World of Goo has 90% piracy rate

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#1 Lgy
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#2 nicknees93
Member since 2005 • 3250 Posts
lol. wow. thats unfortunate. also, your avatar of a high cat is great. i love it.
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#3 DGFreak
Member since 2003 • 2234 Posts
For the last time, that's not how it works. How many of these posts are going to be made?
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#4 Johnny_Rock
Member since 2002 • 40314 Posts
Actually it is how it works. Denile is not just a river in dedesert.
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#5 fethehl
Member since 2008 • 223 Posts

We arrived at the 90% figure by looking at unique ip's that have contacted our leaderboard server for any reason, at least once. So, this should rule out "multiple profiles per computer". Of course, there is a lot of opportunity for error, like ip's that change, playing at work/home/wherever, multiple copies being played from the same ip, etc, but it seems like a good enough fast and decent estimate. Then we divided that number into the total number of PC copies sold, giving us the percentage.

This was a week or two ago, before we released the Mac version. I'm curious to find out if Mac users are more or less piraty! I'm guessing less?

Unfortunately, I hear the 90% piracy rate isn't all that uncommon, even (especially?) for games with DRM. I know it sounds like a gruesome number, but we like to tell ourselves "those people wouldn't have bought it anyway". The good news is, some have mailed us, telling us they bought the game because they first pirated it and liked it. Hurray for (some) humanity!

Even though our game is widely pirated, I still maintain that DRM is a useless symbolic gesture, like taking your shoes off at the airport and crawling under your desk when a bomb is about to go off.

I'm just happy people actually want to play our game at all!Kyle Gabler


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#6 schu
Member since 2003 • 10191 Posts

I think that when you add risk factor:


people have never seen a game much like this (at least most people)

bad economy



thats why its so bad..i know thats why i didnt purchase it..and i didnt pirate it either..


i want a bunch of games right now but the crunch has been setting in on me economically and i have to wait until things get a bit better for us

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#7 JP_Russell
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'Carmel informs us that he's seen torrent sites with "500 seeders and 300 leechers" and has received emails from people who initially stole the game but ended up buying the full product; unsurprisingly, they make up a "very small percentage." '

Of course the ratio of people who pirated the game andE-mailedthe devs to let them know they were buying it to those that just pirated it, period, is a very small percentage. But that percentage doesn't give any idea how many bought it after pirating it, only those who told the devs that they did, which logically would in turn be a pretty small percentage of the whole. So that part of the article was pointless, which means it was probably intended to mislead and blow things out of proportion in order to make a news story people would give a damn about. Disgusting.

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#8 Makari
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'Carmel informs us that he's seen torrent sites with "500 seeders and 300 leechers" and has received emails from people who initially stole the game but ended up buying the full product; unsurprisingly, they make up a "very small percentage." '

Of course the ratio of people who pirated the game andE-mailedthe devs to let them know they were buying it to those that just pirated it, period, is a very small percentage. But that percentage doesn't give any idea how many bought it after pirating it, only those who told the devs that they did, which logically would in turn be a pretty small percentage of the whole. So that part of the article was pointless, which means it was probably intended to mislead and blow things out of proportion in order to make a news story people would give a damn about. Disgusting.

a) these guys aren't idiots, they know to account for simple things like that b) THE GAME PHONES HOME. yes, piracy is pretty commonly accepted to be almost that bad if you at all know what you're talking about. remember, this is for a game without any form of DRM and is available on Steam. you can stick your head in the sand and be in denial, or just accept it and realize you can't really do anything about it either.e
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#9 Toriko42
Member since 2006 • 27562 Posts
Not surprising at all, how much was Audiosurf pirated again?
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#10 thusaha
Member since 2007 • 14495 Posts
This is sad.
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#11 JP_Russell
Member since 2005 • 12893 Posts

'Carmel informs us that he's seen torrent sites with "500 seeders and 300 leechers" and has received emails from people who initially stole the game but ended up buying the full product; unsurprisingly, they make up a "very small percentage." '

Of course the ratio of people who pirated the game andE-mailedthe devs to let them know they were buying it to those that just pirated it, period, is a very small percentage. But that percentage doesn't give any idea how many bought it after pirating it, only those who told the devs that they did, which logically would in turn be a pretty small percentage of the whole. So that part of the article was pointless, which means it was probably intended to mislead and blow things out of proportion in order to make a news story people would give a damn about. Disgusting.


a) these guys aren't idiots, they know to account for simple things like that b) THE GAME PHONES HOME. yes, piracy is pretty commonly accepted to be almost that bad if you at all know what you're talking about. remember, this is for a game without any form of DRM and is available on Steam. you can stick your head in the sand and be in denial, or just accept it and realize you can't really do anything about it either.e

And I do the latter. I wasn't trying to say that the percentage of people who buy after pirating was large or anything.

