IGN: Is Final Fantasy VII overrated? spoilers, for FFVII, FFVI, and Lost Odyssey

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#1 texasgoldrush
Member since 2003 • 14947 Posts


It looks like one editor says no, but the other says yes, bigtime.

And to answer the question...YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its not only just hugely overrated, it is the most overrated game of all time.

I do like the game and I think it has the best combat system in the series. But the story has to be one of the worst in the series and the games graphics have aged poorly. I rather be in the medieval themes of IV and V, the steampunk theme of VI, the european futuristic theme of VIII, the ****c theme of IX, the south asian tropical theme of X, and the sky city theme of XII than be in the ugly cyberpunk theme of VII. Only some setpieces in VII look great, such as the Ancient City where Aerith is killed and Yuffie's town. The story has little heart (except for some scenes) and wild and all over the place, unlike the other FF games, ESPECIALLY VI and X. While the killing of Aerith was stunning and well done, its not like they haven't killed playable characters before, some characters in II, alot of characters in IV including twin kids Porom and Palom, a party member in V, Shadow and Gogo in VI. Other than a couple of scenes with Aeris and Tifa, the game has no heart. The story is also heavily metaphysical and confusing, unlike VI's simpler but more effective story. Barrett is just an awful character and the translation is poor as well. Sephiroth is also an overrated villian, a cool looking one, but he is no Kefka. But when the game came out, I liked it. Like I said, the battles are well done and revolutionary, although the summons last way to long. But after I beaten it twice and played the newer ones as well as VI, I just don't connect to it as much as the others, and it is the story and characters that make VII weaker in my eyes. XIII needs to be like VI, light on the metaphysics (enough to tell the story), but heavily on the humanity.

Lost Odyssey is a good example of what FF games should go back to. Like VI, it focuses on the characters and it has very humanistic themes, some which I think are even better than VI in some areas. I actually think Lirum's death was more tragic than Aeris's death in VII. The crew is better too, I rather play as Kaim and his crew rather than Cloud and his...their characters are just so overrated.

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#2 Chogyam
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victim's of the hype machine...

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#3 K1LLR3175
Member since 2006 • 12734 Posts
I am tired of hearing about FF7 remakes or spinoffs,but all in all does it really matter if the game is over rated.......10 years after the game came out?
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#4 Foggel
Member since 2008 • 941 Posts

I guess FFVII is so praised by fans, that new player might think they will achieve some kind of nirvana by playing it. And then they get disappointed.

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#5 Mike1234234
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Just ignore the fanbase, Final Fantasy VII is a great game, but not if you play it with "CLOUD KUN IS SO KAWAII DESU!!!!111" in your head.

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#6 maxx1458
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I still think its a good game that I love but really I dont think I would put it in the top 5 in terms of the series.

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#7 DJ_Lae
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The game was pretty good for its time, but has aged extremely poorly. Of course, it was many peoples' introduction to JRPGs and holds a special place in their heart that no one can take away from them. I enjoyed the game but once I got past the stage of popping a boner at the cinematics and battle graphics I couldn't help but be disappointed in the changes for the worse from Final Fantasy VI - a compelling plot and interesting characters was traded for a mess of exposition and some of the blandest characters this side of a Star Ocean game. Is Cloud supposed to be an amazing protagonist? I guess if clutching his head and moaning are all it takes then he's fantastic. Is Sephiroth supposed to be the ultimate bad-ass? Please. He's a puppet with bad hair that spends most of the game running away from you and not doing much of anything. The materia system was interesting but ultimately did nothing to distinguish the characters from one another. I dunno. I can't see why anyone who was introduced to JRPGs prior to FF7 would think it's the greatest RPG of all time. I can see why it has such a rabid fanbase, but it still disappoints me. There are so many other, better games more deserving of praise and clamour for a remake.
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#8 stike22
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Of course FF7 is a great game, but hell yeh its way overrated...but so is everything related to FF series except the first 6 FFs...I would say that FF10 was the best one but that was overrated in some aspects too. I seriously have to say that FF7 should be left to die, all these spinoffs are just....I am not even gonna bother. Lost Odyssey, Infintite Undiscovery and Last Remnant have each been underrated games merely because they don't have FF as the title...I know because I thought they were just crappy side games that Square Enix decided to put out because FF13 was taking so long to make...but it turned out they were all great in their own way...Lost Odyssey I would say was the best one though.
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#9 foxhound_fox
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Most games from that era that did something special and popularized it are remembered as these fantastic beacons of light that can never be bad.

