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#1 Nazarimous
Member since 2008 • 41 Posts

This is the third of my posts of a not so short story I like to write in my free time, its a bit of a hobby and I hope you guys enjoy it. Its a bit more on the mature side and is a very graphic horror story, but its only as bad as you can imagine. Please leave comments on how you feel about it...

Its cold, so very cold, as you're hand is pressed up againest your chest you feel the crimson liquid run through your fingers. Time seems to slow down around you, as you fall to your knees from the loss of blood. The adrenaline helps you ignore the pain as you jab your fingers into your chest and rip the twisted metal out that has punctured into your ribs. You take out the bullet and look down at the hot led smoldering in your hand, the cold is now gone, and the pain has come.

You scream in agony, but cannot be heard. You are alone in your night of discontent, alone except for the smoke and barrel infront of you. A figure, tall and dark, with red eyes that pierce your own stands there looking at you. Soon you are oblivious to the wound, unable to feel, unable to move, every sense and emotion has been turned off except for fear.

Soon the smoke flows out of your mouth, ears, and nose. Not even your knees can support your weight, and you fall face forwards into the pavement. With your hand still clinching the bullet, you slowly begin to fall asleep as the figure walks by.

Fear has gone, and now there is nothing but the boots infront of your eyes, and soon a knee, then a gloved hand, and finally a faceless face. Those eyes, brighter then ever, look at you, there is no nose, no lips, only rotten flesh on bone. You feel as if death is looking at you, but he is the giver of life and the changer of lifes.

Then... all is dark...

For forty days and forty nights, you do not dream, but only see darkness, and you hear that intolerable and even maddening ringing in both your ears. You feel existance without a reality, alone just like that cold night. Not even your screams can reach your ears in this pergatory of your's or someone elses imagination.

Yet soon you burst forth, and you see a blinding light over head. All the senses and emotions have returned to you, existance has reconnected with a reality, you feel warm and comfertable.

When you awake you let out a loud scream but then you are quiet for the ringing is gone. As your eyes patrol the surroundings, you see people in beds, just like the one you are in, all either asleep or just awoken from your sudden burst of noise. There is a uncomfertable feeling in your mouth and right arm, there appears to be a tube running down your throat and needles in your right arm.

You begin to gag as you pull the tube out of you mouth, when you finally do so, some fluids follow and you cough a little from the strange sensation. Then you proceed to pull out the needles in your arms, but before you can do so you hear a door slam open.

A nurse and two doctors have entered the room, in response to the scream you just let out. You try to pull the needles out but they restrain you before you can, you panic and try to get them off you, but you are soon overpowered by them. They then inject yet another needle into your arm, then the nullifying effects of the medicine dulls out your muscles, and you can no longer move. They put the feeding tube aside and then cover you back up, although you can hardly move, you are awake and aware of your surroundings.

Then you hear laughter, when you look up, the doctor's faces are twisted and sinister looking, their mouths wide open with large fang like teeth, and their eyes are large and manicle looking. Its beginning to get dark again, and soon you feel as if you are sinking. The bed you are laying in soon begins to fold over you, the pillow behind your head closes over your face and all is dark once again. Yet this time you hear a pounding sound, like a hammer on steel.

Soon the bed unfolds but you are now in a different room, this one is small, dark, and dingy. The cement walls are covered in blood and other disgusting substances, chains with hooks on them hang from the ceilling, but the floor is clean as can be. You appear to be in some sort of scrubs outfit, your arms and legs are tied down with leather straps, the only thing that is similar is the florescent light above you, but now it is much dimmer.

The pounding continues, you look infront of you there is a large metal door, with a vast series of locks running around all sides. To the left of the door there is a table, with a small taoe player and book upon it, there is also a wooden chair infront of it that appears to have an object on it.

The pounding appears to be coming from someone banging on the door, you can hear someones voice as they scream "Please help, let me in, please you gotta help me!" yet you are still tied to the bed.

You soon notice that leather strap on your left hand has been mostly nawed through, so in an attempt to get out of this room you struggle and bite your way through the strap.

Before long it breaks and you feel a sigh of relief, but the pounding continues and you must hurry. Quickly the other straps are removed and you hurry to the large metal door infront of you. When you get off the bed and your feet touch the floor, you feel that its terribly cold. So cold you can hardly walk on it, but you must in order to help the person on the other side of the door.

