Quick summary: Great, Deep game with lots of cut scenes and great story line.

User Rating: 8.5 | Final Fantasy VII PC
Okay, I have finally got around to this. Final Fantasy 7 for the PC is a good mix of Cut-scenes, Battles, and Puzzles. It's story line is very deep and detailed, although if you haven't played any of the other games or at least know plenty about it it can be very hard to follow.

The combat in this game is turn-based, so it's not like a shooter or anything. When you fight, you have a time bar. when this is full you may decide wether to use a normal attack, use an item, or use magic. ("materia") when you exacute your move, your time bar goes back to zero and you must wait for a few seconds for it to fill up. It is during this time the enemy usally attaacks. Whenever you get hit, part of the "Limit" meter fills up. "Limit break" is a special attack you can implement on an oponent once the oforemention meter is full. Ever charachter has their own special move. Once the fight is over, you gain a certaint amount of "Gil" the money in Final Fantasy. (You get more depending on the dificulty of the fight) you also gain Experience points, the same process as with Gil. As you get further in the game, you get new Charachters to use. You are only aloud to have 3 people in your party at one time.

On Materia.
"Materia" is you magic. You use this in combat to damage opponents, summon things to help you, heal you, or enhance yourself. You can find Materia, buy it, or be given it. When you level up, sometimes your Materia will level up also. Every time you use materia, some of your Magic points drain out. The better the spell you use, the more powerful it is.

I won't spoil the story, that's for you to find out! enjoy the game!

Ps. Excuse the spelling please.