What kind of RPG do you like? What do you want outta your rpg?

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#1 ZaneSeven
Member since 2011 • 90 Posts
Hi I'm new to the gamespot forums so try to forgive me for any mistakes I make. I was reading a few user reviews on Dragon Age 2 and I guess a lot of people did not like the game. The thing is I really enjoyed the game and had a lot of fun playing it. This made me think of why I liked the game and others didn't, thus what do people want out of an rpg? For me I really focus on the story, for me when playing an RPG that is king. I really focus on how the story engages me and if I feel a sense of importance of the story. Also how much I care for the characters and in a game like Dragon age where you make your own character how much control and influence I have on that character really helps. So I guess for me the role playing aspect might be most important. Not to say that combat is not important, obviously if I want to complete the game I need to be able to get through the game including lengths of fighting and this makes things a lot easier when the combat is fun. So this is what I judge to be a good rpg game and what I want to see more of in future rpgs. So I was just wondering if anybody else out there feels the same or if you have diffrent ideas thats cool too let me know I'm curious as to what other people look for/find important.
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#2 LoG-Sacrament
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its all about playing the role. how will i react to other characters? how will i react to situations? ideally the game allows me to establish individuality or a specific place in a group.

also, im really drawn to open worlds. its just a natural way of interactivity.

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#3 theSteeeeels
Member since 2011 • 520 Posts
obviously a lot of things have gotta come together to make the game actually work but i think story is the most important thing in an rpg. for example, fallout 3 was lets say 80% exploration 20% story (and a weak story at that), although this game is very good and theres lots to explore, it really went on and on and on and i started to feel like i was just exploring for explorings sake. this isnt good mass effect 1 is an awesome rpg. when i visited different planets i wanted to scour every bit of land with mako and i wanted to do every side quest. this is because theres a massive prominent story invovled and it feels like most things you do, youre doing for a reason and that i was constantly working towards something. doing this kept me much more engaged even though fallout 3's exploration was way more varied and better than mass effects. so yeah story it is for me. but like i say you need other things to come together to actually make the game, but story probably holds the most weight
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#4 theSteeeeels
Member since 2011 • 520 Posts
oh and i was just want to add, when i playing fallout 3 i really did think the story sucked. i mean it tells us what how the apoclypse has come about etc. but the strong point of the game was how massive and interactive the world was. well at one point whilst i was playing i came across this little community living in a bit land where grass could, as long with a talking treeman in the middle. i really liked this place and the people there and thought to myself "wouldnt it be cool if i could just live here for a while?" i really think it would be a step to the next level if you could actually do this. imagine if fallout just ditched a main story lined and instead literally just threw you into an open world and let you do whatever you like, from creating a small group of friends to roam around with you, to meeting a woman who you fall in love with, to becoming a leader in a part of land and creating your own army and go against other tribes or finding a place you like and live there for a while, fending off visitors who may be harmful or letting people stay with you. i know this would probably be incredibly hard to actually do, but just think, a fully interactive world at your disposal. *licks lips*
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#5 Ignicaeli
Member since 2009 • 385 Posts
  • Engaging history (First and foremost);
  • Good history-telling (A good history that isn't well delivered is almost as bad as a shallow history);
  • Well fleshed-out characters (Because if I'm going to play a lengthy game, I hope to care for the characters I'll be seeing a lot);
  • A combat system that requires medium to high level of strategy (Because if I wanted a hack and slash, I'd play an action/adventure game);
    • Thats mainly the reason why I did not like the console version of DA2. I own the PC version, and up till where I played it seems ok.
  • Decent graphics (Nothing extraordinary needed, but good visuals are always welcome);
  • Freedom to make some choices (Even if the choice is simply the order in which I acomplish missions).

If I think in anything else, I'll update the post. :)

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#6 Alter_Echo
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Lots of side quests and stuff to do so i can power level/gear myself past the difficulty curve and roflstomp all the bosses.

I love I-Win buttons in my RPGs like broken spell combos or things that are just stupid overpowered. Shameful but oh so true.

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#7 turtlethetaffer
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I like to have a good story (but that may not be necessary, like in the case of Pokemon) a good battle system and a big world to explore with lots to do.

