What grade would you grade the Ps3 from now since its Release

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#1 Duckoh8
Member since 2003 • 25 Posts
If you could give the sony PS3 a grade on how well its done since it release ( including the games that have been released as well as the quality) what would you grade it. My personal grade would be a D. There hasnt been a single title that has been released onto the Ps3 that made me say wow thats a great game. There are a few game that have been pretty decent but most have been either developed for the 360 1st then remade for the ps3 or have been made for both systems with the 360 version being much better than the ps3 version. There hasnt been a game since the release which was made just for the ps3 where i could say wow that was a great game. the only game i can think of is Resistance. Yes The ps3 isnt even a year old yet but within the same timespan from when the 360 was released there were already some pretty good games that came out before its 1st bday. Yes there are games that are in production but honestley from what the ps3 has released so far and how few games that have been released can you really say the ps3 has lived up to what sony has promised? If any1 has an opinion please share
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#2 Korubi
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I woudlnt' know because I don't have one.

It gets an F in getting me to buy one.

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#3 Duckoh8
Member since 2003 • 25 Posts
well i kinda meant for people who owned a ps3 to give an answer but the other way around will work just as well
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#4 Questlove711
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I have to say a D as far as games go..... It only has like 2 exclusive good games so far. I'll probably buy one next summer when another price drop comes and LittleBig Planet comes out too.

But for a Blu-ray I assume it's an A because it's the cheapest.

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#5 ASK_Story
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I think the PS3 is great and has a ton of potential. But the PS3's weakness is the lack of games, not the system itself. The price can be a factor, but it can justified with a quality library of games. But as of right now, the 360 is the better choice for the money...it just has better games. Also, even the PC is a better option.

The PS3's life saver is its long term goals. The next-gen just started for the PS3 so it has a loooong way to go before it's over. But for now, the PS3's probably the least favored of the three next-gen consoles.

Final grade: C+

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#6 sjona
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im guessing there ARE blu-ray DVD-machines already being developed/finished? if so, then i would give the PS3 a C-

if not: C+

the simple lackluster of exclusive games for the PS3 gamer is overall sony's fault. its their responsibility as the grown up consol-creating company to take the blame. END OF DISCUSSION :P

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#7 Anabub
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It's trying hard but has so much potential that is not yet being shown so I say C (could do better)
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#8 XlpranksterlX
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I woudlnt' know because I don't have one.

It gets an F in getting me to buy one.


Both are true. So far the PS3 is basically a flop. I mean, I just can't see a reason to buy one, this year, or at any moment before it. Maybe in the future, but so far, F is what it gets.

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#9 CarnageHeart
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Inbetween Resistance, Motorstorm, Calling All Cars, Tekken 5, VF5 (though I am really irritated its campaign is a step back from VF4's in terms of AI), Super Stardust HD and Flow I am content with its first year library (though Motorstorm, Flow and SS:HD are the only three games that amazed me) but 3rd party developers are clearly having serious issues with the PS3. Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, F.E.A.R. and Oblivion are three games which didn't see the downloadable content the X360 versions saw and lots of 3rd parties release PS3 games late (think D.I.R.T. and anything from Ubisoft) and/or at a lower frame rate (look no further than Madden).

Though I speak as an owner of an early North American PS3, in my experience Sony has taken B/C seriously (I have a big library with some obscure games and I've never had any compatibility issues and I am still buying PS2 games such as Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11 and later today Persona 3). Also, Sony is taking online seriously this time around (the online modes of Resistance and Motorstorm are tremendously entertaining and Sony is now strongly supporting its online store, though 3rd party support is patchy). The only issue I have on the online side of things besides weak 3rd party support is Sony not offering more PS1 games for download.

Overall, I'll give the PS3 a C, almost entirely due to its 3rd party issues.

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#10 wmg1299
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I am a Sony fan and own a PS3, but I have to give the system a D or D- so far. I finished the Darkness and am playing through Ninja Gaiden Sigma, but other than Resistance there are no "must have" games available. I supported Sony by buying the system, but until they get some of the core franchises going (Ratchet, Sly, Jak, God of War) I won't be buying much software.
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#11 trifecta_basic
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I'd give it a high F. Mainly because of the library, there is very little that takes advantage of the system. Even other systems that struggled like the N64 or Saturn had stuff like Nights, Mario 64 or Virtua Fighter to justify the investment. The closest the PS3 has had to that is Motorstorm and even that wasn't ready after a delay. Sony's first party has been exposed, and it hasn't been able to save the day like Nintendo releases have.

The online is a huge letdown. Seeing SOTN show up on 360 first says all you need to know about Sony's online naivity.

The hardware is great and terrible at once. It's well made but really tough to program to. This is where you can draw the closest parallel to the Saturn. The worst danger Sony is in, especially after a high-profile release like Madden, is having the casual circle declare the 360 more powerful. This is the second time this has occured, the other after Gears of War came out. That type of label is hard to shake off even if great looking games come out.

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#12 strat505
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i'd give it a C. although the game library is slowly improving.

