The biggest mistake id made with Final Doom was the exclusion of new enemies and weapons, which cripples the game bad.

User Rating: 5.5 | Final DOOM PC
When I first played Final Doom, which was when I first got Doom Collector's Edition (PC), I was thrilled that I had another 2 id WADs to play around in.
Truly, the maps are the same genius that John Carmack and Co have always used, and there are new pieces of scenery, plus some fresh BGM tracks. Monsters are the same as Doom II, no new objects there, same goes with your arsenal, but the new look and feel of Doom somehow doesn't have what it used to.

The game itself is split up into two WADs or stories (even though in this game there really isn't too much of that). The two stories, Plutonia and TNT : Evilution are expansive, still relatively 30 maps, and they have extended the play time by quite a good deal, making this installment much more challenging to complete then Doom or Doom II.

For the fans of Doom II, there is nothing new offered but music and more places to walk around and aimlessly pick up keys and open doors, rinse and repeat. Same old, same old.

Graphics - 5/10
Sound - 7/10
Gameplay - 5/10
Overall - 5.5/10