Radeon R9 290X hit's $900! Time to switch to nVidia?

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#51  Edited By soolkiki
Member since 2008 • 1783 Posts

Man, Supply and Demand, who woulda thunk? ;P Anyway, I myself have an AMD card, but because I am wanting to upgrade, I'll probably go with the Nvidia cards if this doesn't change anytime soon.

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#52 blaznwiipspman1
Member since 2007 • 16606 Posts

@04dcarraher said:

@blaznwiipspman1 said:

@04dcarraher said:

@blaznwiipspman1 said:

@04dcarraher said:

@Innovazero2000 said:
@04dcarraher said:

@blaznwiipspman1 said:

@NeoEnigma said:

@blaznwiipspman1 said:

yeah man, im also in that position ur in forced to buy a shtty nvidia card. Ah well

wat? The 780ti eats pretty much any AMD card's lunch. Then there's the additional software features you get in various games, as well as SGSSAA support. Nvidia has always been able to price their cards high because they're NOT crap.

And for anyone obsessed with image quality, nvidia is the only way to go. AMD still has terrible downsampling support.

meh, over priced garbage, nvidias best cards are over priced. Could AMD make a card worth $10000 that is 5 times more powerful than the 780ti? Yeah they could, but obviously no one will buy it. I could care less about the software features, honestly I cant tell the diff with physx on and off, and ive never even heard of sgssaa. Not to mention, AMD also has mantle, eyefinity and tressfx, also msaa whatever that is.

AMD is overpriced garbage right now, the only reason AMD initially start prices lower then Nvidia is because theirs dont flat out beat Nvidia's offerings and have to compete. when AMD is on top their prices are high also. Mantle is just smoke up your butt when you have an intel cpu, Nvidia has surround aka eyefinity, Your just another dumb fanboy and everyone knows it.

Wow you are both wrong and sound similar, so anyone calling someone a dumb fanboy is funny at best.

AMD and Nvidia have been trading blows for some time, AMD typically offered better performance per watt as well.(I love what Haswell is doing though!) I'll give Nvidia the driver win, but they have had they're own faults. I wouldn't call Mantle smoke, the performance gains are real and if you are a PC gamer... you should be rooting for it. This is the first time since 3dfx's Glide that a true gaming API has tried to surface.

It's drawing straws, it's not like the CPU race....you are going to get solid performance from either camp. I typically game with Nvidia. My last card was a 460 GTX 1GB, but I found a 7870Ghz for $160 back in November at Microcenter. There wasn't another card at that price that was going to compete(Most were still retailing for at least $200), so I picked up it and haven't been disappointed.

if you didnt know i was baiting the troll trap, blaz is a well known AMD fanboy

meh, you are also a well known nvidia fanboy, one among many in this thread. When nvidia can offer something with similar hardware specs at a similar price as a radeon, then i will be impressed. But right now theyre cards are over priced, over hyped, garbage. YES AMD cards are expensive right now, but that is mainly because of the damn miners.

O yes Im such a big fanboy that I recommend AMD cards to people and even when I upgrade I look at AMD offerings as well, I dont recommend AMD much as of late because of prices. And your an blind narrow minded fool if you think that Nvidia does not have comparable cards for the price.... Nvidia has many models that has similar performance with similar prices as AMD models that compete with Nvidia's models. you like to forget the fact that Nvidia;s GTX 670 matched if not surpassed at times the AMD's 7970 back in 2012 for less money. Back then 7970's were $550+, and when Nvidia released the 680 and 670 they were $500 and $400. AMD dropped prices of their 7970 and 7950 a few weeks after Nvidia's release. AMD dropped prices 7970 from 550 to $479 and $450 to $400 with 7950. and then again some more months later along with releasing new revised cards aka overclocking them to compete.

AMD had to increase the clockrates releasing a new 7970 and 7950 boost to be comparable to Nvidia's 680 and 670. Their new 7970ghz and 7950 boost were $500 and $400 while the older 7970 and 7950 dropped to $430 and $350. Even after the major driver overhaul AMD did in late 2012 that helped alot. the 7970ghz still only matched or inched ahead from the GTX 680. Then AMD did more price drops in 2013 and Nvidia released the titan(mainly a workstation card with gaming capabilities) and 700 series. And Nvidia was top again and AMD released their 290 series and Nvidia dropped their 780 and 770 prices to compete with 280x and 290 series. Also point out that AMD is not the best company because they play the same tune as Nvidia when they are up or when their down. The 260, 270 and 280 are just rehashed 7000 series that they increased prices because they were branded a new series.

man , you're the biggest hypocrit/fanboy in denial ive met on these boards. I was thinking of ignoring you but for old times sake, what the hell.

