The best game in the FIFA series yet!

User Rating: 9.4 | FIFA 07 Soccer PS2
What a wonderful game we have on our hands here. Last years effort from EA was good, but still had flaws. This year, FIFA has improved on many of those flaws, and what improvements they are.

First, the new shooting mechanics. No longer is the 'blue bar' that was very hard to hit while shooting, and no longer do you have to take one eye off the action to shoot accurately. This has all been changed, and for the better. Now, instead of having shooting based on timing, it is based on skill, and how you approach the shot. For example, if you take a shot while you a spinning around to face the goal, the ball will most likely spray way wide, while in previous FIFA games, somehow the ball would fly accurately towards goal.

To accurately shoot now, your player must be balanced, facing towards goal, and somewhat in the clear. Despite this sounding complicated, and more difficult than before (in a way, it is, but in a good way), you can score some magnificient and varied goals that haven't been seen in the FIFA series before. This is mainly due to the upgraded ball physics.

The upgraded ball physics is one of the main things that has improved the most compared to FIFA 06. No longer is the ball restricted to specific animations when you score goals, make passes etc. Now, the ball is free, and behaves much more randomly than before (which trust me, is a good thing).

Last year, FIFA was applauded for it's manager mode, paticularly the dealings with the media, although it was criticized for not having enough of this sort of thing. Now, the manager mode has been improved futhermore, with much more interaction with the media, interaction with the board of your club, and finally - real money.

And lastly, but not least, is the all new online mode. Anybody with online access will have a much better experience with this game than people without it. This is because this year, FIFA 07 has direct connection with it's online site, and is able to display current scores from championships around the world, and also, update squads automatically as transfers are made around the world. I believe that this is a wonderful addition to the game, and all players with online access will love it.

Not that FIFA 07 is without flaws. It is still missing some high profile International teams, such as The Netherlands, Japan, and the Czech Republic. Although, this can be excused, as FIFA is predominantly a Club game, and is not centered around international teams.

In closing, FIFA 07 is a wonderful evolution to the series, and the best FIFA game yet. Quite possibly, it could be the best football game out there.