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#8 Reptylus
Member since 2009 • 1875 Posts
I'm from the JRPG faction: Linear but detailed storytelling, deep character relationships, exploration I don't need but I don't avoid it as long as I don't get lost all day. I'm totally sucking up the Ar tonelico games right now. They fit my taste extremely well.
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#9 TheOtherTheoG
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Kill me for this, but I'm happy to sacrifice hardcore RPG elements and stats for better writing, a better story, better characters and most importantly, a chance for me to in some way affect how the story plays out in a meaningful way. Hence I prefer games like, say, Mass Effect to Demon's Souls and Final Fantasy.
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#10 dagreenfish
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What do I want out of an rpg? Basically, not Dragon Age II. Personally, I think of DA2 as more of an action game than a rpg. I feel that DA2 and Crisis Core are exactly what not to do in an rpg. It depends on the type of rpg I am playing.

Of course, a good story and delivery is important.

A good leveling system or customizable characters.

I hate when they make rpg's linear. I want a varied world to explore and the control to go where I want when I want (within reason of course).

I don't want button mashing combat (DA2, Crisis Core again). I guess in my rpg's, I more or less prefer some kind of turn based system.

When it comes to decision based rpgs, I want those choices to actually have an effect on the game.

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#11 Ravirr
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For my Jrpg's , I want character development. The characters at the end of the day can make a good story bad. The characters define everything in the story.

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#12 supmt
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I like RPGs that have great character development, interesting personalities, fun and intuitive battle systems, awesome music, and an epic sense of scale. I'm not a huge RPG fanatic. Most of the RPGs I've played were old school games on the SNES, including Secret of Mana, etc. The only 3D RPG I can recall playing for any significant period of time is Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. IMO, Chrono Trigger is the epitome of a virtually perfect RPG game, embodying brilliance in each of the aforementioned fields. The system is intuitive and not over-complex, and there isn't a bunch of tedious junk to get through like there is in Oblivion.
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#13 Victorious_Fize
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Different settings for sequels are just a big no no.
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#14 ModeDude
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Good challenging gameplay. Great story and visuals would help too. I enjoy many RPGs from Final Fantasy to Elder Scrolls, to Mass Effect and Persona.
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#15 Twin-Blade
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  • Immersive game world. Doesn't necessarily have to be huge & seamless like Oblivion or Morrowind, but it needs to be memorable & a joy to be in. This is probably the main thing I like in a good RPG. NIER is an example of this. Monster Hunter Tri is also another example. The game worlds aren't seamless but the zones are memorable & I loved spending hours upon hours in each.
  • Great music. It really goes a long way in a game you'll be spending ages in. The music can pass off as pretty good, but bad music can really get tiresome in a long RPG. Again, NIER is one of the best examples you can get in this aspect.
  • Long game. An RPG should be a very long experience.
  • Collectibles, weapons, armour, items etc. A necessity in a good RPG. The cooler & less generic the weapons, the better
  • Action RPGs. I don't mind turn-based but it gets tiring after awhile. If I'm spending upwards of 100 hours on a game I'd prefer an action-orientated system. It doesn't need to be Devil May Cry quality, but RPGs have shown that they can be amazing in this area also (Demon's Souls & to a lesser extent Monster Hunter Tri).
  • Memorable story & characters. I used to think that this was a must in RPGs, but MHT & DS prove it's not crucial. However, NIER left a stronger impression when all is said & done because of its awesome story & characters.
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#16 charlesdarwin55
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Just Demon's Souls

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#17 wiouds
Member since 2004 • 6233 Posts

Player control character growth. This is broken up into player control gear growth, player control stat and player control abilities. Player control gear growth is where the player is the main factor to what gear the player's character(s) get. I do not include the checklist system where the player has an item or not. Player control stat is where the player can pick some or all of the stat that is increase. Player control abilities is about the player having abilities that the player can have a few character in the same class but with different abilities.

This allow the player mold his/her character or party into the role he/she want them to be in.

Also I do not care if it has the "Choose your own adventure" like pick selected dialog, costume looks, moral picks, romance and so on.

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#18 EvilSelf
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I used to like JRPGS but as i grew older i switched completely to WRPGS. A game like Fallout 3 or New Vegas which makes the "boring" things in RPGS (like grinding) fun are my most prefered choice.

