch them off guard to run them over

Cobra 4WD

Good for: This vehicle is found on the map Antacama desert which is a conquest map. This vehicle is great for cruising around the map with easy while still being able to take some enemy fire. It also has a 50 cal gun on the top and seats 4 guys.

Bad for:Running up to a tank. One tank shell will blow this thing to bits. Also make sure the gunner has a good eye cause AT mines will set this thing a blaze too.


Good for: Just like the cobra this 4wd standard vehicle is good for transporting you and a few partners around the map, set with a 50 cal gunner seat and a 360 degree turning ring you can see all around you.

Bad for:Also like the conbra running up against a tank is a bad idea, MAKE sure the gunner can see the ATmines.

M3A3 Bradley

Good For: In my honest opinion one of the best tanks in the game. This tank is great for tearing down building, knocking out a bunch of enemy soldiers on foot and if you turn on Alt fire you get a great and powerful guided missle.

Bad for: It has weaker armor than it's big brothers which means engineers could easily take it out, especially from the back.

Vodnik 4wd

Good for: Found on the map Port Valdez in the second base this 4wd answer to the US hummer seats 4 and has a gunner seat.

Bad for:Just like the cobra and HMMV watch out for engineers, AT mines and tanks.

BMD-3 Bakhcha

Good for: Me personally this tank only has one real good purpose and that is being an Anti air vehicle. The AA gun on top of this tank is awesome for taking out or doing heavy damage to helicopter and UAVs. The main gun is a cannon that fires out grenade like projectiles and it seats 4. The two on the side get to fire a machine gun. I really don't like this tank but if you can get a good group of 4 in it you can wreck havok

Bad for: The firing rate for the cannon is a bit loopy, armor is pretty weak and aiming with the man cannon can be a pain in the ass at times.

M1A2 Abrams

Good for:Big on the map Arica Harbor.Ahh the Abrams, you will get killed by this thing a lot and you will get kills with this a lot...If you know what to do. The vehicle specs help out the big tanks in a large way. You could have alt fire and the driver could also get a machine gun, or you could do quick reload and get the advantage on other tanks or you could go simple and have smoke. This tank seats two people

Bad: Since this tank is so big and has no side gunners it is easy for a Recon to come up and place C4 and blow you two to bits. If you are scared of this happening turn on the spec which shows if anybody is around your tank.

T-90 MBT

Good For: The Russian answer to the Abrams Good strong armor, great fire power, even better if you choose the right specs. Found on the Port Valdez map

Bad: Pretty much the same as the Abrams

Air Vehicles

AH-64 Apache

Good for: Great if you have a good pilot. This baby is fast, real fast. It is not like the black hawk were you can gentle fly in a crile while you have people shooting the guns. This heli holds two people and is great for taking out small vehicles, quick evasions and damaging larger vehicles and buidlings. The second gunner also has a great view to spot enemies out.

Bad for: There are not too many downsides to this thing. The worst case senario is having a terrible pilot or getting tagged also ALL of the helicopters are very vulnerable to 50 cal MGs

MI-24 Hind

Good for:I can't really say since I've never actually been in one of these. This helicopter can be found on the map Isle Inocentes. It is in the very last base for the defenders.

Bad: Not sure. I am guessing it would be the standard rockets and bad piloting that could ruin your day.

MI-28 Havoc

Good for: Pretty much the same as the Apach, fast, strong and powerful. Great things will happen if you have a good pilot

Bad for: Pretty much the same as the Apach, watch out for 50 cal MGs, bad pilots and taggers.

U-60 Blackhawk

Good for: Transporting Infantry to one base to another, easier than the Apach when it comes to flying, has two MGs on each side, great for damaging building and killing infantry

Bad: It is weak one good rocket shot and you are done, also like the other helicopters if you have a bad helicopter you are pretty much screwed. Also watch out for 50 cal MGs.