I just look back on games like FFVII and OoT and wonder how people ever liked them at all. Games I remember fondly from that time were games like Vagrant Story, Parasite Eve, Super Smash Bros. and Mario 64.

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#10 deep_sea_six
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I think people fail to notice some of the better things about the games. The real dirt on FF7 is that it marked the beggining of a sort of golden age in gaming or at least in RPGs. It was groundbreaking in the respect of consoles of the time and drew untold new leagues of fans to the RPG genre and consoles as well.

The golden age I speak of is that RPGs got so hyped that 6-7 blockbuster rpgs came out a year as well as tons of other games in between that were of replayable quality. If you wanted a good game in other genres they flourished as well with so many new customers so their was lots of quality titles on the markert.

FF7- was just fun, which is something we all needed in an RPG at the time. It also marked the beggining of another trend we would see become popular in games wihich was stuffing them with minigames.

FF8 - was very realistic in terms of graphics but was lackluster among other brighter FF titles.

FF9- had some extremely lovable characters that made the story worth following.

As for the rest:

FF10 - Graphics gallore at the time, interesting story.

FF10/2 - While the game often reminded you of a cheap 1970s porn flick it had a very streamlined battle system where characters acted simultaneously instead of in turn but still kept battle turn based.

FF12 - Kept the battle formula from 10-2, good story like in 10 and 7, and made leaps and bounds in terms of the combat system which for the first time abandoned the act and wait strategy. The game arrived far to late in the PS2s life cycle to be noticed.

So to sum up what I'm saying, FF7 just had a notable positions in a time when the gaming industry started to flourish. My personal experience of it back then was that I almost never bought a game that wasnt good and worth what you paid for it. Right now the gaming industry is devoid of as many robust titles as back then and now sometimes $50 just isnt worth it anymore. Companies have loadedthe market with crap games for insane prices right now. RPGs are extremely rare especially good ones. So I guess all us fanboys like to reminisce about the good old days.

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#11 Ballroompirate
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FF7 is no means overrated, if anything it started the RPG craze of the 90's and made way for some of the greatest RPGs after it.

As for LO its probably one of the best RPGs we've had in 2-3 years (havent played it yet but it looks awesome).

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#12 Ish_basic
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I think people fail to notice some of the better things about the games. The real dirt on FF7 is that it marked the beggining of a sort of golden age in gaming or at least in RPGs. It was groundbreaking in the respect of consoles of the time and drew untold new leagues of fans to the RPG genre and consoles as well.


This. I'm not a FInal Fantasty fan..not even a little bit. I don't think the franchise is the best JRPGs have to offer, but instead is symbolic of everything JRPGs would be wise to move away from. I just say that so that when I say this next, you won't think I'm just speaking with the heart of a fan - For the reasons quoted above, FFVII is not overrated. It's an important game and a milestone for the genre stateside - if not for FFVII success, most people never would have gotten the chance to play the earlier FF games they cite as "better" than FFVII.

When FFVII was launched in the states, it outgrossed the leading movie that week (which was GI Jane IIRC). This was a huge wake-up call to SCEA which prior to this had a really negative view of RPGs, to the point of alienating the companies that made/published them - such as Working Designs. Even on the SNES and Genesis RPGs weren't nearly as numerous in the States as they became after FFVII.

So however we might try to write-off FFVII, for every JRPG that we want to say is better, none of them has contributed to the worldwide (i.e, outside of Japan) success of the genre like FFVII has - that's got to be worth something. The game couldn't have acheived what it did without having something going for it.

