A must-play for any fan of the Final Fantasy series.

User Rating: 9 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
This game combines challenging boss fights, powerful Aeons and stunning graphics, all intertwined with a beautiful story.

The characters are well designed although the voices don't always sync very well and each bring something special to the game. Weather it be Rikku's cute but sometimes irritating cheerfulness or Auron's general coolness, they are all relate able in some way.

Some minor characters are like a plague to the game, however and appear in the most annoying places, the main offender being Maechen, the scholar. While the things he says would be interesting if said by someone else his long winded speeches which you can't skip when you talk to him are the worst point in the game.

The story it's self is a magical tale of love and adventure, revolving mainly around Tidus- a former Blitz ball star, and Yuna- A summoner who wants to live up to her father and bring the two year calm as he had done before.

It is difficult to say more without giving too much away but this game is a must for any gamer. You will find yourself drawn into the world of Spira for hours on end, and you will love every minute of it.