Good for: TURN ON ALT FIRE. Seriously if you plan on getting on the UAV Alt fire will be your best friend in between the rockets being fired. It is also one one the best tools for spotting enemies and getting kill assist. Try to wait for your team to invade an enemy base and you provide good air support.

Bad for: Well it is pretty easy to bring down. One good sniper shot and you are pretty much done. Once it is done it takes awhile for it to respawn

Sea Vehicles


Good for: Just like the ATV this is great for getting from one place to another with a buddy

Bad for: Everything else. You can get shot off pretty easy if you are spotted and it takes nothing to blow it up

Patrol boat

Good for: This four man patrol boat is good for not only carrying a group from one place to another but if you run into some resistance you will have fire power to fight back. This vehicle has two grenade launcher mounted on each side and one guy can sit in the gun and pick off any other enemies.

Bad For: The grenade launchers can be a little flimsy at time, especially when it comes to the firing rate. It is still a boat so don't expect to take a HUGE amount of damage before having to bail out.

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#4 GrandJury
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In this section of the guide I will be showing you each map in the game.

Rush maps

Port Valdez


Arica Harbor


Isla Inocentes




Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Nelson bay


Laguna presa


Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Conquest maps

In this section I will show off the Conquest maps

Atacama Desert


Laguna Presa


Laguna Alta


Link 1

Link 2

Arica Harbor


White pass


Panama Canal


Squad Deathmatch maps

White Pass


Link 1

Isla Inocentes


Arica Harbor


Laguna presa


Link 1

Link 2

Squad Rush

Panama Canal




Atacama desert


Port Valdez


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#5 GrandJury
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Weapons and attachments section

In the last part of this guide I will be listing all of the weapons and the attachments for each gun. The info for each weapon is copied straight from the game but I will give my own little imput on each gun.

Assault weapons.

AEK-97 Vintovka


The Russian armys gold standard, the AEK971 assault rifle was designed to enable shooters to maintain accuracy during fully automatic fire.

My say-I have not really used this weapon too much, nor do I see to many people using it online. It is a good enough starting assault rifle to help you get to better things

XM8 Prototype


An experimental US military project, the XM8 P fully automatic rifle was created with unique versatility, allowing the operator to perform quick repairs and barrel changes in a hot spot.

My say-This is the second Assault rifle you unlock at 3,000 exp. In my opinion this is one of the best AR in the game. Especially if you unlock the red dot scope to go with it. It will be great for taking out people from close to medium range and if you know how to squeeze the trigger just right long range as well.

F2000 Assault


This fully automatic Belgian assault rifle features a bullpup layout and offers a selection of modifications ranging from scopes to grenade launcher attachments enabling it to be tailored for any given mission or tactical situation.

My say-I don't really use this gun for good reason. It is the third AR you unlock at 8,000 points, it is ok but the only thing it really has going for it is a fast fire rate. The damage is pretty weak.



Possessing a high level of performance and durability, the Austrian made fully automatic AUG bullpup assault rifle is boosted by stellar mobility making it ideal for combat in close quarters and built up areas.

My say-One of the funniest sounding guns in the game, the AUG has a good fire rate and decent damage. It is not a gun you should depend on 100% but it will get you some good kills if you know how to use it. You need 20,000 points to unlock this gun.

AN-94 Abakan


This rifle is capable of putting a two round burst on target from a 100 meters. It substantially increases lethality, stopping power and armor penetration, making it a weapon of choice for the Russian special forces.

My say-Personally my second favorite AR in the game. This very powerful and accurate two burst shot AR will give hell to your enemies who are at a medium-long distance. The down side is how it performs up close. Since it is not fully automatic you might have some problems taking down engineers up close.You need 28,000 points to unlock it.



A German creation, the 416 Assault rifle was built as a solution to the M4/M16 outdated weapon systems. The modifications guard against malfunctions and prolongs the life of parts.

My say- Just like the M8 this AR, if you know how to use it, will be great for taking down enemies from close, medium and sometimes long ranges. You need 35,000 points to unlock it.



