Useless, it cannot be played unless you just want to exercise your buttons.

User Rating: 2 | Fortress GBA
The game is broken. After several attempts at playing it in all ages (well characterized) and all modes (even modes) I reached the repeatable conclusion that no matter how much strategy I built into my game, I achieved the EXACT SAME RESULTS, measured in the score, by punching all buttons at RANDOM, blind. Really! Whatever happened to QA and testing? Even after several tetris clones this one seemed exciting and even spectacular but... ended up random. It deserves a second version, certainly. Since to publish here you need a hundred words and what else is there to say? I will repeat it again. Turn on the game, choose your options, begin the game, close your eyes, punch all buttons at random without minding it for a while, watch your score. Then begin anew, follow the same steps, this time apply all your gaming experience, and... watch the score. Compare both scores. Repeat at will. You ll find there is no difference! You might with some RNG inbuilt luck achieve some higher score but this is by no means consistent at all throughout sessions. Whatever happened to QA and testing? My opinion? There was none. They were PLAYING literally, not working, so they did not notice it... Certainly if you do not mind disconnecting your mind from your eyes from your fingers you can enjoy this exercise in zen like active contemplation. It deserves a second version, certainly.