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#13 texasgoldrush
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I actually call the SNES the golden age of JRPG's for quality (although I do think Nintendo of America's censorship did a lot of damage, especially to FFIV and VI)), but I think they "sold out" in the Playstation era...while their sales exploded, the quality went downhill due to style over substance and the weakening of the stories of the games. The SNES had the best RPG's in my opinion, you had the Final Fantasy games (with VI having a story that I still think hasn't been top yet, nice try Lost Odyssey, you wer close), Chrono Trigger (which I think had the best battle system out of any JRPG, and while the story isn't as good as FFVI, it still great), Secret of Mana and its never released in the US sequel (Seiken Densetsu 3), and then you had some RPG's not from Square. The Lufia series, especially Lufia II (which was a prequel) were great... Spoiler: Lufia II Very rare that the lead character has a wife (who is also a party member) and child....but the wife is killed after the final battle and the lead character dies soon afterwards....one of the saddest happy endings in a game. Enix has some good games as well, my fave being 7th Saga, which was tough but cool and rewarding. But I think FFVII was the beginning of the end....soon JRPG's including the FF series started losing their quality, and while VIII, IX, and X were good, they weren't as good as IV, VI, and gameplay wise VII (storywise the later ones are better, but not as good as VI or Chrono Trigger). XII had a decent story, but was disappointing. Now WRPG's are dominating, not only do their allowance of choices strengthen the genre, but the stories are getting better....KOTOR, Mass Effect, The Witcher, for example. If FFXIII isn't good, JRPG's will suffer in the future in Western markets. This is why Lost Odyssey is so important.....it shows how story based RPG's should be done...with substance over style, with characters that resonate instead of anime knockoffs (Star Ocean 4) or sex objects, mature themes instead teen agnst sillyness... Oh yeah, one of the top FF creators and top composers created and scored the game.
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#14 texasgoldrush
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FF7 is no means overrated, if anything it started the RPG craze of the 90's and made way for some of the greatest RPGs after it.

As for LO its probably one of the best RPGs we've had in 2-3 years (havent played it yet but it looks awesome).

I argue that the greatest RPGs came before it....the 3 FF games for SNES, Chrono Trigger (which is a huge fan favorite), the Mana games, Lufia games....when the commericial breakthorugh game is overrated, which FFVII is, its bad news for the series and genre at whole. Soon, it starts getting copied and the quality goes down. This is one of the reasons why Ocarina of Time is not overrated, the later Zelda titles after it are all strong with no noticable drop in quality, and the imitaion game, Okami, is incredible in its own right. Now JRPG's are lagging behind WRPG's and the bad news is WRPG's are starting to get superior stories to JRPGs.
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#15 hakanakumono
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I think the best part of VII is that its such a 90s game.

People were starting to be very concious of human impact on the planet, and VII's focus ont he health of the planet and real world parallels were delightful.

The big bad corporation aspect of the game is also very 90s and I enjoyed it.

No, it wasn't the greatest RPG ever. It had a horrible translation, was sometimes silly in the plot department, but it was definitely a good RPG with loveable characters.

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#16 hakanakumono
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FF7 is no means overrated, if anything it started the RPG craze of the 90's and made way for some of the greatest RPGs after it.

As for LO its probably one of the best RPGs we've had in 2-3 years (havent played it yet but it looks awesome).


I argue that the greatest RPGs came before it....the 3 FF games for SNES, Chrono Trigger (which is a huge fan favorite), the Mana games, Lufia games....when the commericial breakthorugh game is overrated, which FFVII is, its bad news for the series and genre at whole. Soon, it starts getting copied and the quality goes down. This is one of the reasons why Ocarina of Time is not overrated, the later Zelda titles after it are all strong with no noticable drop in quality, and the imitaion game, Okami, is incredible in its own right. Now JRPG's are lagging behind WRPG's and the bad news is WRPG's are starting to get superior stories to JRPGs.

Imo okami is a better zelda game than TP.

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#17 texasgoldrush
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I think the best part of VII is that its such a 90s game.

People were starting to be very concious of human impact on the planet, and VII's focus ont he health of the planet and real world parallels were delightful.

The big bad corporation aspect of the game is also very 90s and I enjoyed it.

No, it wasn't the greatest RPG ever. It had a horrible translation, was sometimes silly in the plot department, but it was definitely a good RPG with loveable characters.

I do like Tifa, Aeris, and Yuffie....and Cloud somewhat (although there are much better leads), but I hated Barrett so much that I never use him unless I have to. I also do like VII's environmental theme as well. I just find the characters and story the weakest in the series....especially the male heros and the villain.
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#18 MGSFan92
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I loved the cyberpunk setting in FFVII more than anything :( Which is why I'm getting FFvXIII due to the similar setting.
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#19 MGSFan92
Member since 2008 • 1525 Posts

I think the best part of VII is that its such a 90s game.