The American made M16A2 three round burst assault rifle carries a 30 round magazine and was designed to optimize ammunition conservation, shot accuracy and fire power.

My say- The last AR you unlock for the Assault c.lass. This weapon is very effective at taking out enemies from medium to long distances but is kinda lacking when it comes to up close encounters unless you get the jump on the person first. It fires a three round burst and requires 47,000 points to unlock


Now for the attatchments and gadgets you can use with the c.lass

Grenade Launcher


Underbarrel 40 mm grenade launcher capable of delivering HE-FRAG (High Explosive-Fragmentation) up to ranges of 150 - 400 meters. Its ideal against anti-personnel and soft-skinned vehicles. Functions well as a force multiplier.

My say-Great for killing enemies in buidlings



DTN-4 (Plastic Explosives). It can be attached to most surfaces for easy rigging and setup, then remotely detonated. Assault kits gain access to C4 Explosives when using a primary weapon which does not have a grenade launcher (ie. Shotguns)

My say-Great for laying traps for enemies near bases and blowing up tanks, can only be use with assault if you use a shotgun or another weapon without a GL

Ammo box


Filled with various calibers of ammunition, this bullet box is deployed functioning as an ammo point enabling soldiers to re-load and re-stock their ammo supply.

My say-Please give these out if you play as Assault. Requires 1200 points to unlock.

Smoke Launcher


Used to provide smoke screens during tactical movement over ground covered by enemy fire. Maximum obscurity is achieved at point of impact and dissipates thereafter. Alternatively, smoke grenades are used to mark a target when identifying enemy positions becomes difficult.

My say-Not much can be done with this. Although I suppose it would be great to use it to cover up Mcom stations while you plant or defuse a charge. Requires 5,500 points

40mm shotgun


A 40mm shotgun round consisting of 12 tungsten darts. Its effects are devastating at short range. Although it is considered a multi purpose round, it is most effective in close quarters during urban operations.

My say-Great if you are using a gun such as the M16 and want an upclose advantage. You will not be able to use your GL though.

Engineer weapons

I don't say much about these weapons since they all seem to play the same to me, with the exception of a few things.

9A-91 Avtomat


This compact Russian assault rifle is designed for high caliber ammunition inflicting lethal damage in close quarters. High mobility and sound suppressing capabilities make it popular among Russian police forces.

My say-The very first Engineer weapon given to you, even though it is the first one it is still probably one of the best

Scar-L Carbine


This Scar Light model is designed for various barrel size modifications and is compatible with a bevy of ammunition types. The rifle's stealthy silencer and frame has made it the weapon of choice of the SOCOM forces.

My say-The second Engineer weapon you get, unlocked at 2500 points

XM8 Compact


This compact variation of the XM8 was designed by H & K for personal defense during close quarter battles. It also boasted modularity options allowing for repairs and barrel changes.

My say-Third weapon you get, unlocked at 6,500 points

AKS-74U Krinkov


Adopted by the Red Army, this fully automatic carbine was designed primarily for use with special forces such as the airborne infantry and rear echelon support groups because of it's considerable maneuverability.

My say-The fourth weapon you unlock at 16,000 points



This legendary Israeli submachine gun was designed for personal defense, proving to be very effective in securing confined areas. Its a reliable choice among countless ground forces.

My say- One of the fastest firing Sub machine guns in the group, with good handling and the ability to take enemies down quick this gun is my favorite. Required points: 26,000

PP-2000 Avtomat


This modern submachine gun has the unique ability to store a 44 round at the rear where it also functions as a stock. Designed for personal defense and close quarter combat, it is often used by SWAT.

My say-The fastest firing weapon under the engineer selection, it is a good weapon but not the best. Just like the F2000 the fast firing is all it has going for it. Points required:32,000.



This German built, 25 round, fully automatic submachine gun is noted for its versatility, optimal mobility and silencer, making it a suitable choice for ground forces engaged in close quarter combat.