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#19 drochnathair
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Kill me for this, but I'm happy to sacrifice hardcore RPG elements and stats for better writing, a better story, better characters and most importantly, a chance for me to in some way affect how the story plays out in a meaningful way. Hence I prefer games like, say, Mass Effect to Demon's Souls and Final Fantasy.TheOtherTheoG

I'm just gonna second this. I love me some stat crunching and detailed customization, but I'm more than willing to forego that for characters I can care about. The story can be as generic as they come as long as it's well done. I'm also very big on good voice acting. If I can't have that, I'd prefer to have none at all.

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#20 Moriarity_
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-Strong story -likeable characters -solid gameplay with customizable stats/skills/items -good amount of exploration/open world -sidequests The game gets +'s if the game lets make choices that impact the story or the more customizable your character is as far as stats/skills/items go but the above is what I would consider the minimum for a solid rpg.
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#21 no_more_fayth
Member since 2010 • 11928 Posts

I'm from the JRPG faction: Linear but detailed storytelling, deep character relationships, exploration I don't need but I don't avoid it as long as I don't get lost all day. I'm totally sucking up the Ar tonelico games right now. They fit my taste extremely well. Reptylus

You complete me.

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#22 Nintendo_Ownes7
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A cross between Fire Emblem and Z.H.P. would be the RPG I most want to see.

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#23 DJChuy
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I want a good story and preferably something dark or mature like Shin Megami Tense or Tactics Ogre. Branching paths are a nice plus since it adds more replay value, but not required; some stories just don't need multiple paths. Great characters are a must, and they must have good character development and a good reason why they're in the party. I don't want annoying characters (Star Ocean 4 is the perfect example), bland characters with non-existant development (The 3rd Birthday) or characters who have no good reason to be there (Penelo from FFXII).

As for gameplay, it doesn't matter if it's turn-based or action, but I would like to be strategic or challenging. Shin Megami Tensei games like Nocturne and Persona are a good example of this. You have to use the battle system to your advantage; you have to exploit the enemy's weakness in order to get more turns, meaning you have to bring the appropriate skills to battles. However, the enemy party can also take advantage by exploiting your weakness. It adds a lot of tension in battles.

Easy or cheap difficulty is a no no. I don't want to press the X button repeatedly to win a battle (Crisis Core), and one-hit kills need to go (SMT, sadly, is an offender of this). Also, no random encounters would be a nice thing to have, since they usually occur when I don't want them to. Also, it gets pretty annoying getting sunk into multiple battles when you're in a hurry.

Side-quests are also a nice addition to have, hopefully something that doesn't involve fighting like a mini-game. In Final Fantasy XIII, the side-missions were just battles of stronger versions of enemies you've encountered throughout the game. Didn't like that there was nothing to do there other than fighting.

A great soundtrack is a plus since it adds emotion and makes the game more memorable. Also, a fantastic score sometimes makes the scene more meaningful and epic. I recently listened to the Persona 4 soundtrack, and I remembered the good times I spent with that game while I was listening to the OST. Felt like replaying P4 again. I would also like good voice-acting and an option to turn voices off, so I can turn it off whenever the voices are terrible. Finally, I would like an interesting art direction like Knights in the Nightmare.

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#24 RECON64bit
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I also liked Dragon Age 2. My favorite RPG seriesinvolve Mass Effect, and the Knights of the Old Republic. I'm also interested in Dungeon Siege 3.

I like my games with good Story, Back story, lots ofcombat and abilities. Choices in RPGs are a huge plus to me, but I can play a game with a linear story if it's well made.

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#25 BlackDevil99
Member since 2003 • 2329 Posts

Hi I'm new to the gamespot forums so try to forgive me for any mistakes I make. I was reading a few user reviews on Dragon Age 2 and I guess a lot of people did not like the game. The thing is I really enjoyed the game and had a lot of fun playing it. This made me think of why I liked the game and others didn't, thus what do people want out of an rpg? For me I really focus on the story, for me when playing an RPG that is king. I really focus on how the story engages me and if I feel a sense of importance of the story. Also how much I care for the characters and in a game like Dragon age where you make your own character how much control and influence I have on that character really helps. So I guess for me the role playing aspect might be most important. Not to say that combat is not important, obviously if I want to complete the game I need to be able to get through the game including lengths of fighting and this makes things a lot easier when the combat is fun. So this is what I judge to be a good rpg game and what I want to see more of in future rpgs. So I was just wondering if anybody else out there feels the same or if you have diffrent ideas thats cool too let me know I'm curious as to what other people look for/find important.ZaneSeven

agree with you completly, Story is most important for me, follwed by the role playing (making choices). the Dragon age series is my favrouite series ever.