You then rush to the door, and franticly try to unlock it, the screaming continues "Hes coming, please hurry, hes going to get me..." then it goes quiet. Eventually you get to the last lock on the door, but something tells you shouldnt open it. Every primal instinct inside is trying to pull your hand away from the final lock, but you then you hear crying coming from under the slit at the bottom of the door. You then force yourself to open the it, when the final lock is opened, the door slowly swings open and you see a long and dark hallway with only a few lights hanging from the ceilling.

The walls and floor are made of dark moldy bricks, and water seems to be seeping through the cracks between them. When you look down you see the body of a bald and skinny man thats wearing the same cloths as you. Hes still alive and grabs you ankle, you kneel down to help him, when you do so you roll him over to get a better look at his face.

His left hand has been removed and all there is, is a small hammer shoved into a bloody stump where the hand should be, when you look at his face you see that his eyes have been sewn shut, and his tung has been removed, but how could he have been speaking without a tung?

Also when you turn him over you see that he is been partially disembowled, his intestines and stomach lay on the floor and all there is, is a cavity with a box inside. The man, with a last bit of strength raises his right arm and opens his fingers, revealing a key. The man then says "The Meat is coming" and then dies in your arms.

Although disgusting, you remove the box from the cavity in the man's torso, and then proceed to open it, but before you do, a silent but very strange sounding clicking sound comes from the end of the hallway. When you look up you see another dark figure, he seems to be about a hundred feet away but its like you can feel his breath right on your face.

It just stands there looking at you, but then looks down at the box in your arms, and then lets out a lourd squeel. It charges you, rushing down the hallway at incredible speed on all four, you jump back and quickly slam the door shut. Before you do so the beast leaps towards you before you can get it closed all the way, and you catch a glimpse of it's appearance.

You drop the box and key and quickly latch and lock the door until it is completely locked. The clicking sound continues from the creature, when you saw it up close you saw a blurr but could make out that it had had no hands or feet, only limbs, and it's face was covered by a piece of metal which appeared to have a key hole in the middle of it.

Terrified half to death, you rush to the foot of the bed, and curl into the ball. Tears begin to fall from your eyes as you cower and begin to go insane from claustrophobia due to the small room. You look down at the key at the floor, then your attention is brought towards the box, but you feel you shouldnt open it. You then look back at the table in the corner of the room, then you stand up and investigate.

When you reach the chair, there appears to be a tape on it, you pick it up and put it into the tape player on the table and press play. Eventually after about a minute or so of static, you finally hear someone's voice from the tape. You sit down and listen to it as you take a view at the book.

"Day One, Project Deimos test subject 4, this is Dr. Phoben, the date is... October 5th, 1AM. Although the past subjects have been terrible failures, this one seems to show some promise. He hasnt died in the first three hours of the initial injection, and the second didnt even seem to phase him at all, its been seven hours now and he appears to be completely relaxed. Most subjects just burst into complete madness and do everything in their power to kill themselves as quickly as possible, but it seems that this one appears to even be enjoying it, let alone be in a complete state of terror."

"Day Two, Project Deimos test subject 4, Dr. Phoben, the date is... October 6th, 7PM. After finally getting some sleep last night, I come back to see that the test subject has been reacting to the third injection in a way that far exceeds our expectations. He seems to be developing his mental and psychic powers quickly and he is probably our greatest chance of success."

"Day three, Project Deimos test subject 4, Dr. Phoben, the date is... oh who cares what the date is... that basterd of a warden came in here yesterday demanding for quicker results, I told him this takes time but he refused to listen. So in order to increase the subject's dependance and control of his telekinetic and second sight abilties, we decided to remove the subject's hands and feet, and also cut out his eyes. This is so he has he strictly use his new abilities in order to do anything, after this many of my colleagues quit or transferred to different rooms, but please... we arnt trying to be moral here are we?"

"Day four.. Proj... oh screw it... subject has gone completely mad, the final injection was made today and with it came... complications. Although he was able to move freely and work with his mental abilities alone, he seemed as if he was aggrovated and even angry. Fearing retaliation from him, I put a mental dampener on his face to keep him from doing anything... too astonishing. The key to the dampener is away in my office, I hid it behind the filing cabnet, so I dont think anyone will find it. As for the patient, hes starting to scare me a little..."

A clicking sound appears for a moment, as if theres a part of the tape missing, after so long the tape continues...

"Day... GAH! Project Deimos has failed, the bloody son of a **** broke out of his room, I dunno how he could do this with the dampener on his face, its suppose to be reducing his psychic abilities by 90%, if he manages to remove it who knows what would happen." I... cant feel my legs... The whole facility is in uproar, I fear that there is something bigger going on here... I dont think ill... oh god... Oh Shi!..."