My say-The very last weapon you unlock under the engineer c.lass and a very good one at that. It does not have the same high firing rate as the uzi or PP2000 but it has good handling, good accuracy and good over all stats. Points required: 43,000.


RPG-7 at


Russian 85mm Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher used against armor, fortifications and personnel. It is compatible with "tracer dart" aiming systems to increase first round hit probability.

My say-The very first rocket you get. This lovely is compatible with tracer darts and is the most effective against vehicles

Repair tool


This power tool was developed and armed as a safety valve to enable engineers to make efficient repairs to damaged front line vehicles without risking further assault by sending them back to the rear.

My say-Great for repairing vehicles, damaging enemy vehicles and killing infrantry Required points:1000.

AT mines


Proximity Anti-tank Mine capable of being grouped in multiples to meet various armor threat levels. It incorporates an IFF Recognition System.

My say-Great for laying traps for any vehicles, I also believe if an enemy on foot steps on it they blow up too. Required points:4,000

M2 Carl Gustav AT


Swedish designed 84mm man-portable Recoilless Rifle. Ideal for "bunker busting" and anti-personnel applications, the "Carl G" is less suited against armor where other more modern weapon systems excel. It is also tracer dart ready for increased first hit accuracy.

My say-This is the second rocket you unlock it is compatible with the tracer darts but thanks to its splash damage it does better doing damage agains on foot enemies. Required points: 8,700.

M13 AT4


Swedish made disposable 84mm anti-tank missile that is well balanced at neutralizing armor and fortified positions. It has been modified with a "guidance tracking system" that assists the warhead in honing in on the target engaged. It is not compatible with "tracer dart" aiming facilitators.

My say-This is the very last rocket you unlock. It is not compatible with the tracer darts thanks to the fact that you can guide it yourself. Problem is it is very hard to do and it will leave you open for being killed. Required points: 19,000.

Medic weapons



Russian general purpose machine gun adopted worldwide for its rugged operation and reliability. With a high rate of fire and 7.62x54mm caliber it provides excellent long range capability.

My say-The very first LMG given to you. And in actuality it is pretty damn good, not the best, but it will get you through the starting hustles

M249 Saw


This Belgium made, LMG is very reliable and easy to operate. Its high cyclic rate provides exceptional rounds on target. In the US Armed Forces it is known as the M249 and is their standard issue squad automatic weapon.

My say-One of the fastest firing LMG that you are able to use. With the red dot scope this gun is a force to be messed with up close Required points: 3,300

Type 88 LMG


New generation 5.8mm Chinese light machine gun. Heavier than many of its competitors, the Type 88 (also known as QJY 88) is a gas operated, air cooled, fully automatic LMG with a cyclic rate of 650 round per minute.

My say-GREAT LMG and without a doubt one of my favs. I see a lot of people use the M60 but this bad boy in my opinion is just as good and if not better if you know how to use it. Required points: 8,600



Utilizing design elements from the WW II MG42, the M60 was introduced in 1957 and has been the workhorse of every branch of the U.S. Military. It has gone through several modifications but is slowly being phased out by the M240.

My say- AHHHH The M60, some love it, while others hate it. Whatever you may think of this gun it is great. Great accuracy, fire power and handling. Great for medium to long range attacks but you can also get a few kills up close and personal if you are good. Points required 25,000



An LMG version of the XM8 modular assault rifle. Its capable of firing 750 rounds/minute. Fitted with a 100 round magazine and equipped with a bipod and built in scope, this LMG fills the tactical gap between assault rifles and GPMGs.

My say- A very mediocre LGM, I only recommend using this gun in Hardcore games. It has good handling but overall this is not one of the best. Points required 34,000



A modified G36 equipped with heavier barrel and a 100 round magazine. This LMG fills tactical needs when a GPMG is impractical. It places added firepower into a gun team when mission objectives require fast mobility.

