An amazing game, quite addictive and a very enjoyable game with lots of missions to complete.

User Rating: 9.5 | Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings DS
This game is simple, that's what you need in a game, fun and simple!

This is mainly about Vaan wanting to go on more adventurous missions and finds bad sky pirates trying to steal aucrites and harming aeygels so Vaan and the party like Penelo, Kytes, Filo and more defeat these bad sky pirates with espers to help and Tomaj to keep them aware if anything else is happeneing around them.

It's a bit of an addictive game, once you've started you won't probablly get off it until 10 to 20 hours, which is mostly when you reach a difficult mission making you want to rest your fingers or so.

The graphics for the game is brilliant, it's just right and suitable enough for a small console like the DS Lite.

There are many missions to complete and chapters to complete aswel.

This game is something that'll be really good to play and wouldn't waste your time!