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#26 wiouds
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Also I like RPG where I can define my character role more by how the deal with problems including combat.

The "Choose you own adventure" is not that important. If fact I enjoy the WRPG where you have a character with premade dialog.

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#27 HaloPimp978
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I like a RPG where I can explore the world a lot, good story, great characters and where it isn't linear. For me that would be ME Series, FF Series, Fallout, KH and DQ.

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#28 Beard_
Member since 2010 • 1066 Posts

For me its an equal balance of story and gameplay. Story is important on the first playthrough, but for the game to have any replay value the gameplay has to be good.

Story-wise the game should be character driven and lighthearted. Games like Xenogears and stuff from the FF series appeal to me less then games like Grandia or Persona 3.

Gameplay-wise the game should be challenging, fast paced, deep, and well balanced. The SMT series has some good examples where buffs/debuffs, status attacks, elemental attacks and physical skills can all play an important role in battle strategy.

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#29 krashr1
Member since 2004 • 138 Posts
As far as what kind, that doesn't matter so much to me. I've played a wide variety of rpg's and have enjoyed a wide variety of rpg's. An engaging story is paramount for me. I can forgive alot of things, overlook some shortcomings, but story is where I draw my line. If I'm going to be spending a minimum of 30-40 hours on a game, I need something compelling to keep me playing. I would follow that with the 3 C's: Character, combat, customization.
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#30 UnchartedZone
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First of all, I prefer action RPGs over turn-based ones. Then, they need 1 of 2 things - a good story, or a good open world. Finding both in 1 game is rare. If the game is linear, though, the story and combat must be really good, and different locales must still be shown. (The only exception I found to these standards is Demon's Souls - the story is almost non-existent, but the combat is really well done and the game is just really unique. Also, although it is not considered an open-world game, there are still some places to discover.) If the game is an open-world game, I want lots of things to do in that world - places to discover, hidden side quests, loot, etc. In both games, I like options. I want to be able to choose what I do or say to shape my own character - thankfully, this is becoming the norm for RPGs these days.

This is why I'm really excited for Skyrim, Dark Souls, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and even RAGE.

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#31 Mewi
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#1 Storyline
#2 Female main character options ( ability to play female as the main character )
#3 Relationship Options ( preferably orientation related XD )
#4 Side Quests
#5 Difficulty Settings
#6 New Game + Options
#7 Storyline Options
#8 Multiple Endings

When I play an RPG I prefer it to not feel like an empty MMORPG like some other RPGs where you just wonder around aimlessly in this giant world and has a really terrible overall storyline structure/plot.

Also I love new game+ options with the additional option of increasing the difficulty on that new game ^.^

Story-wise the game should be character driven and lighthearted. Games like Xenogears and stuff from the FF series appeal to me less then games like Grandia or Persona 3.


Xenogears has an insane story o.O and very good gameplay ( although the worst graphics on the planet LOL ( but who cares about graphics :3 )

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#32 cprmauldin
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I like my RPGs to have some degree of openness, preferably a high degree, though as long as there is the ability to tread of the beaten path there is typically a lot of enjoyment potential.

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#33 BadNewsBen
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For me, an RPG has to be open ended, diverse, and immersive. 1. The story needs to be able to go in a different direction at any time (Dragon Age, Fallout 3). 2. The game needs diverse characters with great voice acting (Dragon Age, Mass Effect) 3. Vibrent world/universe (Mass Effect, Witcher, Fallout) 4. Possibly the most important for me, the game needs to allow the user full customization as far as playable characters go (Dragon Age).
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#34 osan0  Online
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character building. numbers, stats, inventory that affects those, skills (combat and social). the character building system also needs to have a real effect on the players ability and place in the world. so if i have good sword stats then i will be good in melee combat. poor social skills? then ill keep putting my foot in my mouth. everything else in the game should then stem from that system from the story and dialogue options to strategy in combat and solving puzzles. i should also have a real sense that my character is getting better as my skills increase. so if i go back to an earlier area killing should be very easy. having a system where creatures level with you is bad in an RPG in my book.
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#35 EXEraserVS
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Good characters with good character designs. I can endure a average RPG if the characters are well done. But I can't play through a good RPG with bad character designs or horrible and generic characters. Case in point, Dragon Age VS Dragon Age 2.
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#36 Gibsonsg527
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Pretty much all of what Morrowind and Oblivion offers.