People were starting to be very concious of human impact on the planet, and VII's focus ont he health of the planet and real world parallels were delightful.

The big bad corporation aspect of the game is also very 90s and I enjoyed it.

No, it wasn't the greatest RPG ever. It had a horrible translation, was sometimes silly in the plot department, but it was definitely a good RPG with loveable characters.

I, also agree with this guy, the reason it's so much fun is because it reminds you so much of the 90's which was, by far, a fantastic decade.
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#20 bigfatcrap
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Yes, it is overrated. But does that suddenly make it a horrible game? Can't there be some sort of middle ground? Sure its rabid fans are annoying, but that doesn't stop Final Fantasy VII from being a high quality game.

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#21 TriangleHard
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I consider FFVI quite poor, so I never understood the hype behind that.

FFVII, was just a masterpiece. I don't know what you people want out of it. The game had excellent pacing, story, and characters with solid and original (instead of copying DQ for a change) battle system.

FFVI had a game that poor pacing, few good characters and few absurd characters, and broken system called esper system that you can exploit.

seriously, FFVI was not up to par compared to other fine JRPGs Square put out during that era. Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, etc were all better games.

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#22 190586385885857957282413308806
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FFVII was the self destruction of the JRPG genre on so many different levels. It prioritized presentation over role playing elements and was such a huge success that it launched a copy cat frenzy that saw devs just trying to make flashier games and more turn based menu tweaks when time could have spent trying to evolve the genre in another direction. Now any little change done to this formula is seen by people as JRPG's copying WRPG conventions or they can stay the course and have critics pan them by sticking to the same matrix for decades.
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#23 mattykovax
Member since 2004 • 22693 Posts
FFVII was the self destruction of the JRPG genre on so many different levels. It prioritized presentation over role playing elements and was such a huge success that it launched a copy cat frenzy that saw devs just trying to make flashier games and more turn based menu tweaks when time could have spent trying to evolve the genre in another direction. Now any little change done to this formula is seen by people as JRPG's copying WRPG conventions or they can stay the course and have critics pan them by sticking to the same matrix for decades. smerlus
I agree with this post 100%. Just about says it all,really. FFVII is pretty much when I stoped playing JRPGS.
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#24 GodModeEnabled
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FFVII was fantastic for its time and a great game, but to say that it and its formula have been done to death now would be a huge understatement.
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#25 TriangleHard
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FFVII was the self destruction of the JRPG genre on so many different levels. It prioritized presentation over role playing elements and was such a huge success that it launched a copy cat frenzy that saw devs just trying to make flashier games and more turn based menu tweaks when time could have spent trying to evolve the genre in another direction. Now any little change done to this formula is seen by people as JRPG's copying WRPG conventions or they can stay the course and have critics pan them by sticking to the same matrix for decades. smerlus

Oh reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaally?

That's funny because AFTER FFVII came out, JRPG took a huge stride and became main stream of gaming.

Not to mention that's when many unique ones came out like Xenogears, Shadow Hearts, etc.

Also thanks to presentation heavy formula JRPG used, it is when the story of games really started to matter and actually gave more weight to the games itself. Which is important to gaming these days.

And JRPG took major turns since FFVII by trying to do many other things. Wild Arms series tried to bring unique methods of dungeon crawling by adding some puzzle platform like elements to it, Suikoden came out and taking JRPG to whole other direction by adding different perspective to the story and having that building army sims to it.

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#26 190586385885857957282413308806
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[QUOTE="smerlus"]FFVII was the self destruction of the JRPG genre on so many different levels. It prioritized presentation over role playing elements and was such a huge success that it launched a copy cat frenzy that saw devs just trying to make flashier games and more turn based menu tweaks when time could have spent trying to evolve the genre in another direction. Now any little change done to this formula is seen by people as JRPG's copying WRPG conventions or they can stay the course and have critics pan them by sticking to the same matrix for decades. TriangleHard

Oh reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaally?

That's funny because AFTER FFVII came out, JRPG took a huge stride and became main stream of gaming.

