Fifa 15 - Seasons

User Rating: 1 | FIFA 15 PS3

The "Seasons" mode always was a very enjoying part of Fifa, but this one in Fifa 15 is an absolute desaster. Fifa decides hundred per cent if you will lose or win a match, it doesn't matter how good you really are or how much trouble you take, changefully you have a run of luck in the first five matches and after these you have a streak of bad luck which you wouldn't wish anybody on the whole planet. Fifa often reminds me of a girl, in the first matches if you try hard you will be successfull, but then when Fifa is on its period, it is unimaginable how great labor can transform into being assfucked so hard, that you want to throw out the console out of the window.

Thank you EA Sports,

for a very fair game, where everybody gets what he deserves.