Forsaken 64 Was Owned By All Of My Friends After I Brought This Game But Still I Didn't Find It Very Good!!!!!!

User Rating: 6.1 | Forsaken 64 N64
Forsaken 64 For N64

Forsaken 64 is sci-fi first person perspective (you look through the eyes of your character) in which you control a rider piloting a flying jet bike. Being on a jet bike give you the ability to move within a fully 3D plane, you as you would expect you can ascend and descend as well as being able to move forwards left and right (not sure if there is a reverse gear but you craft is so manoeuvrable you likely wouldn't need it), the game it's self taking place within the twisting ruined tunnels under the surface of a post apocalyptic Earth. If you've ever played any of the Descent games before you'll be instantly right at home with Forsaken 64. It's worth pointing out that Forsaken was made also for the Playstation and the PC, and while those two versions are pretty much the same Forsaken 64 is near enough a completely different game. While Forsaken 64 does have some elements in common such as broadly the same range of weapons and power-ups and a few of the riders such as Beard, LA Jay and Foetoid are present (though only a fraction of the original riders are included and they don't come with a complete character bio which is a shame) levels and missions are completely different, and the look, style and even control system has been completely re-worked. Arguably Forsaken 64 is the better version, at least in some respects.

Gameplay : Now the main game itself comprises of a series of missions, in which you to completely clear levels of enemies (an assortment of flying robots, tracked robot tanks and gun turrets) , or plant an explosive device alongside the central power core in a complex or something along those lines. Missions are a little more free roaming than the PSPC counterparts, in those you were pretty much limited to travelling forward along a linear route. However that's where the main problem comes in. There is no radar showing you where all the enemies and objects are located, there is no map showing you exactly where you are or where your going. So in short it's a pretty fair bet that your going to get lost, endlessly roaming around in tunnels that you had previously wiped clean of all enemies. The mission mode does have it's moments (when you manage to find where it is you're supposed to be going anyway) such when a gigantic tentacle mechanical monstrosity descends from the roof of a chamber to attack you craft, but all in all I myself tend to steer clear of the mission mode and go for what to me is the main appeal of this game the multi-player death match mode…

The death match mode, here's where the Forsaken 64 really shines. Up to four players can take each other on in a spilt screen death match mode. Or for those without friends/controllers you can take up to 3 A.I opponents (you can select their difficulty from extra easy to hard as nails). Either way this makes for a top notch blast feast, as you wind your way through a twisting maze of tunnels blasting away with whatever weapons you have at your disposal. A large variety of weaponry is available scattered throughout the various levels (which you can select from the menu screen), as well as shield pods that replenish your energy after taking hits, and the devices such as the stealth mantle that renders your craft practically invisible, and mines and rocket firing sentry drones that can be placed at various key points. Particularly mention has to be given to the “Titan” missile essentially a mini nuke that can take out pretty much anyone in one shot, though it's best not to be anywhere near the missile when it explodes as it will very likely take you with it.

Graphics : Graphically speaking Forsaken 64 is at a very high standard for an N64 game, you could well be playing a Dreamcast or an early PS2 game. The game may not look as clean cut as the PC and PS versions (there is some of that tell tale N64 blurriness in places) however it does have levels that look like they're completely modelled in 3D, they don't have that original Doom semi 2D feel. And importantly you don't see the seams where everything has been pasted together. So all in all this is by far the better looking version of the game, one of the games that demonstrates the N64 graphical power for it's time. Sound : Sound effects aren't too shabby either. Each weapon you collect has it's effect, the noise seeming to echoes around the claustrophobic confines of the tunnel, missiles explode with a satisfying boom and upon collecting weapons and power-ups a female computerised voice will tell you what it is you have collected a nice touch. The splattering noise a rider make on being blown to pieces is also nicely done…
Music, this is where the game falls a little short. The original PS/PC version had a few techno sound tracks that were just about bearable. Forsaken 64 has a compilation of pretty dull sounding scores that seem to repeat themselves over and over in a pretty short loop. They sound more like midi tracks than CD quality. For the most part it's best to turn the music completely off, and just listen to the sound effects.

All in all Forsaken 64 is one of the best death match FPS games I've played, the lack of radar/map not being such a problem in this case, in fact not knowing where your opponents are is a good thing, it keeps you on your toes.

It would have been better had the death match mode comprised of the entire game, it would have been better had they did away with the mission mode altogether and just concentrate on developing this aspect of the game still further. But none the less this game can provide a more than satisfying dose of pure blasting action. If you own an N64 this one of the games that would still be well worth picking up if you can find it at a good price, particularly as to my knowledge there isn't anything much around now that can directly compare with it. However to get the most from this game you should invest in some extra controllers, and get a few friends round. Best played without the music, or at least the in game music at any rate. The mission mode while not the games main strength is still worth a quick bash should you have the time on hands, but there are much better FPS mission based games around for the N64. As far as the multi-player goes though Forsaken 64 is right up there along with the likes of Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, and infinitely better than the multi-player aspects of all the N64 Non Turok games cause Turok Is The Dino Mcphee!!!!!!!!!!