A 6? Really, Gamespot? Let me tell you what I think of that.

User Rating: 9 | Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn WII
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn was not "punishingly difficult" like the Gamespot review states. Unless the reviewer was on the "hard" difficulty or in a vegetative state, it shouldn't have been difficult. Fire Emblem games have ALWAYS been about strategy and moving your units wisely to keep them alive. Radiant Dawn succeeded at continuing the legacy left by Path of Radiance. I found that i thoroughly enjoyed it.
I played through Path of Radiance probably 20 times. I went through every difficulty and tried many different unit combinations. That's the beauty of it.
With even MORE choices available to you in Radiant Dawn, including 2 additional characters that can join your party the 2nd+ times through, i found it was almost irresistible to play through again and again.
I feel as if people have begun holding unrealistic expectations for Wii games. The Wii isn't a PS3 or Xbox 360. It can't handle incredible graphics and events at once.
Graphics don't make the game.
The game makes the graphics worth it.