FIFA 12 is so so addictive,loving it ,no doubt its the best fifa game ever :),gameplay is good,its an awesome game :)

User Rating: 9.5 | FIFA 12 PC
the game play is awesome,graphics are good ,the game is so so so addictive,no doubt its the best FIFA game till date but it has few bugs,overall its crazy game loving it , dis time its the year of FIFA, it thrashed PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 12 happy about it :D,loving the virtual pro mode, one of the best thing in FIFA 12 is the introduction video and the clip of rooney's its an wonderfull idea :) and its crazy crazy ,luving the music in the game and the intro video ,commentary is good ,all the tracks are good,just loving all the accomplishments in the game,they are hell lot of kits and they are too good,and coming to career mode its really cool and its very user friendly, thanx to EA sports 4 giving us such a wonderfull game,hope all the upcoming fifa games will keep up to our expectations jus like FIFA 12 :) :),