My say-Another Mediocre LMG. The only thing this gun has going for it is the built in scope, but since you can put a scope on any of the other LMG this is kinda useless. Required points 42,000



A modern version of the WWII MG42, the MG3 serves over 20 countries because of its simple design and excellent performance. With 1,000 rounds per minute, the MG3 is an incredible force multiplier. Its a testament to the original design that after 70 years it still proves strong.

My say. The very last and very fast LMG. This baby is also a force to be messed with up close thanks to its amazingly fast firing rate. The power is not to good though. Required points: 57,000




Stocked with the latest advancements in modern medicine, this portable medical bag is deployed to aid severely injured soldiers trapped in a hot spot. Limited contents are offset by a high potency level allowing for rapid healing.

My say-If you are a medic, please remember to look at your map and give these out. Also drop random ones in certain hot spots to help out your team. Required points: 1400.



Automated External Defibrillator (AED) - capable of resuscitating victims in a state of cardiac arrest. Administration must be done within seconds of arrest. It is inadvisable to use it on healthy individuals or as a form of "entertainment".

My say-Remember kids, a team can't when when most of them are face down in the dirt. When you can fellow meds, please do your part and revive. Required points: 5,800.

Page with Weapons guide part 2

Pins, Insignias and online trophies guide

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#6 phoenix-serpent
Member since 2008 • 654 Posts

seriously man, great work. hope people get headsets o_O

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#7 scar-hawk
Member since 2008 • 5404 Posts
Second post!

seriously man, great work. hope people get headsets o_O

I heard that many people don't even use headsets :o
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#8 tirralirra
Member since 2009 • 2261 Posts
You still didnt change the spawn raping section. Don't write so imperatively as "DO NOT SPAWN CAMP" but rather, minor spawn camping is ok, its just not ok when your whole team does it.
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#9 GrandJury
Member since 2009 • 15396 Posts
You still didnt change the spawn raping section. Don't write so imperatively as "DO NOT SPAWN CAMP" but rather, minor spawn camping is ok, its just not ok when your whole team does it.tirralirra
A. Don't use the word rape. B. I added that you can move up and meet them half way. Seriously dude if you do not like my guide go and make your own. I am not trying to be mean but still.
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#10 GrandJury
Member since 2009 • 15396 Posts
Alright I added the Vehicle list to the guide and later I will add weapons and Maps.
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#11 scar-hawk
Member since 2008 • 5404 Posts
You always find the best pics GrandJury ;) Makes me want to read it more :P
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#12 Young_Charter
Member since 2009 • 20067 Posts
You should add spawning :D lmao jk jk jk
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#13 GrandJury
Member since 2009 • 15396 Posts
You always find the best pics GrandJury ;) Makes me want to read it more :Pscar-hawk
Thanks they were posted on a site previewing the game I believe.
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#14 PoisoN_Facecam0
Member since 2009 • 3734 Posts
Every chopper if vulnerable to fire( or really any sniper if you're an excellent shot like i am ;) ) i've taked the pilots out of every chopper there is, and on the UH-64 i actually got a double kill by taking out both gunners with 1 shot! great guide GrandJury, maybe next if you're up to it do the weapon and attachments pros and cons...
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#15 Ragashahs
Member since 2005 • 8785 Posts

i only wish it was mandatory for everyone that played BFBC2 to read this cause most people in BFBC2 are complete idiots. "oh look at me i'm gonna keep sniping instead of going to defuse even though i 2 fing feet away from it"

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#16 Flame_Blade88
Member since 2005 • 39348 Posts

i only wish it was mandatory for everyone that played BFBC2 to read this cause most people in BFBC2 are complete idiots. "oh look at me i'm gonna keep sniping instead of going to defuse even though i 2 fing feet away from it"

AHAHAHA! Thank you, I have the same issue with those bastards :lol:
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#17 LightR
Member since 2009 • 17739 Posts
Good guide. I didn't know it was possible to take screenshots so thanks for informing me about this. :)
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#18 scar-hawk
Member since 2008 • 5404 Posts

i only wish it was mandatory for everyone that played BFBC2 to read this cause most people in BFBC2 are complete idiots. "oh look at me i'm gonna keep sniping instead of going to defuse even though i 2 fing feet away from it"

