Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn is a good game if you like strategy type games. It is slow paced but enjoyable to play.

User Rating: 7.5 | Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn WII
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn is a direct sequel to Path Of Radiance, but you can still play this game without playing the previous one and understand whats going on with the story. The story starts you off in Daein wear you play as the Dawn Brigade a small band of warriors trying to fight for freedom much like Crimea had to do. The graphics got a little better in Radiant Dawn but not much. As for the gameplay its about the same as before but you can use wii remote to play like a regular controler no swing action or anything. You just select a character on the map a list of actions will pop up so you command them kind of like chess. When at the base you may buy weapons, items, or level your characters up. Nothing really changed there its the same. You switch parties alot so its hard but you may save mid battle now. They added a third class and changed up the magic triangle a little bit. Radiant Dawn is a challenge but fun to play.