Best FF to Date

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
What can I say about FFX? Well, I bought this game when it first came out and to this's still one of my favorite games to play.

You play the character Tidus (or Kuhlio is what I always name him) and take him on a journey through the land of Spira to help his friends defeat the evil Sin. I personally loved this entire storyline and I keep hoping with every Final Fantasy game, that another great story like this would appear. Unfortunately, all Final Fantasies after this one have been crap. Although the voice of Tidus can be very's easy to look past it with it's other characters and intriguing story. You find yourself engrossed and caring for the characters.
The gameplay itself Is also very satisfying and will keep you busy for many many hours. Especially with all of the side missions you can do as well. You can spend well over 100 hours through one gameplay if you take side missions. I've gone through this game multiple times and cant tell you how many hundreds of hours I spent enjoying the gameplay.
The battle system is my favorite of all of the FF series. It's truly turn based and gives you plenty of time to decide how you want to kill your enemies. They will not attack you until it is their turn to attack. A lot of people don't like this style of fighting, but I personally like taking my time to figure out what kind of spell or attack to use.

Anyway, I give this game 10/10 and cant wait for the HD version to come out for the PS3. I will certainly be playing it again and again for hundreds of hours more.