This game takes the original Final Fantasy: I and II, and simply, makes it better.

User Rating: 9.2 | Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls GBA
This game is impressive in many ways. The very first Final Fantasy was definitely a classic, but this just made it better. With all new additions, improved graphics, and more organized gameplay, this game stands out in the Old School Final Fantasies. Final Fantasy: Dawn of Souls is not for everyone. Although I may enjoy it, it is a long game filled with frustration and complicated storylines. For those of you angered easily or are interested in graphics more than gameplay, do not go for this. This game's story is mediocre, and does not compare to the storylines of other Final Fantasy titles. It contains hardly any cutscenes, although the cutscenes are beautiful in their own ways. The story is brief in the beginning, but completely folds out once you've beaten the game in words only. Fortunately, the second game has a deeper story, one that may capture you. The story is well balanced, and actually shows and tells rather than just telling. If you flip the table, the first has much better gameplay than the second. The gameplay for the first is your traditional RPG style, turn-based style. You buy spells, and level up through experience points. Your magic is limited, as is your health. And you buy items to improve yourself. You can choose your party members, and if you wanted, make all of your party members the same. As a bonus, the new game has included the Soul of Chaos dungeons: long, and mind puzzling dungeons made to keep you busy, and excited with the game. The second game, in my opinion, has very annoying leveling up strategies. It's gameplay isn't all bad, except for obtaining experience. You don't really grow levels in this, but it is turn based. You instead, grow levels of your stats, and weapons. For instance, to grow your sword level, use it in battle. Growing your stats is quite difficult however. To grow your MP, you must use half of it in battle? That is horrible. The same for HP. To grow you defense, you must lose a large amount of HP. You also can carry two weapons, unless you have a bow. If you use swords, your sword stat will level up and you will become very powerful, but if you change your weapon to one that has higher attack and isn't a sword, your attack will be horrible. Example: Your sword level is at level 9, and you change to a spear. Your spear level is still at 1, and will not be as powerful as a sword would be, even if the sword's attack was 12, and your spear's was 24. It is very difficult to train in this game, because of the unbalanced stats. Other than the experience portion, it's gameplay isn't bad, and actually has better options than the first. Overall, the two games in the pack are worth buying, and definitely worth beating, no mater how long or hard it is. If you are an RPG fan, this should be in your collection, so go out and buy it! Now after all that