Final Score: 8.5 Graphics: 9 Sound: 9 Gameplay: 10

User Rating: 8.5 | Final Fantasy X-2 PS2
Now this killed the FFX series, the graphics
are the same, a little bit improved but still, same thing.
maybe more models, and a world a little bit better
but is still the same deal, same spyra.
same with the sounds, ok, now this game has this little
*** stuff with music and dances, they dont help that much
but well, they are part of the gameplay, so you cant avoid
analize them. now the Gameplay killed the game,
3 characters and a limited fighting, i really hated the new gun system with the ball mixing and stuff, you need intensive teaching to master the new ball system, so get ready to go retarded trying to understand it, and the beggining is completely dumb, a fake yuna
and i dont really know what she's doing, so she's singing then
Rikku and the other chick just jump there and try to fight her, but
then she's not really yuna, bla bla bla, really the beggining could
be really better. The Clothing system was really marking a girl game there, where you have to decide what to use, and its kinda ridiculous and short minded. The Game style its very good, the story has a nice stuff, its a nice game, but cant overtake the FFX place.