What I want to know is, why come out and say "Our game was pirated thiiiiiiis much! *holds arms straight out*" in the first place? Why do these devs do this? Why? What the hell is their reason? It pisses me off because all it does is hurt them and hurt the industry further by spreading negativity and pushing people away. They're scratching the piracy rash.

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#12 1nverted
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Glad to see that development team have kept a positive outlook on things, his comment "I'm just happy people actually want to play our game at all!" really sums up how passionate they must be. You never hear the big corporations saying things like that, for them, gaming is all about making money whereas for the World of Goo team, it's clearly about making great games.
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#13 Makari
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[QUOTE="JP_Russell"]And I do the latter. I wasn't trying to say that the percentage of people who buy after pirating was large or anything. What I want to know is, why come out and say "Our game was pirated thiiiiiiis much! *holds arms straight out*" in the first place? Why do these devs do this? Why? What the hell is their reason? It pisses me off because all it does is hurt them and hurt the industry further by spreading negativity and pushing people away. They're scratching the piracy rash.

They do it because it is frustrating as hell to watch it happen, and to sit idly by. Combine it with that it's usually the PC gamers doing the lion's share of the complaining that they're not treating our platform with the proper respect... I mean hell, if you actually read their comments these guys didn't sound very angry or bitter. Just 'hey, the game got stolen a lot... but we're not broke so we're okay!' They read the same forums as we do, so they probably just thought that it was an interesting factoid to toss out there. I dunno, the people being pushed away are generally the developers though. They're the ones we have to worry about dropping support for the PC, not the gamers themselves.
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#14 harrisi17
Member since 2004 • 4010 Posts
I bought it baby, WOO-HOO
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#15 foxhound_fox
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Not all downloaded torrents are not a lost sale. Many people who steal the game would never have bought it in the first place.
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#16 lordlunch2
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thats pretty sad, I think the game deserves to sell just as well as any other game.
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#17 F1_2004
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500seeders/300 leechers is 90% of their missed profit? So did World of Goo even sell a thousand copies? :|

Pretty much every top game has like 10 times those numbers on torrent sites.

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#18 G013M
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While I'm taking 90% with a grain of salt, it'd still work out to be a large percentage in real life probably. Which is rather sad, considering these guys are independant developers; and it's not even the price of a big-budget game.
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#19 Jamex1987
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This game would do much better on xbox arcade. No piracy there.

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#20 iki080
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#21 ASK_Story
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Piracy is so disrespectful to the creators who pour their heart and soul into their work.


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#22 dan-rofl-copter
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shame for them
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#23 N3xus9
Member since 2004 • 566 Posts

That is a pity, it is such a good game and only $20.

I hope they got some good sales figures and turned a tidy profit regardless of the piracy.

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#24 Lidve
Member since 2007 • 2415 Posts
Too bad,why they steal from small companies
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#25 ReddestSkies
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To be fair, it's really, really hard to get mainstream gamers to care about a 2D game without guns and stuff. A lot of those downloads probably come from that type of people; they saw the great reviews and wanted to see what the games is about, but will never ever ever buy a 2D game for $20 in their life. It's a shame, really, but that's how today's gaming world works. Indie games are not even considered as "real games" in these forums. People mostly see them as small little games to pass the time between two levels of their generic FPS.

The first step to really increase indie games sales is to give them proper respect on forums like Gamespot's. Make mainstream gamers care. There are so many gamers who have never even heard of World of Goo (yet it would appeal to such a large portion of the gaming community, imo). How many actually know what Steam Brigade, Aquaria, Dangerous High School Girls in Trouble!, Gunboy Crazy Adventures, Eets, Gish, etc. are? How many are anticipating Crayon Physics Deluxe, Axiom: Overdrive, Hammerfall, Gish 2, etc.? 

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#26 biggest_loser
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Well done Pirates. Cliffy would be proud.
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#27 RK-Mara
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Not all downloaded torrents are not a lost sale. Many people who steal the game would never have bought it in the first place.foxhound_fox
And he said that they are not going bankrupt. That's a lot better than how most indie devs do. Especially when the indie game is as expensive as World of Goo.
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#28 Nitrous2O
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Regardless of the legitimacy, sensationalism, etc. of the 90% claim, regardless of the expectations, it's still very, very, very frustating and disappointing to hear numbers like this.

