A different game, and different is good.

User Rating: 9.1 | Forsaken 64 N64
I was very apprehensive of this game when I first got it. I didn't know what to expect from it at all. But I was pleasantly supprised.

Graphics- Not the best out there by any standards, but this game did grow on me as far as graphics.

Gameplay- A bit strange at first, but you'll soon get the hang of it, and will avoid walls and fly right side up in no time.

Sound- The sound is all right as well. It can take some getting used to, but it's not all bad.

The game is pretty fun single player, having to go around levels and fight other people or other things to progress. Basically you fly around in your ship, and kill other players.

Multi-player- Even though the screen splits up into four (or two) sections when you play, making it a bit difficult to see where walls are and weapons are and the like, multi-player is very fun once you get the hang of it. With a few maps and a few versions of play, it really does put a whole new spin on the game.