The game is full of joy and excitement! Get your voice to get ready to scream GOOAALL!!!Really fun to play with friends!

User Rating: 10 | FIFA Soccer 06 GC
"Game after, after game, after game. I realize now what is most important in my life football. Show me something more thrilling than a perfect volley. Tell me you never dream of the emaculate strength. The impaculate moment when an entire nation holds it breath. Tell me that football is not our one common language when the whole planet stops for ninety minutes to be witness to the one thing will understand. Yeah,you can tell me im wrong, some may say it's just a came, but this is about heroes, tribes, loyalty and devotion. This is our commitment and our passion our battle and our believe. This is our faith, now hear the fever of the crowd, hear the roar of the faithful. You are Ronaldinho, you are Wayne Rooney. This is the beautiful game. This is YOUR moment."

This is what you hear in the video when you start the game. A really great addition to the thrill of the game. This video is truly amazing, but that is not what the game has to offer. The game has new games options and well everything you can expect from FIFA. A truly great soccer game that deserves more than just a rating. I really think you should buy this game.

The games Manager Mode is really a great way to get in the game. Pick a team and bring it up back up from the ashes and achieve fame from this. After finishing your first successful season you have the option of choosing another team or sticking to your own. Basically this game can never be finished even if you get fired. You still have a chance to come back up. All you do is keep gaining trophies and improve your skills to crush your friends and even reach Pro level.