I hope I don't disappoint you :| :lol:
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#19 PoisoN_Facecam0
Member since 2009 • 3734 Posts
Good guide. I didn't know it was possible to take screenshots so thanks for informing me about this. :)LightR
QFT.. i didn't know that one either... i've seen some pretty epic things that i wouldn't mind taking a snap of.. to bad the My Soldier page is down...
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#20 scar-hawk
Member since 2008 • 5404 Posts
Grand, are the MI-24's hard to come by seeing as you haven't encountered one before?
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#21 PoisoN_Facecam0
Member since 2009 • 3734 Posts
Grand, are the MI-24's hard to come by seeing as you haven't encountered one before?scar-hawk
I think they're only on 1 map... I've only ever been in one once and the pilot sucked so we crashed :evil:
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#22 GrandJury
Member since 2009 • 15396 Posts
Grand, are the MI-24's hard to come by seeing as you haven't encountered one before?scar-hawk
I might have but just don't remember. I know I've seen them in the singleplayer but I can't remember them for the MP for some reason.
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#23 Ragashahs
Member since 2005 • 8785 Posts

all this talk has me in the mood for some BFBC2 anyone else wanna play? add me psn id below

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#24 scar-hawk
Member since 2008 • 5404 Posts

all this talk has me in the mood for some BFBC2 anyone else wanna play? add me psn id below

I'll add you soon :D The game will be arriving in the mail tomorrow hopefully. That's what UPS said.
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#25 nelson415
Member since 2007 • 1807 Posts

Since i'm new to BFBC2 this guide really helps me, i'll stay tuned for the reserved spots!

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#26 GrandJury
Member since 2009 • 15396 Posts

Since i'm new to BFBC2 this guide really helps me, i'll stay tuned for the reserved spots!

A map guide and weapons guide, the weapons guide will indeed have all the attachments included.
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#27 GrandJury
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Map vids and trophy guide is now up.
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#28 1bigsmoke55
Member since 2007 • 6856 Posts

Magnum Ammo=Man's Best Friend. Nice Post Grand.

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#29 GrandJury
Member since 2009 • 15396 Posts

Magnum Ammo=Man's Best Friend. Nice Post Grand.

Thank you and yes it its. Magnum Ammo is great especially with the USAS 12 shotgun.
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#30 GeneralHawx
Member since 2009 • 1853 Posts
ahhh jury i was looking for this today but it disappeared, one more thing my friend u can damage enemy vehicles using the repair tool found that one out a couple days back
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#31 GrandJury
Member since 2009 • 15396 Posts
ahhh jury i was looking for this today but it disappeared, one more thing my friend u can damage enemy vehicles using the repair tool found that one out a couple days backGeneralHawx
Yeah I will try to squeeze that into the engineer section.
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#32 GeneralHawx
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[QUOTE="GeneralHawx"]ahhh jury i was looking for this today but it disappeared, one more thing my friend u can damage enemy vehicles using the repair tool found that one out a couple days backGrandJury
Yeah I will try to squeeze that into the engineer section.

oh yea even better than the first great job :)
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#33 juden41
Member since 2010 • 4447 Posts
Some of the things where you say "DO NOT" can be done if it works to your advantage.
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#34 GrandJury
Member since 2009 • 15396 Posts
Some of the things where you say "DO NOT" can be done if it works to your advantage.juden41
I am not changing the spawn camping thing...
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#35 Ospov
Member since 2007 • 3708 Posts

Thumbs up! :)

I think there should be a guide that people are forced to read/watch before playing online. Too many people seem to not have a clue as to what to do sometimes. Makes me :(

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#36 erglesmergle
Member since 2009 • 1769 Posts

its so pathetic people even need a guide to playing BC2. you just pick it up and play it. if you brain can comprehend the idea of teamwork, you will do very well.

