Quite poor.

User Rating: 4.9 | FIFA 06: Road to FIFA World Cup X360
Well, while waiting for the big names which are almost showing up, I got this title at a "nice-value". While at these quite cheap price it is worth a few laughs, if one wants to make a honest review of this game, it has to refer it is very, very poor.
Graphics lack any kinda personality, they have plastic and mechanical looks, we seem to be playing with Ke-alike toys (and Barbies too).
Soundwise, and during gameplay it really sux bad, the crowd noise and cheers are mainly hiss'es. Soundtrack is quite above average with some catchy/easy tunes, but 360 lets you play the CD you want so it isn't much of a plus.
Playability is... laughable, if one have played Pro Evo. And it's kinda ok... in a ridicule perpective.
Online is sluggish, so sluggish! Like the players (Barbies and Kens) are allways with hicups (again, good on the laughable matter).
Presentation and production value, allthough not on par with the a "real" EA game is certainly above average, with some well placed menus, and some decent looks.
All in all at this price I'm still glad I bought it, for historical reasons, at least.