User Rating: 8 | FIFA 14 X360
Ok the first thing I'm going to say here is that if your a FIFA fan this should be on your MUS BUY list because I believe this is the best FIFA game yet. EA haven't made any huge changes the controls remain the same if that's what you wish. Although there have been some changes like usual they have changed the tittle screen it looks much better. The graphics and visuals have gotten better all the teams stay in the game and still plenty of players to buy or sell talking about manger mode there are scouts in the game three of which you start off with if you don't know scouts are people that you send to other country's or city's to see if there are any players that fit your instruction by the way instructions are when tell scouts to look for players with pacific skills you can choose things like promising strong tall and even the age limit. Anyway to wrap this up I'm going to say that the gameplay is great well that's really all I can say at the moment so that brings us to the end of this review.