Arcade style shambles with minimal improvements

User Rating: 4 | FIFA 15 X360


Good long balls and cross field passing, the ball has a nice curve on it and feels realistic.

Passing feels crisp although it's far to easy to use the through ball to deadly effect, passing out of feet is the biggest improvement for me, FIFA 14's worst part was the inability to react last minute, either with a pass, shot, or most noticeable - turning on the ball, it didn't matter if you were Messi or Ronaldo it was just sluggish - this has been fixed.

Close control and reaction times when on the ball are now excellent and sharp, for me this is what EA seemed to have worked on this year, and it feels great.

Multiple starting lineups can now be saved in career which saves so much time when swapping fatigued players, now I just have a 1st team and 2nd team ready to go.

Flicking through player bio's is no longer delayed and sluggish.


Game speed is too fast and unrealistic, 'arcade' doesn't cover it! Sometimes my eyes struggle to keep up with the ball it's so fast. If you have a fast player then it's like games of old, you only need him, just 1 guy! You will be able to dribble wherever you want with him and be able to create chances from nothing with ease, every single time.

AI sliding tackles are ridiculously accurate and constant, I have stopped playing AI now because of this, it's so unrealistic it is actually painful to play.

Career scouting still exists - why oh why. This is not football manager, I want to search for players from a full database, based on specific stats. If I want a good passer I should be able to search for a specific passing attribute. If I want a young, small winger with a specific transfer value and overall attribute I want to be able to search for a 17-19 year old, worth between 3-4 million, rated between 70-75 and is 180cm max. Instead it takes a week of in game time to scout a player to the point of been able to see his overall attribute, value, wage etc and the players that are scouted are minimal and often obscure. This is a massive problem that has destroyed career mode for the last 2 releases. Just give us a full database to search at our freedom.

Sloppy ricochets off other players and especially the referee are constant, players fumble over each other all the time. It's like a game of pinball sometimes.

AI defenders are awful, unless you play a ultra defensive focus the AI leaves gaps everywhere, especially the centre backs. No matter how good you are at defending your AI defenders will let you down in every single game, FIFA 15 was not designed for tight games or clean sheets. I play my brother mainly, FIFA 14's biggest scoreline in over 300 games was 4-2 with most been 0-0, 1-0 or 1-1, our first 3 games on FIFA 15 were 5-3, 5-2 and 4-4! We have played around 30 games together now and it's still the case. This makes the game lack any sense of skill and achievement.

Every time I want to create a pro I have to create myself from scratch, a option to use a existing creation would be a simple but nice addition.

Once again, online friendlies have a 60 second time limit for setting up your formations and starting lineup. This is necessary when playing unknowns in seasons or UT but not when playing a friend.

The new squad interface is poor. It takes much longer to search though and sub players, the time limit is the same as FIFA 14 so essentially there is now less time to make changes.

A lot of the player faces are laughable, really - you will laugh out loud at some of them.

Free kicks are harder to miss than score.


Poor in all. Its a lazy production, a game with a following the size of FIFA's should be polished and rounded but there are so many holes in this years game I am thinking of selling it.

FIFA 15 is a game for children, serious football fans who appreciate the games complexities should stay away and save your hard earned cash, it's a unrealistic arcade fest. It feels unfinished and sloppy in most of its mechanics. EA have dropped the ball, AGAIN.