Not to mention that's when many unique ones came out like Xenogears, Shadow Hearts, etc.

Also thanks to presentation heavy formula JRPG used, it is when the story of games really started to matter and actually gave more weight to the games itself. Which is important to gaming these days.

And JRPG took major turns since FFVII by trying to do many other things. Wild Arms series tried to bring unique methods of dungeon crawling by adding some puzzle platform like elements to it, Suikoden came out and taking JRPG to whole other direction by adding different perspective to the story and having that building army sims to it.

Maybe in your heart it was the main stream of gaming but sales would suggest otherwise. The reason you don't see sequels to xenogears today is that it never recaptured the success of FFVII. Shaowhearts is almost the same difference except that this series doesn't share the quality that xenogears had. So I will give you the fact that they are different games but their sales or quality ensure that they will never hold a candle to FFVII, the high point of the JRPG genre. And thanks to presentation, the JRPG genre is growing less and less relevant as the years go on. Now when you see sites giving out RPG of the year awards or story of the year awards, it's not unlikely to see WRPG's walk away with it while not having to rely on elaborate cutscenes and overstylized characters. You can spout out how many different games you want but they are niche games. I could name just as many different gaming conventions in FPS that not only tweak gameplay a bit but also sell great and are critically acclaimed all around. If i had to think of an anology that best captures JRPG's it would be that 8 year old boy that could make a crowd laugh by playing the national anthem in armpit farts. It was a great feeling for him so he decided to practice and practice only to find that even though he could hit different notes and play different songs, the act was wearing thin. Now a decade later, the boy is only known for one thing, Arm Pit farting. If he ventures off to try to be successful at something else, he's just copying everyone else, if he sticks with his instrument, he'll always be that unfunny kid with the arm pit farts.
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#27 TriangleHard
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[QUOTE="smerlus"]FFVII was the self destruction of the JRPG genre on so many different levels. It prioritized presentation over role playing elements and was such a huge success that it launched a copy cat frenzy that saw devs just trying to make flashier games and more turn based menu tweaks when time could have spent trying to evolve the genre in another direction. Now any little change done to this formula is seen by people as JRPG's copying WRPG conventions or they can stay the course and have critics pan them by sticking to the same matrix for decades. smerlus

Oh reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaally?

That's funny because AFTER FFVII came out, JRPG took a huge stride and became main stream of gaming.

Not to mention that's when many unique ones came out like Xenogears, Shadow Hearts, etc.

Also thanks to presentation heavy formula JRPG used, it is when the story of games really started to matter and actually gave more weight to the games itself. Which is important to gaming these days.

And JRPG took major turns since FFVII by trying to do many other things. Wild Arms series tried to bring unique methods of dungeon crawling by adding some puzzle platform like elements to it, Suikoden came out and taking JRPG to whole other direction by adding different perspective to the story and having that building army sims to it.

Maybe in your heart it was the main stream of gaming but sales would suggest otherwise. The reason you don't see sequels to xenogears today is that it never recaptured the success of FFVII. Shaowhearts is almost the same difference except that this series doesn't share the quality that xenogears had. So I will give you the fact that they are different games but their sales or quality ensure that they will never hold a candle to FFVII, the high point of the JRPG genre. And thanks to presentation, the JRPG genre is growing less and less relevant as the years go on. Now when you see sites giving out RPG of the year awards or story of the year awards, it's not unlikely to see WRPG's walk away with it while not having to rely on elaborate cutscenes and overstylized characters. You can spout out how many different games you want but they are niche games. I could name just as many different gaming conventions in FPS that not only tweak gameplay a bit but also sell great and are critically acclaimed all around. If i had to think of an anology that best captures JRPG's it would be that 8 year old boy that could make a crowd laugh by playing the national anthem in armpit farts. It was a great feeling for him so he decided to practice and practice only to find that even though he could hit different notes and play different songs, the act was wearing thin. Now a decade later, the boy is only known for one thing, Arm Pit farting. If he ventures off to try to be successful at something else, he's just copying everyone else, if he sticks with his instrument, he'll always be that unfunny kid with the arm pit farts.

Sales is precisely what made JRPG main stream.