The tape then stops...

You read your way through the book to try to find some answer to where you are and how to get out, but all you see is shipment logs for various chemicals and materials, but when you get to the last page you see some words written in blood. "Nectum Osiriut Evistus" You have no idea what it means, but you rip the page out and put it in your pocket.

The clicking is still there, that creature is waiting outside the door for you, but it doesnt seem to be attempting to force it's way in. You look back down at the box on the floor, and you finally decide to open it, you grab the now frozen key off of the floor and put it into the lock, and the box is thus opened.

The box creeks open, and inside it you find a monocle with a red tint to it, and a long black strap. Also inside of it is a folded piece of paper, you open it and there appears to be something written on it...

"In the belly of the beast was the treasure to be found, but through the eye of the devil you shall be bound. Only through the vision of one, may you see how it must be done" It is written upon the letter. Does the belly of the beast refer to the man's stomach you got the box from, did someone intend it to be found from there?

You pick up the monocle and put it on, but all you see is a red tint on your left eye, nothing special. So while still wearing the monocle you look around the room for a way out, but you can no longer the cold floor so you take a moment to sit on the bed. The clicking of the beast is beginning to get a bit annoying, its quite adamant in it's ability to wait.

Eventually while looking around, you decide to look under the bed, and you see a air vent shooting up extremely cold air. After a bit of convincing yourself to do it, you get down from the bed and push it out of the way. When you do so the air shoots up and hits you in the face, making you go temporarily blind in the right eye, the monocle protected the other.

The pain causes you to fall down on the ground, you put your hand over your eye to warm it up but it hurts too much. Yet when you open your left eye and see through one eye only, it all changes.

Everything seems blurry and transparent, you can see through hollow objects, through walls, and for some reason have a better understanding of it. Its like the monocle is feeding information into your brain, and it feels kind of... good.

When you look towards the large iron door, you can see the creature on the other side. It glows slightly, little electrical currents seem to be flowing through out it's body, all flowing into the head, and into the mask its wearing. Little sparkles of light erupt in random parts of it's limbs and torso, as if there is some sort of energy inside it. When you look at your own hands and arms, they appear as a dark red color, you can even see your circulartory system and bones, but its vastly different then the creature's body.

Then you turn your eyes downward towards the vent, and you can see where it leads. Down about five feet or so, you can see another room, but the floor is too thick to make anything out. You cant stay here, not like this... with the hammer from the dead man's hand, you smash open the vent and try to see if you can fit through. The cold steel brushing up againest you're skin is agonizing but you deal with the pain.

As you'r head finally leaves the room, you can see the creature moving away from the door, as if it knows you are leaving. Yet there is no going back up through the hole, so you push your weight down the rest of the way, and eventually fall about ten feet onto yet another concrete floor.

Cold, broken, and tired, you struggle to stand up to ready yourself for what ever maybe there. The new room you are in is completely black and cold, the chill in the air seems to be coming from one direction so you decide to head towards it.

The air seems to be coming in waves, like someone's breathing it on you, after walking about fifty feet or so, you bump into a large object. You can hear very heavy breathing coming from above you slightly.

Nothing appears to be happening so you scrounge around for a light switch or something, eventually your head bumps into a small string hanging from the ceilling. When you pull it a small light turns on, but when it does a face suddenly appears infront of you, its of a deranged looking man who shouts and screams when he sees you, and you do the same yourself.

"No, no, no, no... I'm not going back... your going to take me back arnt you!? Well I wont let you... No, no, no, NO! Stay away from me you hear, Ill kill you!" The man fades back into the darkness while shouting this in a quick and frightened manner.

After being frightened by the man, you jump back and stumble down from the sudden shock. As he moves away you quickly leap back up onto your feet and close your right eye to see him through the monocle.

Suddenly the darkness no longer matters, and the room is clearer then clear. The deranged man seems to be circling you, he has a long blunt object in his right hand and hes keeping it ready for a swing. You raise your hammer and move out of the light, the lunatic cant see in the dark like you so you have the advantage.

After a moment you try speaking to him, "Im... Im not here to hurt you or take you back anywhere, please I dont know where I am, you need to help me!" you say to him, and he replies. "No, no, no, no... your lying, you and your tricks, you are just like the rest of them! Damn it, I wont back, they took away my smile... I cant feel my smile anymore... Ill kill you, and the rest of you **** the man cries out.