I remember 2D Boy talking about their "experiment" releasing the game DRM-free. They thought the results from that were encouraging and decided to completely release the full version DRM-free. It's unfortunate.

If there's anything good that can be said about this though, and someone posted this comment on kotaku, is that piracy would have happened anyway, at least with the forms of DRM currently known and perhaps even to the same degree. At minimum what they have achieved is a 100% satisfaction rate among purchasers in this regard.

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#29 Makari
Member since 2003 • 15250 Posts

500seeders/300 leechers is 90% of their missed profit? So did World of Goo even sell a thousand copies? :|

Pretty much every top game has like 10 times those numbers on torrent sites.

i already addressed this, but they're not idiots. they've been paying attention to DRM/piracy all along, and as you can see in the post a couple above mine, they experimented with going DRM-free before releasing the full game like this. and again, as already mentioned, the. game. phones. home. it doesn't matter how many people torrent it, what they're looking at is how many people are actually PLAYING it, and that's only counting the people that don't bother to block the game's phone-home via firewall. if there are people smart enough to do that, the numbers only get worse. but yeah, it makes a good counterpoint to all the people that are saying 'xxx is stolen because drm/too expensive,' when it's an indie drm-free $20 tops game being stolen. people probably just steal it because they can, and because it's free.
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#30 RobertBowen
Member since 2003 • 4094 Posts

Very, very sad to see this.  Even if the figure was 70 per cent or 60 per cent, it's a bit sickening that so few people are willing to pay for their entertainment these days.  There really are no excuses to do this for such a low priced DRM-free game, and I really can't blame developers who opt for console development instead.  Yes, there is console piracy too, but not on this kind of scale, so developers are more likely to get a viable financial return on their investment.

This 'get something for nothing' mentality just ticks me off, and its a sad reflection on our society as a whole.

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#31 FamiBox
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At least the game is popular.

Better than a game that no one wants to buy or pirate.

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#32 naval
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i doubt the numbers are so high ...... devs really like to infalte the thier figures
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#33 Makari
Member since 2003 • 15250 Posts
i doubt the numbers are so high ...... devs really like to infalte the thier figuresnaval
really. so now every single dev is lying about it? :( a lot of them put phone-homes in their game, these guys included.. they're just looking at the numbers re: how many people are actually playing the game. yes, it really is that bad, and no, nothing anybody can do seems like it's going to change that.
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#34 naval
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[QUOTE="naval"]i doubt the numbers are so high ...... devs really like to infalte the thier figuresMakari
really. so now every single dev is lying about it? :( a lot of them put phone-homes in their game, these guys included.. they're just looking at the numbers re: how many people are actually playing the game. yes, it really is that bad, and no, nothing anybody can do seems like it's going to change that.

yup many inflate their numbers heavily .... like epic said ut 3 has 30-40 million pirated copies or crytek said crysis was pirated 20 times the copies sold ==30 millions copies pirated. So do you believe those figures ?

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#35 Skie7
Member since 2005 • 1031 Posts

How many actually know what Steam Brigade, Aquaria, Dangerous High School Girls in Trouble!, Gunboy Crazy Adventures, Eets, Gish, etc. are? How many are anticipating Crayon Physics Deluxe, Axiom: Overdrive, Hammerfall, Gish 2, etc.?  ReddestSkies

Eets was a fantastic game especially at the bargain price of $2.50 Steam had (maybe still has) it for.  I've played the Gish demo and it's fun, but the game doesn't play very well with the keyboard and I don't have a controller for my PC.  If Gish was released on something like Wiiware, I'd be all over it.

Anyhow, thanks for mentioning Steam Brigade and Gumboy, they both look fun.

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#36 Skie7
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[QUOTE="Makari"][QUOTE="naval"]i doubt the numbers are so high ...... devs really like to infalte the thier figuresnaval
really. so now every single dev is lying about it?

yup many inflate their numbers heavily .... like epic said ut 3 has 30-40 million pirated copies or crytek said crysis was pirated 20 times the copies sold ==30 millions copies pirated. So do you believe those figures ?