FFVII nearly sold 10 million and FFVIII alsoaround 7~8 million. Number that has never been reached by JRPG.

Even highly successful JRPG games like FFVI only hit around 2~3 mil.

Ever since FFVII came out, JRPGs were sold at much MUCH higher rate than previous years. Considering how poorly Dragon Quest series were sold when it was called Dragon Warriors in the States, that's huge jump.

You call them niche games but many of them turned into franchise. Suikoden reached 5th game, Persona series are going really strong, and Shadow Heart franchise had 4 games. That's pretty steady production and that means they managed to put up some sales.

The reason why Xenogears sequels not out is because the creators of Xenogears left Square. They made spiritual sequel called Xenosaga. Xenogears was great game, but it's a stain in Square's reputation since it was incomplete game. Obviously Square would not make sequel to a game that shames them. Considering 4 games came out under the name Xeno on home consoles, I'd say that one did pretty well even if the spiritual sequel was much weaker compared to the original.

Put it that way, then Fallout series were most certainly a niche game until Fallout 3 which managed to get some budget for a change, and considering Fallout series is one of the bigger WRPG franchise, then we can call entire WRPG genre a niche genre, in your definition.

And considering the story of how most WRPG goes, 8 year old boy that could make a crow laugh by playing national anthem in armpit farts fits quite well. There is only so much generic set up for story can go, especially with same ol' gameplay setting and dungeon & dragons formula.

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#28 DJ_Lae
Member since 2002 • 42748 Posts
Well, that took just over two page for the thread to degenerate into WRPG versus JRPG. I almost want to pull the old SDG acronym out of hiding.
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#29 190586385885857957282413308806
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Well, that took just over two page for the thread to degenerate into WRPG versus JRPG. I almost want to pull the old SDG acronym out of hiding.DJ_Lae
I tried to switch it up and turn it into JRPG vs FPS but that didn't work. Maybe I'll try Survival Horror next and see how that fairs
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#30 DJ_Lae
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[QUOTE="DJ_Lae"]Well, that took just over two page for the thread to degenerate into WRPG versus JRPG. I almost want to pull the old SDG acronym out of hiding.smerlus
I tried to switch it up and turn it into JRPG vs FPS but that didn't work. Maybe I'll try Survival Horror next and see how that fairs

It's not a bad thing, I guess. And I do agree with you that FF7's success gave the wrong impression to other JRPG developers, resulting in the stagnation of the genre. I mean, even now we've got something like Lost Odyssey, which (while decent) is essentially the same game as any number of PSOne era JRPGs.
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#31 Brutaltron87
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As a fan of the FF Series, I can say that I agree. FFVII, while a great game in it's own right, is extremely over rated. I've heard many times over that VII has the best story, pacing etc etc. I disagree. In my opinion the best story is a tie between Final Fantasy IV and Final Fantasy X. But that's just me. Honestly, I think Final Fantasy VII only receieved the accolades it did because it was the first of the 3D FF games. If Final Fantasy IX (which is amazing btw) was Final Fantasy VII I can honestly say that I think IT would have the same amout of over rated praise that VII has garnered. But that's just my personal opinion. For the record, I'm not bashing FFVII at all. It's a good game. But not as good as people think.
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#32 foxhound_fox
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My main problem with FFVII is that it recieves an inordinate amount of praise while truly fantastic games like Vagrant Story, Einhander, Parasite Eve 1/2, Front Mission 3 and Chrono Cross get shoved under the rug.

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#33 texasgoldrush
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I consider FFVI quite poor, so I never understood the hype behind that.

FFVII, was just a masterpiece. I don't know what you people want out of it. The game had excellent pacing, story, and characters with solid and original (instead of copying DQ for a change) battle system.

FFVI had a game that poor pacing, few good characters and few absurd characters, and broken system called esper system that you can exploit.

seriously, FFVI was not up to par compared to other fine JRPGs Square put out during that era. Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, etc were all better games.

