FFT has an epic story, slick graphics, a fantastic score, and engaging characters. A must for any fan of the series.

User Rating: 9 | Final Fantasy Tactics (PSOne Books) PS
Not being a fan of the strategy genre, and being used to the previous versions of FF, I was somewhat skeptical of how FFT would play. I was pleasantly surprised to find that FFT is one of the best games in the series I've ever played. The story is dark and epic, with characters you'll actually care about, the graphics are very nice, the gameplay is deep and varied, and the score, although not written by FF mainstay Uematsu, is one of the best I've heard. The switch from the usual 3 to 5 character parties adds a lot of depth to the combat system in FFT. The game could easily be played with a party entirely consisting of physically powerful characters, or it could be played with a mix white, black and time mages, oracles, and summoners. This leaves a lot of room for each player to progress through the story as they see fit. The graphics in FFT, although different in style from previous games in the series, are very impressive, with some of the best summon and spell animations I've seen to date. Even more impressive is the score and sound of this game. The music matches the epic style of the story, and every sound effect, from a gem dropping, to a bow being drawn, are executed almost flawlessly. If you're a fan of the FF series, or barring that, if you're a fan of a great story and great characters presented in a slick fashion, you should definitely give FFT a try.