Not even EA's servers can ruin it this time.

User Rating: 8.5 | FIFA 12 (PS3 Bundle) PS3
Fifa 12 (PlayStation 3 Version)

Please read through carefully and send me your feedback.

First I'm going to review what's new about the game this year.

Player Impact Engine - This is a great new feature, which will either make you think it's realistic, or will literally have you rolling on the floor with laugher. Yes it's buggy as hell, but damn is it funny and add's a whole lot of humour into a serious game.

EA Sports Football Club - I personally love this feature, I am very fond of leveling up systems, so this gave me something to do if I found myself bored, a good variety of different challenges awaits every so often, along with the chance of helping the team you support level up through the league rankings as an added bonus.

Storylines in Career Mode - Not really much difference here, doesn't really add anything new, but it's not a bad or a good thing. So let's just leave it at that.

Tactical Defending - A tough and tricky feature which has a strict learning curve, but all it needs is time to learn, may screw you over a few times however. Although a bit rough round the edge's, overall it isn't bad for the first try.

Now for the rest!

Fifa Interactive World Cup - A fun little PlayStation 3 exclusive, adds an extra bit of spice, especially as all team's have been modified so they pretty much play even, whether it be Real Madrid, or Shrewsbury.

Licensing - A few licenses have seemed to disappear this year, such as a few international teams, the Turkish League, and various teams from other league's like Serie B & Brazilian League. Netherless, Fifa is still packed with all the teams you could ever desire.

Online Play (Overall) - This is a two way street. Whether it be a 1v1 Head to Head, or an 11v11 Club Match, the game is a blast. When EA's servers decide to work, this unfortunately is a regular occurrance in EA every installment. It's not as frequent as previous titles, but is still a problem which needs addressing.

Graphics - Players, Officials & Stadiums look as realistic as ever. With only minor things such as crowd members looking like hybrids, other then that it looks smashing!

Sound - A personal favourite of mine, the chants, the commentary, the general noise, all make it feel like your actually there on the pitch playing for your team, absolute brilliance.

Customisation - Creation Centre, Virtual Pro's, Virtual Club's, Ultimate Team, Editing. Everything is here, just like every FIFA installment, and it's the best it has ever been. (Ultimate Team being on the disc now!)

Overall Conclusion?

Love Football?

Go and get it. It's a blast and will keep you busy for the 2011/2012 season.