To: Square-Enix Seriously, people. We all loved Final Fantasy X, and X-2 was a phenomenal. But at the end of tn

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
To: Square-Enix Seriously, people. We all loved Final Fantasy X, and X-2 was a phenomenal. But at the end of the game, I found myself dissapointed of the "Ultimate" and "Good" endings. *Spoiler* I mean, what's up with all the hugging? And being pushed off a cliff isn't exactly a great subsitute for a kiss. All though there already are many, I'm hoping this petition will work in persuading Square-Enix to produce a Final Fantasy X-3. After their work on Advent Children, the Final Fantasy VII sequel, Kingdom Hearts 2 and Final Fantasy XII, I think a Final Fantasy X-3 is in order by now. I mean, the Eternal Calm can't last forever, and I, for one, am not satisfied from the two secret endings. There's gotta be more to the story. Please help out by signing, even if you have no clue what I'm talking about right now. I DESPERATELY NEED THE SIGNATURES! WE WANT AN X-3! thanks gamespot.i want Square-Enix Seriously to produce Fantasy X-3 as their audience wants and com back to the original story.