Story so unique, characters that'll be loved to the very end, Final fantasy X is certainly one of my favorite games.

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
Story: 10
The thing i love about FFX is the story. It's so brilliantly told and unique that is the best i ever seen in a video game. The story revolves around the main protagonist named tidus( or whatever you named him). A blitzball player whose father was one and considered the best. well during a blitzball match, the city, Zanarkand, was attacked by a creature named sin. Then Auron, a man of mystery, meets up with you during the attack. after a few battles, Auron sends tidus to Sin and they both disappear. Tidus wakes up along side a beach, after talking to some local folks, he figures out that his city, Zanarkand, was destroyed 1000 years ago. Confused, tidus gets some help from a local named wakka. Soon after entering Wakka's town, he soon meets Lulu, a blackmage who has a history with wakka's brother and other things, and Kimihari, a Ronso whom is keeping a promise to someone. Then eventually comes along Yuna, a beautiful person who is known as a summoner. Summoners in this world are what they sound like. People who connect to spirits and bring out creature to fight for him/her. Yuna, like every other summoner, is set out on a journey to destroy sin by gaining the final Aeon, aeons are the spirits that fight for summoners. Tidus comes along with Yuna and hopes to find out the truth. Only towards the end will the story gets truly amazing.

Gameplay: 9.5
Gameplay doesnt gets any simpler than this, at least for Final fantasy games.
All there is to it is simply taking turns. You have 3 charcters, also able to switch out characters, up against either regular monsters, or bosses. Depending on the speed of your characters, you could either go first or have wait for the monsters to attack first. when it's your turn to make a move. There are a few selections to make Attack, White Magic(some charcters only), Black Magic(some characters only), special(some characters only), and ability(some characters only. Also overdrive, only attainable when you drive meter is full. what makes this game's gamplay easier than most final fantasy games is that, depending on what attack you pick, you can see whose turn is next. Then there are sphere grids, each characters has his/her own grid that later can accessed by other characters. the grids have a bunch of spheres that can be unlocked by certain types of spheres, obtained by certain types of monsters. Example, The ability sphere unlocks abilities like haste, or cure. Speed sphere unlocks spheres that are only speed related. ( i think i worded this thing wrong)

Other Notices:

The world of Spira is such a beautiful place, I honestly would love to live in it, despite the fact that there are creature causing havoc. From a land of ice where the land shines as if there were stars on earth, to the Farplanes where everything looks so beautiful you might as well call it paradise. There are so many memorable moments in Final Fantasy X that you would never forget them. The most memorable was when Yuna was performing the "Sending" for the first time. Then comes the great soundtrack that still hold as my favorite soundtrack in any videogame. Songs like "To Zanarkand" and "Someday the Dream will End" that will touch your heart to action packed songs like "challenge" and "Jecht Battle" that sets a tone that sounds right for an aciton packed boss fight. This game is just absolutely great. If anything, this would be put as my 2nd all time favorite game.

There are some many great things about this game, i just dont want to write them all down.

My final score: 9.8 (AT LEAST)