We arrived at the 90% figure by looking at unique ip's that have contacted our leaderboard server for any reason, at least once. So, this should rule out "multiple profiles per computer". Of course, there is a lot of opportunity for error, like ip's that change, playing at work/home/wherever, multiple copies being played from the same ip, etc, but it seems like a good enough fast and decent estimate. Then we divided that number into the total number of PC copies sold, giving us the percentage.

It's an estimate and even they admit it could be off.  But, really, even if it's 75% that's pretty ridiculous.

Considering how rampant pirating is in some countries, the figures for UT3 and Crysis are believable.

But, just because the piracy is so high, doesn't mean more people would've purchased these games.  It's really just a testament to how morally devoid society has become.  It would be an interesting experiment to introduce the average user (with high speed internet) to torrents.  Show them how quick and eas it is to get music, movies, games and other software and then calculate how much they then go out to steal over say a month.  Obviously, there'd be a group of them that steal nothing which would probably be divided into those with morals and those who are so non-tech savvy they'd need hand-holding.  But, I'd bet at least 80% of the groups would steal about $500 each.

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#37 Makari
Member since 2003 • 15250 Posts

[QUOTE="Makari"][QUOTE="naval"]i doubt the numbers are so high ...... devs really like to infalte the thier figuresnaval

really. so now every single dev is lying about it? :( a lot of them put phone-homes in their game, these guys included.. they're just looking at the numbers re: how many people are actually playing the game. yes, it really is that bad, and no, nothing anybody can do seems like it's going to change that.

yup many inflate their numbers heavily .... like epic said ut 3 has 30-40 million pirated copies or crytek said crysis was pirated 20 times the copies sold ==30 millions copies pirated. So do you believe those figures ?

i don't believe those figures, because you just made them up now. go ahead, link me to where crytek said that. because i can promise you they didn't. i can tell you that they gave a range, first off, and not an exact number in what you're trying to quote. and they always note it's an estimate, and mention it could be off in either direciton. the companies don't generally inflate their numbers - save Epic, at least. they usually toss a figure out for a given point in time, a couple months pass and then some forum user goes back and quotes what they said a year ago in the context of now (ie Crytek). he didn't say Crysis was pirated to that ratio when they had sold 2 million, he said it back when they had sold a couple hundred thousand. the other 'massively inflated' number was Infinity Ward with COD4, and all they did was quote the number of master server hits they saw in MP with fake CD-keys, and it was something up in the tens of millions. tons of reasons why it could go that high, but they just passed along what they saw. Crytek also said that if they had sold ~3 million copies of Crysis (over 6-9 months), they would have been ecstatic with the sales. does that sound like someone being unreasonable to you?
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#38 naval
Member since 2003 • 11108 Posts

[QUOTE="Makari"] really. so now every single dev is lying about it? :( a lot of them put phone-homes in their game, these guys included.. they're just looking at the numbers re: how many people are actually playing the game. yes, it really is that bad, and no, nothing anybody can do seems like it's going to change that.Makari

yup many inflate their numbers heavily .... like epic said ut 3 has 30-40 million pirated copies or crytek said crysis was pirated 20 times the copies sold ==30 millions copies pirated. So do you believe those figures ?

i don't believe those figures, because you just made them up now. go ahead, link me to where crytek said that. because i can promise you they didn't. i can tell you that they gave a range, first off, and not an exact number in what you're trying to quote. and they always note it's an estimate, and mention it could be off in either direciton. the companies don't generally inflate their numbers - save Epic, at least. they usually toss a figure out for a given point in time, a couple months pass and then some forum user goes back and quotes what they said a year ago in the context of now (ie Crytek). he didn't say Crysis was pirated to that ratio when they had sold 2 million, he said it back when they had sold a couple hundred thousand. the other 'massively inflated' number was Infinity Ward with COD4, and all they did was quote the number of master server hits they saw in MP with fake CD-keys, and it was something up in the tens of millions. tons of reasons why it could go that high, but they just passed along what they saw. Crytek also said that if they had sold ~3 million copies of Crysis (over 6-9 months), they would have been ecstatic with the sales. does that sound like someone being unreasonable to you?

Date : june 27, 2008 .... crysis sold over a million in janurary or something .... so it's safe to assume it sold over 1.5m  around the time crytek said these this

Moaning abt selling 1 million in 3-4 months is unreasonable

 and here is another look at crysis piracy :

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#39 naval
Member since 2003 • 11108 Posts
It's an estimate and even they admit it could be off. But, really, even if it's 75% that's pretty ridiculous.