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#37 hazelnutman
Member since 2007 • 9688 Posts

its so pathetic people even need a guide to playing BC2. you just pick it up and play it. if you brain can comprehend the idea of teamwork, you will do very well.

This guide offers up a little more than just common sense. If you even read the thing, then you would know that it offers legitimate tips on how to function well in a team and as an individual player. While one can certainly be successful at the game just by playing it, the option is there to use this guide in order to clarify and confirm many things. If people are going to just play the game, then fantastic; power to them. If they are going to read this guide, then that's also great; they'll be able to use these tips to ensure a better Battlefield 2 experience for everyone. I don't see how doing either of these things is "pathetic". They're just different ways to play, and if you have a problem with that, then please direct your mouse to the shiny red X button on the top-right of your internet browser.
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#38 GrandJury
Member since 2009 • 15396 Posts
Thanks for the support guys.
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#39 phoenix-serpent
Member since 2008 • 654 Posts

Second post! [QUOTE="phoenix-serpent"]

seriously man, great work. hope people get headsets o_O


I heard that many people don't even use headsets :o

joke of the millenium!

many people don't use em? they havent even bought em!

EDIT: once again, great work grandjury. ignore the haters and trolls

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#40 altairs_mentor
Member since 2009 • 696 Posts
also on hardcore mode you dont heal up on your own. you NEED med pack.
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#41 GrandJury
Member since 2009 • 15396 Posts
also on hardcore mode you dont heal up on your own. you NEED med pack.altairs_mentor
Yeah I think I added something like that for the medic. I ran out of room to type so I might add some more stuff on the last part of the guide which will be weapons.
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#42 jasopan
Member since 2006 • 2360 Posts
Awesome guide, will use when I pick BFBC2 up
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#43 GrandJury
Member since 2009 • 15396 Posts

Awesome guide, will use when I pick BFBC2 upjasopan
Sweet, glad you enjoyed it8)

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#44 phoenix-serpent
Member since 2008 • 654 Posts

i think you should also make those strategy maps as well, the ones where you have the normal map, and then add arrows for attackers and defenders for strategies. thats a little too much though :p

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#45 GrandJury
Member since 2009 • 15396 Posts

i think you should also make those strategy maps as well, the ones where you have the normal map, and then add arrows for attackers and defenders for strategies. thats a little too much though :p

LOL it was hard enough trying to find those pics for the maps.
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#46 ks1990steelman
Member since 2009 • 1418 Posts

Well, I haven't played BF:BC2 yet... But this guide is too good. It should be a sticky, IMO.

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#47 GrandJury
Member since 2009 • 15396 Posts

Well, I haven't played BF:BC2 yet... But this guide is too good. It should be a sticky, IMO.

Yeah I doubt it will happen though. I need to finish up the weapons section later on. I want to add all of the weapons and the attachments.
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#48 juden41
Member since 2010 • 4447 Posts

[QUOTE="juden41"]Some of the things where you say "DO NOT" can be done if it works to your advantage.GrandJury
I am not changing the spawn camping thing...

I meant more in regards to "lone wolf" and "in regards to the "spawn camp" thing, I'm usually always on the move, yet I'll still "patrol" the area. So in a way, it's kind of like spawn camping, but as long as you are smart about it, sometimes success can be acquired.

Several times I've done "lone wolf" (to a certain extent) and have had good results. But yeah, if I see someone who needs help "watching" the detonation, I'll do what seems necessary in that regard.

I think it all depends how it works out.

Thanks for making the guide by the way, you make some good points up there.

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#49 GeneralHawx
Member since 2009 • 1853 Posts
there's a MI-24 HIND in Isla Inocentes, wanted to give ur thread a little boost but its a legitimate statement
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#50 GrandJury
Member since 2009 • 15396 Posts
there's a MI-24 HIND in Isla Inocentes, wanted to give ur thread a little boost but its a legitimate statementGeneralHawx
Yeah I found that out the hard way today actually...I will add it.