The man charges but he cant seem to directly make out where you are, he swings violently towards your direction but makes no contact. In a attempt to subdue him, you tackle him down, and land back into the light. The man struggles, kicks, and screams while you try to force him down. Eventually he gets and arm loose and hits you in the ribes with the blunt piece of metal. The blow breaks a few ribs, and it drives you to the point beyond reason, you raise your hammer and swing it towards his face, crushing it into his eye socket... killing him instantly!

For a moment you cough up blood over his face, and try to stand but the pain is too much. Hearing the heavy breathing once more, you look up with your red eye, and see what is making the cold air and the sound.

Low and behold, a massive machine with tubes connected to either which side that lead into the walls. Below it is a base of base with small gears and mechanical parts, which all leads up to a main body of large, heavy flesh that appears as a torso. There is no head to it but whre the stomach should be, there is a mouth with some bars closing it off, like a prison window.

After a moment of looking around, you see a bright light shinning from behind you from the other side of the room. You struggle to stand and finally succeed, fearing the light and being heavily disoriented, you stumble away from it back towards the large machine. One of your hands seeks for something to hold on to, eventually you grab one of the small pipes, but trip over something on the floor. When you fall you pull the pipe and it jams deep into the body of the breathing hunk of flesh, it stabs it wounding what ever it may be. It bleeds violently with black blood, and it spews all over you, the machine struggles to breath but eventually dies down.

sircuming to the pain and the toxic fumes from the black liquid, you pass out just before what ever the light is reaches out. You can hear a voice... "We found one, we found a survivor!"

To be continued...

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#2 Nazarimous
Member since 2008 • 41 Posts

CHAPTER TWO: They Found You, But Who Are They?

Yet again, the blackness has returned to taunt you, along with that intense ringing that continue its torture on your mind. Yet this time it is no forty days and forty nights, but a mere several hours that you are unconcious. When you awake, its as if the light at the end of the tunnel has finally been reached, but life is a trickle nymph and loves to toy with you. Poor thing, you are still alive, unable to escape this hell...

When the darkness subsides, you find yourself not in a hospital bed, but on the cold hard floor with only a blanket and a rough pillow to comfert you. "As if im in a repeating timeline to suffer my punish for all eternity" you think to yourself, but this time its different.

To your right there is a white wall, that leads down to end at a hallway break. To your left you see other people laying on the floor like you, some are badly wounded, others are just simply dead and are hardly reconisable because their bodies are so twisted and mutilated.

Some people in strange suits are walking around treating the others, but these dont look like doctors. They are wearing some sort of large metallic armor/biosuits, maybe there is an infection going around, or maybe they arnt human either...

The monocle still seems to be on your face, its beginning to get uncomfertable so you try to remove it, but it wont come off. When you feel around your left eye, it seems to be fused with the socket, and your eye is pulled out slightly and is pressing up againest the glass. You cant close it, but it doesnt seem to hurt at all!

One of those figures in the armored suits walks over to you when it notices your awake. You cant seem to trust anyone right now, so you sit up and rush back into the corner of the room, away from everything.

The figure reaches out its hand once it gets close to you, like its trying to help, but your too afraid to think normally, you smack it's hand away and tell it to stay away. The figure steps back for a moment and nods it's head, it then lifts up its hands up to it's helmet, flicks some switches to unlatch it, and removed it's helmet.

When the hunk of metal rises, long dark hair descends as it falls out of it. Revealing a female, showing that it is no monster. You gaze upon her, seeing her beauty in her wide open eyes brings a bit of peace to you.

"Now then, I havent got a whole lot of time, my name Gabriel and this is my shift. So if you dont mind, please lay back back down I got alot of work to do." She says in a stern voice. "where am I, what is this place!?" you ask her.

"well this... this hell, dont be fooled by the calm for the time being, this is merely a higher level of it. Now please... lay... back... down..." she commands you in a even sterner voice. You attempt to stand but your ribs are still broken, you can see there are bandages so they gave you medical treatment of somesort.

With your arm around your waist trying to hold yourself together, you stand to look Gabriel in the eyes. You walk forwards slightly but stumble, she catches you and helps you back to where you were sleeping, but then you notice a pistol on the side of her hip in a holder on her belt. You yank it out and jump back, while still holding your ribs together.

"I dunno who you are, or where I am, but I either want out of here or some answers, ive been through hell you **** and I wont put up with it anymore." You shout at her in a fury of words. She just stands there and smiles, then walks towards you in a calm manner, she walks into the barrel of the gun and places it on her fourhead and says, "If you want out so badly, go ahead and shoot the succubus that brought you here and walk out of here." she says with a laugh.