Considering how rampant pirating is in some countries, the figures for UT3 and Crysis are believable.


please do you really think 40 million people pirated ut 3 .. they game basically had less than 1000-2000 players worldwide. on any kind of severs

any amount of piracy is bad ... my gripe is the devs just shoot off ridiculous numbers with any proper way of obtaining accurate results


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#40 Makari
Member since 2003 • 15250 Posts
[QUOTE="naval"] Date : june 27, 2008 .... crysis sold over a million in janurary or something .... so it's safe to assume it sold over 1.5m around the time crytek said these this Moaning abt selling 1 million in 3-4 months is unreasonable

"It's crazy how the ratio between sales to piracy is probably 1 to 15 to 1 to 20 right now. For one sale there are 15 to 20 pirates and pirate versions, and that's a big shame for the PC industry." I go look at the quote... he gave a range, he didn't give any sales numbers, and the range he gave is in line with what the World of Goo guys are saying right now. Thank you. Understand what I mean by forum users stick words in their mouth and then yell at them for it? And here's some more for you, from the same interview: "Cevat Yerli: Well, the perception is of course like this because equally rated games on multiple platforms sell three to four times more. That's the reality. And this wouldn't be like this if it was not for piracy to some degree. I don't think we would sell three to four times more. If piracy were to a certain degree reduced, I think we would double the sales, and doubling the sales would be a drastic impact for us to say, "Yes, we remain completely PC exclusive." If we could double the sales, then hell yeah, we would be platform exclusive because we love the PC platform." If piracy were reduced, they might be able, best case, to double their sales on one of the biggest-known titles of the year (to 3 million over 9 months) . Again, does that sound totally unreasonable to you as a best-case scenario?
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#41 Skie7
Member since 2005 • 1031 Posts
[QUOTE="Skie7"]It's an estimate and even they admit it could be off. But, really, even if it's 75% that's pretty ridiculous.

Considering how rampant pirating is in some countries, the figures for UT3 and Crysis are believable.naval

please do you really think 40 million people pirated ut 3 .. they game basically had less than 1000-2000 players worldwide. on any kind of severs

any amount of piracy is bad ... my gripe is the devs just shoot off ridiculous numbers with any proper way of obtaining accurate results

I have no idea if those numbers are legit, did they provide information on how they figured thm?

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#42 Makari
Member since 2003 • 15250 Posts
[QUOTE="naval"][QUOTE="Skie7"]It's an estimate and even they admit it could be off. But, really, even if it's 75% that's pretty ridiculous.

Considering how rampant pirating is in some countries, the figures for UT3 and Crysis are believable.Skie7

please do you really think 40 million people pirated ut 3 .. they game basically had less than 1000-2000 players worldwide. on any kind of severs

any amount of piracy is bad ... my gripe is the devs just shoot off ridiculous numbers with any proper way of obtaining accurate results

I have no idea if those numbers are legit, did they provide information on how they figured thm?

iirc ut3 and cod4 numbers were 'so far we've had 40 million hits on our master server by games using illegal cd-keys'... that one could be off for various reasons though, usually involving hammering the server to try to find legit cd-keys by accident.
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#43 naval
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It's crazy how the ratio between sales to piracy is probably 1 to 15 to 1 to 20 right now. For one sale there are 15 to 20 pirates and pirate versions, and that's a big shame for the PC industry." I go look at the quote... he gave a rangeMakari

yeah ..specified a range that is priacy from somethign like 93% to 95% that's a really big range and makes a really big difference to what we are discussing

he didn't give any sales numbers,


The number over 1 million were given in EA's annual results in jan or something ... so 1.5 by jun is pretty reason

and the range he gave is in line with what the World of Goo guys are saying right now.


and i said they too were overblowing the facts

Thank you. Understand what I mean by forum users stick words in their mouth and then yell at them for it?

And here's some more for you, from the same interview: "Cevat Yerli: Well, the perception is of course like this because equally rated games on multiple platforms sell three to four times more. That's the reality. And this wouldn't be like this if it was not for piracy to some degree. I don't think we would sell three to four times more. If piracy were to a certain degree reduced, I think we would double the sales, and doubling the sales would be a drastic impact for us to say, "Yes, we remain completely PC exclusive." If we could double the sales, then hell yeah, we would be platform exclusive because we love the PC platform." If piracy were reduced, they might be able, best case, to double their sales on one of the biggest-known titles of the year (to 3 million over 9 months) . Again, does that sound totally unreasonable to you as a best-case scenario?Makari

Everyone likes better sales there is nothing wrong abt it. But moaning abt decent sales, that's pretty retarted. there a lots of highly rated game on consoles that sold less that crysis (okami for one) and many similiar games on pc sold higher than that.

