Catching up on reviews - FFT

User Rating: 9 | Final Fantasy Tactics (PSOne Books) PS
Well, ironically... this game was stolen from me (my house was broken into when I was younger and they got my ps1, n64, and some other stuff with games) so may experience was killed about halfway through the game. Then i started playing on a friends PS1 a month later.... and halfway though, he erased my save. I finally did complete the game years later when i bought the new ps1 with screen and man oh man... This was the start. The next big thing for RPG's. I myself having played the likes of the Shining Force Series (The big series before this one to have the squares and chess like combat) was awed at how deep this game was. So many classes, to many jobs, and the system with the Job Ability Points (once you learned how it worked) was just wonderful. There was a lot to do here and the story was very good for what it was, even if you did get lost sometimes learning how it developed. Gameplay Perfect for a strategy game. Very deep. Very addicting, even by todays standards. The only part i didn't like (seeing the tradition has been kept up) was the lack of towns. It took a while to get used to the weird odd map running around... and games today still follow the same format. Graphics This was the only thing I felt lacking. Tactics came after FF7 and when you know Square is capable of putting in better graphics, you kinda hope for it especailly after the nice (well it was then) intro. The summon spells too you kinda hope for more but they leave you empy inside. Sound The game did have a very rpg-like sounding soundtrack which in this case is a good thing. There are two songs I will always remember from it (one for the good, I have it saved as an mp3) and one for the bad - the stupid stupid repetative battle music during not so important battles... Value and Reviewer's Tilt I am sure most people who own and played this game have gone back to it or real. It started it all and deserves to be in the ranks of the other very good FF games, and although its not a part (1,2,3..etc).. tactics still lives up to its predecesors.