-Huge open world

-Full character customization, stasts/armour/weapons/appearance

- Good story

- Fleshed out lore

- Tones of quest including guilds or factions

- Complete freedom

- Good combat (well TES could use more work in this area)

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#37 ArchoNils2
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I want to use my head while playing them, WRPGs aren't my thing (I play them, but I take a JSRPG (my fav. genre) every day over a WRPG :S). To bad JRPGs these days are way to easy, I usually get through them on the hardest difficulty setting without any problems :S Also while I like good story and characters, gameplay is most important for me. I had a blast playing a lot of hours to be able to defeat Prinny Baal Pirates on Disgaea 3 :D

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#38 GamerSyrim
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I like the games that allow to go off the path of the main story lines with side quests and missions. The games have to be top notch as well as been over 10hrs worth of gameplay. I had high expectations of Fable3 for pc but it had of downfalls which is disappointing.
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#39 wiouds
Member since 2004 • 6233 Posts

There a huge different when someone talk about RPG.

Custom looks, pick your own dialog, romances, and other things like that does not matter in a RPG to me.

Story does not matter much since many WRPG have the very much over used hollow shell main character. I have never see a great story with those characters.

I think of being able to make a role to deal with the problems that you face first and foremost.

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#40 Maroxad
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While I doubt I will see anything of its calibur again. I want something in the veins of this...

Oh Ultima VII how I miss thee, best RPG ever made. Overall I am fine with most RPG kinds whether they are roguelikes, dungeon crawlers (TOEE), sandboxes that are NOT made by Bethesda (Origin Systems, Taleworlds and Pirahna Bytes are good however), tactical RPGs and story driven RPGs. All that really matters is that they are good and I should be happy.

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#41 betamon
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Top-down action rpg's like Baldur's Gate are great. Morrowind and Oblivion are two of my favorites as well.

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#42 Shaggy_online
Member since 2004 • 375 Posts

Every Rpg Must Have :

01 - Story : interesting story and characters

02 - Battle : good battle system that don't frustrate you

03 - Upgrade : upgrading system that wont make you upgrading for 10 hours only to beat one boss :?

My favourite rpg for ps3 is Demon Souls

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#43 MrGFaceless
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If you've played the Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku series, then you know what I like in an RPG... or you're thinking, "Yakuza isn't an RPG?!"
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#44 GodModeEnabled
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I like a fun character leveling system, player choice through dialouge and actions, character development and good story. If an RPG has all these things its a winner imo.
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#45 dakan45
Member since 2009 • 18819 Posts
Big open worlds to explore like bethesda. Thats what. I could care less for the action games with dialogue options that bioware has turned into. Imo obsidian is so much better but they are full of bugs.
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#46 DecadesOfGaming
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Prefer western first person R.P.G'S.. Can's stand Japanese R.P.G'swith wide eyed squeeky voiced teen brats

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#47 francisoc
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I'm not an expert about RPG's but I really like them, so for me they must have

- Gameplay: good combat system (I prefer action RPG's), solid side-quests (in length, and that have something to do with the story), great variety of weapons, spells, abilities, etc. Different kinds of enemies and bosses that require some strategy to go through. Also different classes is a plus.

- Leveling system: a deep leveling system for abilities trees, stats, weapons, etc. Something like Dragon Age

- Big world: it's a must have. A big world to explore with side-quests and lots of stuff to find, like in Oblivion. It also has to be very well designed

- Good characters: it doesn't have to be as deep as Mass Effect (which is great) but if I'm going to play a game for more than 30hrs the characters have to be interesting

- Story: deep story that can play out differently according to how you play. That's the only big flaw in Demon's Souls in my opinion, the lack of a well written story.

So this is the structure for a REALLY good RPG in my opinion