Best FF game i've played so far. the music, the story plot and charactors are flawless

User Rating: 9.5 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
this is what FFVII should be like if it had of been compleated as intended not cut and sent out almost finished. FFVIII confused the hell out of me and it took me two run throughs to go hey, i get it now, and three to get the other smaller story points.

The playstyle is unique and a refreshing change. the Sphere grid is easy to handle on normal mode but i prefer the expert one. it's a lot easier to play than FFX-2 at least for me.

The music is sublime, the FMV's are of breathtaking quality and detail.

The story plot is highly involving and spiritual and left me with a sense of awe and deep reverance for the suffering and special happyness of Spira. the whole game reflects this. following Tidus on his jounrey is a unique story point placing you much more indepth with the story as a dual connection between the player and Tidus develops. and CHOCOBO'S!! yaay chocobo's!! in all there splender and furry! Chocobo Knights yaay!

Overall this game is by far my favorate FF game with VII falling in next. i thought no game could beat FFVII. i was wrong.