A wonderful tactical RPG that shines is just about all areas.

User Rating: 8.5 | Final Fantasy Tactics (PSOne Books) PS
I love building/leveling/customizing characters, and this game offers a LONG list of things to customize. There are numerous classes to choose from, many are unavailable at the start and require you to have certain levels in other classes before you can get them. Then there are the skills and spells that you must level individually. The great thing about this game, is that when you build up a good character, the game REALLY shows it. Building the right character requires tactics and strategy of its own. There are few downsides to this game, such as a bad dialogue every so often, as well as a few really challenging battles (but that's what you'd expect in a tactics game). I'd really recommend this game to anyone who likes tactics/strategy as well as character building. They did a really nice job on both of those fronts with this game which will provide you with numerous hours of play.