The best strategy game I have ever played! Definitely the most under rated game out there.

User Rating: 10 | Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn WII
When you start playing this game you don't see what is so great about it. But after every level the game just kept getting better and better. The game evolves into one of my favorite games of all time. (This sounds really nerdy but its true) as you level your characters you start to feel a connection with each of them. You get personal favorites, who you use whenever you can in each level.

Don't listen to Gamespot, the story isn't great but its still pretty good. And the difficulty level is pretty tough, but they introduced a new battle save feature which was a great addition. Now you can save after each turn so if you mess up you only have to start the turn over.

All around it is without my favorite strategy game of all time. Definitely worth your time if you have the time to put into it. Trust me, this a looong game.