Definately a solid RPG but didnt impress as much as the others did

User Rating: 7.9 | Final Fantasy VIII (Platinum) PS
Final fantasy 7 was a great RPG and fans of that were probably hoping for another one like that. Final fantasy 8 came to me as a solid RPG with a story that was slow to get to and hard to understand

The gameplay of Final fantasy 8 has barely changed to FF7. Exept for extra summons and upgrades there are the same little problems of FF7 here and now there worse.

this seems to be the only thing square improved on. The graphics of the game are so awesome expecially for PS1.

By now the voices should have come atleast for fmv's but still there is no voice acting. As for the music it is good at some places annoying at other places

Again the story takes around 40 hours to complete but unlike FF7 there arent much sidequests ore fun side quests either. The story however was good but hard to understand.

Overall the game is sure a good seller but to me this game did not improve much on ff7.