Your hand is shaking, but the horrors you have been through have made you much harder, you pull the trigger and lodge a bullet into her head. Yet she does not fall, you can see the blood leak from the hole, but she doesnt crumble. Instead she gets... pissed. She grabs the gun from your hand and punches you right in the face, the blow sends you flying back and disorients you greatly.

Dazed and hurting even more now, you look up at Gabriel, as you do so she puts her boot to your throat and holds you down. She points the gun at your head and pulls the trigger, the bullet hits you in the cheek and rips off the side of your mouth. You scream and shout in pain, but can hardly breath because of that boot of hers closing you air waves with pressure.

Eventually some more people in these suits enter the room through the hall way, "Gabby stop! The Doctor wants to see him, and she needs him alive!" She looks behind herself and sees them, a male voice called out to her and called her Gabby, perhaps its someone close.

She then looks down at you and grunts, "Fine..." she says as she removes her foot from your neck. The others come towards you and lift you off the ground like you were practically weightless, they then put a bag over your head and some strange solid large locks that they put your arms in to keep you from moving.

They then carry you out of the room, but its dark and you cant see because of the bag. Yet you close your right eye to look around, and thankfully the monocle still works. What you see is a corridor, a hallway of sorts, you can see people moving back and forth as well. Their bodies seem normal enough, just like yours, but as for those carrying you, theirs are much different.

It's like their bodies are fused to the suits they are wearing, more machine then human. You think to yourself "where on earth could I be?". After sometime you stop and enter another room, you are laid down on the ground and the bag is removed from your head.

Blood spews from your mouth that you have been trying to hold in for a little while now. You are so weak that you can hardly even turn your head to look around. You can hear foot steps but thats about all you can make out, but eventually you hear a voice.

"My my... what have they done to you, poor thing didnt even have a chance. Now, now we are going to have to fix you up arnt we?" someone says in a scratchy but feminine voice. When you finally muster the strength to look up, you see the light glaring in your eyes, and infront of those lights is a figure darkened by shadow, but when it comes closer you can see her more clearly.

Another female, this one even more beautiful then the last, and behold... she is all human, or so you think. She seems to be wearing casual clothing, shaggy pants and a T-shirt. Red hair, blue eyes, and a lovely smile, the view of another female such as herself is the only relief you get from the pain.

She kneels down beside you, and injects a needle into the wound where you were shot on the face, when she does so the flesh some how regrows and heals, although slightly discolored, its good as new!

"Now then, doesnt that feel much better?" she asks you, but you still havent the strength to answer, instead you lay your head down on the floor. "Now then... cut off his right arm!" she commands one of the men in armor. Your eyes swing wide open as one of them lifts you up by your arm, pulls out a hachete from a container on his leg, and hacks the arm off in one swing!

You grab the stump that was your arm and shout in pain as blood poors from the wound. The man in armor hands the arm to the lady, and she bites into it's flesh and chews it. After tasting it for a moment she says "its him, the eye has done it's work, put him in the chamber quickly before he passes out."

They then lift you off the ground once again and lay you in a glass chamber in the middle of the room. The door is then closed, and the chamber is filled with a strange green liquid. With no strength at all, you do not attempt to keep yourself from drowning, you just lay there, slowly losing conciousness once again.

When you inhale in the liquid, your adrenaline starts surging for some reason, you no longer feel weak. Your body is spazing and moving on it's own, you can hardly control yourself. The wound around your arm closes instantly, and your ribs reconnect and fix themselves some how, its painful but its nothing compared to what you have been through.

Yet you cant breath, you begin to panic as the chamber finishes filling up, there is no air, nothing but this green stuff and the area beyond the glass. You try pounding on it, but they just watch as you slowly drown in this fluid.

You can see that woman, still eating your arm, as if she is some sort of cannibal, and it appears shes enjoying it. You pound on the glass with your remaining arm, but you cant for long, your lungs are calapsing, your gasps for air are just killing you quicker, and your brain is dying. Eventually, for the last time as yourself, you fade into darkness, but just for a moment.

This time there is no ringing, just quiet, and eventually you hear something new... A heart beat, and its getting louder, stronger, and more eratic. You then see a face, one you havent seen in quite some time, the faceless face.

It is that of the figure that shot you on the dark and cold night, the one that started this all. You are now dreaming, for once you can dream, or is it a nightmare? He walks to you and helps you up on your feet, he then looks you in the eyes and says...

