Finally, a good reason to invest into WiiWare!

User Rating: 9 | Fluidity WII
Fluidity isn't just another crappy entry for WiiWare, oh no, it's something much more than that. As a matter a fact, it's very well made and deserves an award for something, I don't quite know hat, but, something.

First, lets start with the story... oh, lets ignore that. Why? Because there really isn't one to speak of and you won't care about it anyway.

Now, lets look at the best part of the game, the design. The design continues to re-invent itself as you go through the game. Puzzles either get more challenging or they get new ways to solve them which will be built upon. there is quite a lot of content in this game, which is pretty surprising for a WiiWare game. Each level is fun an intriguing.

Now time for game-play. the game-play in this game is solid and innovative and makes use of the Wii motion control to boot. And best of all, you won't look like a total idiot playing the game. You tilt the controller to tilt the world and put it on slants. Remember, your character is water so it works very well. Environment changes also switch pace a bit throughout the campaign. No nunchuck required.

In terms of visuals, the game sports a very vibrant and story boom style look which fits the game well. It looks nice is all I'm saying.

So, is this the one reason (besides the virtual console) you should visit the Wii Shop Channel? Oh yes it is! The game is great and to anyone that likes a good puzzle game or platformer, this will be a real treat. Go for it. 9/10