VI's story blows VII's out of the water...and the reason is the characters are so good. The plot is simple but effective in VI, unlike VIIs more complex and out of control plot. VI actually has much better pacing than VII does...by alot. Pacing is actually one of VII's weaknesses. I think the pacing during the Midgar section is pretty good, but afterwards, it just falls apart, especially in the next town. VI's pacing is much more about introducing the characters, especially in the split paths section of the game. But once all the main characters are gotten, save for Strago and Relm, the pacing appropriately picks up. The characters of FFVI are also the best in the series. I liked how they took cliched character archetypes, and did uncliched things to them...especially with their tragic pasts. Take Strago for instance, he looks like the wise old man, but actually he is kinda foolish. The two main heroines though, break cliches (and I think Terra started the amnesic hero thing). VII has some pretty absurd characters...more absurd than VI's (which were bonus characters). While I do think the Materia system is really good and better than the Espers, the Esper system works well. I do think Sabin and Cyan should not be learning Ultima though. But the summons themeselves are to the point and some of them, like Shiva and Madeen, have character backstories, unlike VII's summons. Also the battle system in VII is just like the past games, only with 3d graphics. It is no way original. Actually it was VIII that changed the battle system, not VII. Chrono Trigger I think plays the best out of any Square JRPG, but the story is not as good as FFVI's (it is a good story, better than VII). Secret of Mana is great, but it is a grindfest if you want the top speels and stats. The sequel is actually better, but wasn't released here in the US. People say VII is overrated because of its story and characters are overrated.
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#34 Nifty_Shark
Member since 2007 • 13137 Posts

I don't have much to add but I love the Retro page of IGN. the podcast RetroCity is one of my favorites. Levi just puts so much care into everything.

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#35 Video_Game_King
Member since 2003 • 27545 Posts

Yes, Final Fantasy VII is overrated, but that does not make it bad. Do not confuse the two terms.

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#36 Master-Thief-09
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Just let the game die. It has not aged well.
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#37 texasgoldrush
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I actually find many of the characters to be quite bad in VII, it just kills the whole expierence....unless I can't, when I play, my party usually is Cloud-Tifa-Yuffie(or Aeris). Those are the only characters I care about. Barrett has to be one of the worst FF characters, if not the worst, ever.
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#38 hakanakumono
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[QUOTE="smerlus"]FFVII was the self destruction of the JRPG genre on so many different levels. It prioritized presentation over role playing elements and was such a huge success that it launched a copy cat frenzy that saw devs just trying to make flashier games and more turn based menu tweaks when time could have spent trying to evolve the genre in another direction. Now any little change done to this formula is seen by people as JRPG's copying WRPG conventions or they can stay the course and have critics pan them by sticking to the same matrix for decades. smerlus

Oh reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaally?

That's funny because AFTER FFVII came out, JRPG took a huge stride and became main stream of gaming.

Not to mention that's when many unique ones came out like Xenogears, Shadow Hearts, etc.

Also thanks to presentation heavy formula JRPG used, it is when the story of games really started to matter and actually gave more weight to the games itself. Which is important to gaming these days.

And JRPG took major turns since FFVII by trying to do many other things. Wild Arms series tried to bring unique methods of dungeon crawling by adding some puzzle platform like elements to it, Suikoden came out and taking JRPG to whole other direction by adding different perspective to the story and having that building army sims to it.

Maybe in your heart it was the main stream of gaming but sales would suggest otherwise. The reason you don't see sequels to xenogears today is that it never recaptured the success of FFVII. Shaowhearts is almost the same difference except that this series doesn't share the quality that xenogears had. So I will give you the fact that they are different games but their sales or quality ensure that they will never hold a candle to FFVII, the high point of the JRPG genre. And thanks to presentation, the JRPG genre is growing less and less relevant as the years go on. Now when you see sites giving out RPG of the year awards or story of the year awards, it's not unlikely to see WRPG's walk away with it while not having to rely on elaborate cutscenes and overstylized characters. You can spout out how many different games you want but they are niche games. I could name just as many different gaming conventions in FPS that not only tweak gameplay a bit but also sell great and are critically acclaimed all around. If i had to think of an anology that best captures JRPG's it would be that 8 year old boy that could make a crowd laugh by playing the national anthem in armpit farts. It was a great feeling for him so he decided to practice and practice only to find that even though he could hit different notes and play different songs, the act was wearing thin. Now a decade later, the boy is only known for one thing, Arm Pit farting. If he ventures off to try to be successful at something else, he's just copying everyone else, if he sticks with his instrument, he'll always be that unfunny kid with the arm pit farts.