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#13 Video_Game_King
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A D. They've been talking out in class, they never study for their test, and I've been hearing rumors that they're bullying Nintendo and Microsoft. And failing.
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#14 Robio_basic
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I'd give it a D+, but that'smainly because of price. After 9 months, the system has a decent enough library. Nothing that will become a treasured classic for the next decade (though maybe Oblvion), but there are some great games. Somewhere down the line though I think people have created some unfair ideas on how quickly a system neads to have a full library of quality games in every genre. The PS3 is for the most part pacing along right where the PS2 was 9 months after release.

Despite that though, sorry but the price is ridiculous. I've yet to hear a rational explanation why $600 (or $500 for that matter) is worth it for a game console. If the price inevitably drops, I just can't see how anyone couldn't find a thousan better things to do with aprt of that money.

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#15 EmptySki
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I would currently give the ps3 a C grade. I own it and it isn't the machine itself that is bad. There is a ton of potential with the ps3 when it comes to hardware. I will only get more powerful and blow 360 out of the water. But as for now, the games are hurting the system. Resistance, and Motorstorm are awesome games, but they are the only great exclusive games. Oblivion and R6 Vegas and F.E.A.R are good, but they all belong on the 360 as well.
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#16 xxxMoreBeerxxx
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Ive had my PS3 for about 4 months now and I would also have to give it a D. The only game I own is Resistance. If a game is released multiplatform I buy it for the 360because of numerous reasons, such as better framerate, better online, and gamerpoints. I'm not saying its a bad system. I really like it. I did not own a ps2 so I can play that huge back catalog of games butI did not pay $600for a ps2. And lets get real, do you really think bluray is that much better than DVD?I for one do not but to each his own.Hopefully later this year the ps3 will start to come into its own with release such as Ratchet and Clank but for now a D seems like an appropriate maybe even a little bit generoue of a grade.
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#17 Multi-Alias
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D+. But Im sure things will get better. Maybe even to PS2's A+ (it did extra credit)
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#18 Grieverr
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I will only get more powerful and blow 360 out of the water. EmptySki

I completely disagree, and that's where I think PS3's biggest faults are.

We were told that the stuff on the PS3 would not be possible on a 360. That the 7 cells were powerful enough to launch rockets into space. Yet, we've gotten none of that. Resistance and Motorstorm could easily run on the 360. Between that and the inferior ports of multiplatform games, the PS3 is having a really hard time convincing people that its worth the money.

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#19 gmsnpr
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If we think of a "C" as an average console launch, then it's getting well below that: D or F range. I have a lot of consoles and games, and even I wouldn't buy a PS3 at the moment. I'd love it to turn that D around next "semester," though.
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#20 GodModeEnabled
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A D-, there is absolutley no reason to own a PS3 this year or the year past. It has a lot of good titles in the pipeline and the hardware seems solid, reliable and full of potential. But I don't drop $600 for potential, or a game library that is laughable in comparison to the competition. By holiday 08 id suspect that D- to be an A, but im waiting until then to make sure.
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#21 Archangel3371
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I guess I'd give it a C. There are at least 5 games currently available that I'd like to pick up with more in the near future that interest me. It came out with too high of a pricetag but it just recently got a pricecut so it's getting there. Online could be better but it is free and Home looks promising. Watching Blu-ray movies on it is something that wouldn't benefit me right now since my TV isn't capable of taking advantage of that and I haven't yet seen any games that really convince me on it's necessity so I'm kind of 'meh' on the new format thing.
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#22 rragnaar
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I'm sure I will get flamed for having the unpopular opinion here, but I genuinely like my PS3. Resistance, Motorstorm, The Darkness, and a stutter-free Oblivion have kept me happy as far as retail releases go, and I absolutely love what they have done with the PSN titles. Having fl0w, SuperStardustHD, Calling All Cars, and a really smooth running Tekken 5 have been a big deal for me. Obviously not everything is perfect. While I love being able to share saves between my PS3 and PSP when I play SOTN, there just aren't enough downloadable PS1 games... I also like that it is region free, I love being able to import Ninja Gaiden, and Minna no Golf 5. November through till Mayish was kindof a rough ride, but I really like the hell out of the system now, and it is only going to get better. I'm not going to defend it any further than this post though... but I will say that I don't regret buying it at the launch, which is probably enough to rob me of all legitimacy... It has been frustrating at times, but I still really like the PS3.
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#23 Lanezy
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I don't have a PS3, so I can't give an informed opinion. But I do like how there is very little fanboyism in this thread.
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#24 Multi-Alias
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I'm sure I will get flamed for having the unpopular opinion here, but I genuinely like my PS3. Resistance, Motorstorm, The Darkness, and a stutter-free Oblivion have kept me happy as far as retail releases go, and I absolutely love what they have done with the PSN titles. Having fl0w, SuperStardustHD, Calling All Cars, and a really smooth running Tekken 5 have been a big deal for me. Obviously not everything is perfect. While I love being able to share saves between my PS3 and PSP when I play SOTN, there just aren't enough downloadable PS1 games... I also like that it is region free, I love being able to import Ninja Gaiden, and Minna no Golf 5. November through till Mayish was kindof a rough ride, but I really like the hell out of the system now, and it is only going to get better. I'm not going to defend it any further than this post though... but I will say that I don't regret buying it at the launch, which is probably enough to rob me of all legitimacy... It has been frustrating at times, but I still really like the PS3.rragnaar

Nah dude. It's nice to see someone actuallyhave fun withtheir console instead of **** about it.