"Well now... things sure have taken a interesting twist havent they? I never thought you would be found by... them, but I do so like surprises..." He takes a moment and puts a cigarette in his mouth, and it somehow lights it's self right as soon as his lipless teeth bite down on it.

Now you can get a better look at his appearance, hes wearing a long dark coat, made of a fine woal like material. Steeltoe boots, raggidy pants, and a bowler hat. Also those eyes... big red eyes... they just run a chill down your spine when ever you see them. You stand there just looking at him, curious, intrigued by him.

"I suppose your wondering where you are, where you have been, where going to be, and most of all why you had to suffer so much lately." he asks you. You just nod your head, for you are at a complete lack of words. "Well... let me ask you something, do you remember who you were, before all of this, hmm?" he asks you, his voice is scratchy and sadistic sounding, for a moment you continue to stand there.

"All that I know now, is that blasted black along with the bells in my ears, I just want... I... I cant take it anymore. I dont know who you are, if your the devil then just say so, if your an angel, ive learned my leason so please me go, and if your something else... just kill me." you tell him. He just laughs at your cries for help, he drops his cigarette and stomps it out.

"My boy... all of this is for a reason... and I saw a pale horse, and the name it said on him was death, and hell followed with him... I am no devil, but nor am I an angel. I am a horseman... I am the third of four, and my name is Malevolence... You're fate before I came along was to die on a city sidewalk... alone... scared... and sad. Im defying my brother's will (Death) and giving you a second chance."

"I... am the horseman of war, I put man againest man for my own plans and pleasure, you boy... you have a roll to play, and I need you alive and kicken, but first you must be hardened to proceed to the next scene. So thus I gave you... to them..." Malevolence says.

"who is them... and what the bloody hell do you need me for?" you ask him in a loud and aggrovated voice. You put foot down so to speak, and demand him to tell you, you have gone through so much... your just dying to know why...

He puts his face up to yours and says, "I gave you to the worst place on earth... WELCOME MY FRIEND! To where no live person may tread, you are in a place out of time, a place on earth that very few know about. This my friend... is Audemisto, and in a language that is far older then any other, that word means Land of Reality. Here... some of the worlds greatest minds research that which should not be known by man, things that are only meant to be known by gods."

"in... recent years, the whole place kinda... hmm... collapsed in on it's self, morality as you can clearly see was a word of debate among it's residents. Eventually war broke out, some of my finest work, yet I fear that a peace treaty might be close at hand, what I need you to do, is to make sure the blood keeps on drippin."

"So! Here you are... given a gift that many seek, and many want to be destroyed, you will be my embassador, and I shall be the hand that guides you. Now then... we have much work to do, when you awake, you will not sleep again for a long time. So I will tell you this... if you ever want this suffering to stop, if you... EVER, want to see the light of day again, you... will... cause as much anarchy as you can."

"now then my soldier of doom... go forth... and cause some serious **** after he says this, you awake... But you've changed some how, the pain is gone, and you can breath just fine. When you look to your right, you can see that your arm is back, actually you have a new one. This one is... different, its as if it grew right out of the stump, and it looks bigger, twisted, with boney exeskeleton parts covering it, and jagged claw like fingers.

Even where your ribs were broken you have changed, you ribs stick out slightly, as if they have expanded. Now they look more like a plate of armor then anything, and the same goes for where you were shot in the face, you have mutated into something more, something... stronger.

The monocle is still on your eye, but now... it has completely fused with it! The straps are no longer needed as the glass piece has sunk into your eye socket and fused with the eyeball, finally both eyes can be closed.

You rip off what remains of the shirt you had on, and begin to knock on the side of the glass cylinder to let them know that you are awake, you feel much calmer now. The room you are in, is full of computers and technology, with many people working and researching. When one of them sees that your awake, he quickly runs out of the room, after a short time the woman along with her two brutes in armor come along with her.

She looks at you with amasement in her eyes, she seems shocked for what you have become. You begin to pound on the glass with your new arm, violently, you try to shout to be let out but all that comes out is bubbles. Eventually with a strong swing, you break through the glass of the chamber, and all the green liquid comes pooring out, along with you.

You land on the hard floor below, but this time you do not stumble but instead you look up, and see the witch that had your arm cut off. Seeing this, those in armor pull out large weapons and point them at you, but the Doctor tells them to stand down. You stand up in and you have very angry look on your face, she walks toward you, and before you can do anything... she grabs your head and kisses you right on the lips, a passionate kiss indeed...

To be continued...

This chapter is unfinished