A very good addition to the series.

User Rating: 9.5 | Final Fantasy X-2 PS2
this addition is more for the emotional gamers... since the main character that this game focuses on is Yuna, it's basically a game about how she feels about losing Tidus and her reason for becoming a "sphere hunter" is to find clues/recordings of him.

the class changing is easy to use but the specialized class for each of the girls is a bit hard (unless you weren't like me who didn't discover is until i already beat the game twice...).

Paine was a good addition to the group.

of course you cannot exactly make much of a improved graphic because you still want that look of FFX. if it was improved dramatically, then it might not have the same feel.

read my FFX review, it's has basically the same stuff just without some things because FFX you can't summon.

Again (if you read my review for FFX), i would recommend this game to everyone.