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#26 SemiMaster
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C for me as well. I have one, but the ONLY reason I have it right now is I had a bunch of store credit at EBGames, I wanted hardware BC capability, and E3 showed me that they have a lot of good games coming, but you wouldn't know that right now. Can't wait for Heavenly Sword to come out specifically.

I made an investment now in hopes that 2008 the PS3 will deliver on its promise (and from unexpected places for me, like Pain, Infamous and other dark horses).

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#27 MarcusAntonius
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"C", the word "potential" is going to dog the PS3 until the more high profile games are realeased. I'm just not sure if this holiday season's lineup is going to be enough to draw in more buyers.
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#28 Archangel3371
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I'm sure I will get flamed for having the unpopular opinion here, but I genuinely like my PS3. Resistance, Motorstorm, The Darkness, and a stutter-free Oblivion have kept me happy as far as retail releases go, and I absolutely love what they have done with the PSN titles. Having fl0w, SuperStardustHD, Calling All Cars, and a really smooth running Tekken 5 have been a big deal for me. Obviously not everything is perfect. While I love being able to share saves between my PS3 and PSP when I play SOTN, there just aren't enough downloadable PS1 games... I also like that it is region free, I love being able to import Ninja Gaiden, and Minna no Golf 5. November through till Mayish was kindof a rough ride, but I really like the hell out of the system now, and it is only going to get better. I'm not going to defend it any further than this post though... but I will say that I don't regret buying it at the launch, which is probably enough to rob me of all legitimacy... It has been frustrating at times, but I still really like the PS3.rragnaar

Sounds fine to me.

I'd really like to get Resistance, Ridge Racer 7, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, and Tekken 5: DR. I forgot about the region free thing, that's definately a plus. Hopefully things will pick up with the PS1 games they make available for download. Also I haven't heard of any problems with the system so it sounds like they put a really stable machine together.

Alright I bump my C up to a C+. ;)

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#29 rragnaar
Member since 2005 • 27023 Posts

[QUOTE="rragnaar"]I'm sure I will get flamed for having the unpopular opinion here, but I genuinely like my PS3. Resistance, Motorstorm, The Darkness, and a stutter-free Oblivion have kept me happy as far as retail releases go, and I absolutely love what they have done with the PSN titles. Having fl0w, SuperStardustHD, Calling All Cars, and a really smooth running Tekken 5 have been a big deal for me. Obviously not everything is perfect. While I love being able to share saves between my PS3 and PSP when I play SOTN, there just aren't enough downloadable PS1 games... I also like that it is region free, I love being able to import Ninja Gaiden, and Minna no Golf 5. November through till Mayish was kindof a rough ride, but I really like the hell out of the system now, and it is only going to get better. I'm not going to defend it any further than this post though... but I will say that I don't regret buying it at the launch, which is probably enough to rob me of all legitimacy... It has been frustrating at times, but I still really like the PS3.Archangel3371

Sounds fine to me.

I'd really like to get Resistance, Ridge Racer 7, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, and Tekken 5: DR. I forgot about the region free thing, that's definately a plus. Hopefully things will pick up with the PS1 games they make available for download. Also I haven't heard of any problems with the system so it sounds like they put a really stable machine together.

Alright I bump my C up to a C+. ;)

I'd actually forgotten about Ridge Racer 7... it is a lot of fun.  I need to dust that one off and play it again.  For some reason the tilt control in this game makes it about ten times better.  I eff up more, but it is more fun.
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#30 BobZany
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So far, I'd rate the system a C. Though, as a gaming system alone a D+ right now. There's potential there for the system, but the games just aren't coming yet. Most of the great games are already available on the 360, or will be eventually. Personally, there's nothing exclusive I was dying to own on the system outside of Resistance Fall of Man. I'm hoping Heavenly Sword and Killzone 2 will be good, as well.

The main thing giving this system life for me right now is Blu Ray and BC. I tend to use the system to catch up on PS2 games I missed last go round more than for anything else.

There's definitely potential for the system, but it needs some great exclusives. The sooner the better. Hopefully a payoff for getting the system is eventually coming.

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#31 yomi_basic
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In a vacum I would have to give the PS3 a C because of the lack of great original content. However I'm looking forward to this fall and expect that grade to jump to a B by EOY

Taken against the fist year of the Wii and the 360 I would give it a B-. Where I would have to give the Wii a C- (not one game I care about) and the 360 a B+ (At this point in it's first year the 360 was still relatively barren but had a few strong titles.

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#32 ArchieGates
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I owned a PS3 for a day and was severly underwhelmed by it. Motorstorm is supposed to showcase the system's graphics, but I found it to be a real letdown. Nothing the 360 can't do.

With the lack of exclusives, and 3rd party games being better on the 360, the PS3 right now is pretty much all style and no substance.