Very hard but you can get used to it, unless you suck at strategy.

User Rating: 9 | Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn WII
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, is hard on easy, and after spending more than 200 hours playing medium difficulty, i still haven't beaten it! So if anyone is brave enough to take on hard and can get past the mission "Just Cause", tell me so i can deeply respect you. But, anyway, back to the game review, the storyline starts out very simple, your classic "just a couple kids trying to get their nation back" but by part III, it explodes into a massive war because "this guy doesn't like this guy, 'cause this goddess said so" and then some. It might seem simple reading this since I'm too lazy to go into great detail, but if you don't keep up with the "who's who" you'll have no idea of whats going on! This game is also quite long with 30 some chapters! Sure there are longer, but I deeply enjoyed this game, 9.0, and I hope you do to (if you haven't already) and maybe you can, or have do(ne) better than me. Good luck! But seriously if you have beaten the game on hard I want to talk to you!