A Final Fantasy game for fans and first timers

User Rating: 8 | Final Fantasy XV PS4

Chocobos are the way to explore, the driving is a bit "meh", the main Characters are well presented but some of the peripheral characters are too superficial, The story is well told but doesn't take many risks.

A friend of mine did a review which started with

“A Final Fantasy game for fans and first timers” is the first thing you see when you pop in this game and it perfectly describes what you are about to experience. Anyone from the biggest Final Fantasy fanatic to someone playing the series for the first time will enjoy this game. Does FF15 live up to the 10 year hype that has surrounded the game since its announcement as Verus 13? The answer is no, but it is still a wonderful epic journey that’s different from the classic feel from Final Fantasy but still feels like it earns its rightful place any JRPG/FF fan collection. more on that here, minor spoilers included. http://www.infirmarygaming.com/articles/news/gaming/35/final-fantasy-xv-recreating-the-ff-fan-love/