VII didn't change the JRPG genre to focus on presentation, that was an already growing force within gaming that came with the introduction of 3D and FMV.

Game makers not only wanted to make great games but they wanted to tell great stories with solid presentations.

There's nothing wrong with focusing on having a good presentation. Ironically, looking at VII now I'd say the presentation was somewhat poor. :roll:

You're just being bitter.

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#39 Video_Game_King
Member since 2003 • 27545 Posts

Just let the game die. It has not aged well.Master-Thief-09

Graphically, of course it hasn't. Translation-wise...the same. A lot of the other aspects are still great, even if the beginning sucks horribly.

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#40 Memberino
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No, its the best game ever.
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#41 texasgoldrush
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[QUOTE="Master-Thief-09"]Just let the game die. It has not aged well.Video_Game_King

Graphically, of course it hasn't. Translation-wise...the same. A lot of the other aspects are still great, even if the beginning sucks horribly.

I actually thought FFVII began well, but the storyline started to fall apart (or lose its tightness) after you leave Midgar.
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#42 190586385885857957282413308806
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Sales is precisely what made JRPG main stream.

FFVII nearly sold 10 million and FFVIII alsoaround 7~8 million. Number that has never been reached by JRPG.

Even highly successful JRPG games like FFVI only hit around 2~3 mil.

Ever since FFVII came out, JRPGs were sold at much MUCH higher rate than previous years. Considering how poorly Dragon Quest series were sold when it was called Dragon Warriors in the States, that's huge jump.

You call them niche games but many of them turned into franchise. Suikoden reached 5th game, Persona series are going really strong, and Shadow Heart franchise had 4 games. That's pretty steady production and that means they managed to put up some sales.

The reason why Xenogears sequels not out is because the creators of Xenogears left Square. They made spiritual sequel called Xenosaga. Xenogears was great game, but it's a stain in Square's reputation since it was incomplete game. Obviously Square would not make sequel to a game that shames them. Considering 4 games came out under the name Xeno on home consoles, I'd say that one did pretty well even if the spiritual sequel was much weaker compared to the original.

Put it that way, then Fallout series were most certainly a niche game until Fallout 3 which managed to get some budget for a change, and considering Fallout series is one of the bigger WRPG franchise, then we can call entire WRPG genre a niche genre, in your definition.

And considering the story of how most WRPG goes, 8 year old boy that could make a crow laugh by playing national anthem in armpit farts fits quite well. There is only so much generic set up for story can go, especially with same ol' gameplay setting and dungeon & dragons formula.

You just pointed out declining sales and called it a trend. Declining sales don't indicate a trend, they indicate the end of something. And once again mentioning Fallout just shows how your view is deeply rooted in the console side of the business only. When Fallout and Fallout 2 came out there was an influx of other titles such as Baldur's Gate 1 & 2, Dues Ex, Planescape Torment. You may have heard of these games because they often end up on game sites'/mags' best games of all time lists unlike Shadow Hearts, Wild Arms and Suikoden. In response to your last statement I dare you to fit the last few blockbuster WRPG's and pigeon hole them into your same gameplay setting with D&D formula. You have Fable 2, Fallout 3, Mass Effect, The Witcher, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Oblivion... All different settings and none rely on D&D formula, which i have to say wouldn't be a bad thing to rely on because it is the founding of RPG's, something a JRPG has almost nothing in common with.
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#43 stike22
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I have no idea why people think FF7 started something...it really didn't...it just happened to be more succesful then other JRPGs...mainly because FF series was one of the most famous JRPGs in the West back then and FF7 bought it into 3D...but seriously I have tons of JRPGs that came before FF7...honestly FF7 didn't do anything except be a decent game, turn FF into 3D and get overrated by fans. I will say this once the GOLDEN AGE started with N64, then PS1 came into it as well...they were both brilliant consoles and they both had some incredible games that won't ever be seen again. I have to ask how has D&D got anything to do with WRPGs...Mass Effect has got no comparison what so ever, Fable hasn't and HAHA! Ultimate Alliance sure as hell hasn't...Oblivion...more corrrectly the Elders Scrolls is completely different from D&D...and Fallout 3 you have guns and blow heads off with Vats so no relation.