Miserable game!

User Rating: 2 | FIFA 12 PC
Miserable game! I can't believe how many bugs there are in this game! This looks like an alpha game! The players are bumping into each other and at the pro difficulty it is almost imposible to win. The PC scores the same goals (by sprinting into the left side and crossing then volley) and it is impossible to keep up with it! Even if you play with FC Barcelona and the PC has a one star team it still has more speed than Messi! Lol Very bad EA. And it looks like it has goals presets. It scores the same goals in the first 20 minutes or in the last 5 minutes. It becames boring and very annoing because basically you only loose because of game's bugs. Don't be fooled by the graphics the gameplay is disastrous! The pc scores goals very easy but when you try to score the other team goalkeeper saves any ball even if you shoot with the max power from 6 meeters. Incredible hard and full of bugs! Player impact engine is a big dissapointment. It better shouldn't have been! It messes up the whole game.