Now assuming crysis sold 1.5 million by that ... they say similiar rated games sell 3-4 times more =4.5-6 million .. now can you tell me how many exclusive games on console have done it so far ? bioshock i think sold 1.6 in 3-4 months on pc /360 combined etc etc

And here is another look at crysis piracy :
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#44 naval
Member since 2003 • 11108 Posts
[QUOTE="naval"][QUOTE="Skie7"]It's an estimate and even they admit it could be off. But, really, even if it's 75% that's pretty ridiculous.

Considering how rampant pirating is in some countries, the figures for UT3 and Crysis are believable.Skie7

please do you really think 40 million people pirated ut 3 .. they game basically had less than 1000-2000 players worldwide. on any kind of severs

any amount of piracy is bad ... my gripe is the devs just shoot off ridiculous numbers with any proper way of obtaining accurate results

I have no idea if those numbers are legit, did they provide information on how they figured thm?

number of illegal atemots on their server
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#45 Skie7
Member since 2005 • 1031 Posts
[QUOTE="Skie7"][QUOTE="naval"]please do you really think 40 million people pirated ut 3 .. they game basically had less than 1000-2000 players worldwide. on any kind of severs


any amount of piracy is bad ... my gripe is the devs just shoot off ridiculous numbers with any proper way of obtaining accurate resultsnaval

I have no idea if those numbers are legit, did they provide information on how they figured thm?

number of illegal atemots on their server

So, did they say that there are 40 million pirated of copies of UT3 our there or was it simply there have been 40 million attempts to illegally access their server?  In other words are the developers/publishers taking it out of context or are the gamers?

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#46 remmbermytitans
Member since 2005 • 7214 Posts
Sucks. I played the demo and it was pretty cool. Though, I don't know if I'm going to buy it. After reading this though, I kind of want to buy it to support these guys.
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#47 -CheeseEater-
Member since 2007 • 5258 Posts
I enjoy playing the World of Goo. I happily purchased their game on WiiWare, and thought it was amazing. To anyone that doesn't have a Wii, I'd highly recommened you slap down the small amount of money for this superb little game. :) (Yes I understand that this is the PC board, but either way it's relative to the topic. :) )
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#48 Makari
Member since 2003 • 15250 Posts
[QUOTE="Skie7"] number of illegal atemots on their servernaval
So, did they say that there are 40 million pirated of copies of UT3 our there or was it simply there have been 40 million attempts to illegally access their server? In other words are the developers/publishers taking it out of context or are the gamers?

i think infinity ward said it was just illegal attempts on the master server. epic said it was both - illegal attempts, then said that it = illegal copies. or something like that, i remember thinking it was kind of shady.
Everyone likes better sales there is nothing wrong abt it. But moaning abt decent sales, that's pretty retarted. there a lots of highly rated game on consoles that sold less that crysis (okami for one) and many similiar games on pc sold higher than that.naval
You remember what happened to the Okami devs after the sales of that game, right? They closed down. but at least we can recognize that game was an anomaly, and should have done much better. What we say are decent sales aren't going to matter in the face of what most of these guys are doing - they're in a business, and they have to pay the bills. If spending a ton of money on making a big-budget PC exclusive means you might break even, there isn't much incentive to hang around doing that kind of game. cheap ports aren't too expensive, so we can keep on getting that kind of game no matter what though.
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#49 AnnoyedDragon
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I find it ridicules that they actually think they can measure piracy so accurately, there are too many factors to take into account. The fact is methods of measuring piracy accurately are still being investigated, you cannot simply count every torrent download or none unique ID and decide that was a lost sale.

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#50 jasper061992
Member since 2006 • 1152 Posts

Pretty touching if you ask me. The devs have a real passion to develope innovative games that don't give much a damn about how much money they make, unlike the big corporations (Yeah EA! i'm looking at YOU!) These guys only deserve more profits for that. I give them high props because this game looks pretty fun. Indy developers FTW! I might try the demo.

My take is becoz it's 2D!! Arrrrr! Dats why all dem filthy pirates be downloading it..Arrrr!...2D be worthless deez days Arrrr! 3D games be in deez days Arrrrr!!

Ugh... :(