You say that you recommend AMD cards, but that is BS, i seen you do it once or maybe twice, majority of the time with you recommending nvidia cards. Nvidia gimps on hardware features, we both know that. They don;t have a single card with 3gb of vram for any price under $500, whereas AMD was selling the 7950 with 3gb of vram at one point for sub $180 (days long past I know). Also you keep comparing the 670 with the 7970 when everybody god damn knows the 7970 was underclocked like a beetch from the start. Hell, go check the benchmark thread, my 7970 was able to OC 500mhz from core clock, and +800mhz mem clock. If you downclock a 7970 low enough, even a geforce 7600 from 6 years ago can compete with it on even grounds.

Bottom line, AMD didn't need to overclock their cards to compete, that was just a marketting tactic, any body with half a brain knew what these cards were capable of and bought the pure vanilla stock cards

Your second paragraph you mention the history of the cards, yeah I know it well so what?? Of course AMD dropped the price to compete, any company will do that including nvidia, its only natural. If the titan and the 780 weren't raped so hard by the 290/290x then nvidia wouldn't have even released the 780ti the following week. Now that was a low class dirty move by nvidia, and even you have to admit it, releasing the 780ti just one week after the 290x destroyed them. Nvidia screwed over their own customers hard with that move, all the people who bought titans had to watch nvidia release the 780ti that is a class above and $300 cheaper lol. Well, nvidia customers are used to giving nvidia bj's and bending over and taking it up the anus. What can you say, they enjoy it.

Your living in a dream world of denial. You claimed I never recommend AMD cards but yet you call it BS and still admit that you seen me from your point of view recommend at least few AMD cards..... denial much? You think Nvidia gimps gpu's? You dont even understand why AMD went with 3gb vs 2gb , its all about the bit of the bus and what ratio of dram chips tends to work better. Claiming 7970 was downclocked from the start is such BS because some people were able to overclock their normal 7970's which in your mind thinks that all 7970 can do the same.... Fact is that it took a slight revision of increasing the clockrates and a new driver to actually put the 7970ghz at or slightly above GTX680.

OMG seriously are you in that much state of denial to think that AMD did all of the ghz revisions and the need of a new driver set that didnt suck was all marketing? HAHAHA thats a new low. Guess that's why the 7970ghz series in general have higher failure rates because they can take it!

Again you think Nvidia purposely released the 780ti a week after the 290x? maybe to a degree to rain on AMD's parade but the time frame for the 780ti was inline for 290 release , guess you ignored or forgot back in April 2013 that the Titan LE and Ultra plans were leaked suggesting to a 2013 summer release for a budget Titan aka GTX 780, and a more vague late 2013 or early 2014 release for the Ultra aka 780ti.

ok i'll be more specific, youve recommended nvidia about 95% of the time and 5% of the time AMD lol. Maybe its just so you can claim that you're not a fanboy haha, otherwise youd recommend nvidia aaaalllll the fucking time. Whats your point about that ratio bs? AMD went with whatever for superior hardware, end of story. They could have gone the nvidia route and lowered the bus width and amount of dram like you suggested but they didnt, they offered competitive hardware. Its common knowledge that the 7950/7970 overclocked like beasts, and we have proof of that in the benchmark thread, other forums and even all the best reviewers. You think the new drivers just suddenly popped up out of the ground?? AMD constantly improved them even before the catalyst 13 update, and they were already neck and neck with nvidias cards before the new driver that you keep bringing up. The new driver just pushed them over the edge.

I will 100% stand by that statement that the ghz revision and the 13.0 catalyst update was all pure marketting. Don't know where you're getting higher failure rates from but w/e.

Nvidia are weaksauce, they didn't have the balls to release the 780ti before the 290x, that would have meant that the 290x would have been even more powerful than it is. They waited for the 290x to release first and that is an anti competitive business method. Ive never seen a company release a product from the same generation 5-6 months apart like that and so liberally. Nvidia are cowards. If the 780ti is the titan ultra then why is it $300 cheaper than the titan?? Again its clear nvidia screwed over their customers, AMD caught them with their pants down and forced them to release a card in the awkward $700 price range that is more powerful than their flagship. Truthfully it would have made more sense for nvidia to drop the price of the titan to $700 and price the titan ultra aka the 780ti at $1000. But that would mean the 290 is more powerful than their titan at half the price. You are blind to nvidias faults, thats why you are a typical fanboy who is willing to take it up the anus. Good day sir.

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#53  Edited By 04dcarraher
Member since 2004 • 23832 Posts

lol your just another fanboy troll the end

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#54 ronvalencia
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The lowest price is $579.99.