Apparently, the "total" soccer experience is a "total" waste.

User Rating: 5.2 | FIFA Soccer 06 PS2
FIFA 06 is an overrated soccer game. FIFA has some good qualities that make it a good game and some bad qualities that make it, well... bad. This game does not have enough good qualities to make it a good footie game FIFA 06 is entirely focused on only sound, graphics and the little details that mean absolutely nothing, I must say, just because the other reviews are good does not mean i'm going this a good review, cause it doesn't deserve it.

FIFA 06's best quality is the sound, amazing soundtrack, the commentary is outstanding, in english and spanish. the other best part is manager mode, where you become a manager, but what i want is to actually play soccer and not worry about sponsorships and other stuff. Another positive is the number of teams and players in this game. there is over 10,000 players and many many teams. It's fully licensed by FIFA, Now, the bad, gameplay controls are way too complicated to say it's a good game all around, there are way too many wrong actions taken. for example when I wanted to pass to a teammate, it shot the ball out of bounds, i wanted pass, not shoot. passing accuracy is out of control for long passes, you end up giving it to the other team, and if you stop to try to accurately pass, the other team takes the ball away. Also, the referees are freakin' blind, when the other team trips one of my players, nothing. but when I trip them, actually trying to get the ball, the referee gives me a card. the players should be able to trip the referees. The goalies are also blind, one minute, they will stop a point blank shot from the other team's best player and the next they will let in a bouncing ball from far away! and when you try to pass, sometimes, your goalie, drops the ball and a player fom the other team comes in and taps it in! I clearly pressed the pass button, not the drop button. it has happened. These are WORLD CLASS goalies. After that, I decided that the difficulty was too hard, so I set it to the lowest level and it was just as hard to do anything, don't say that I didn't practice, because I did, and I played my best, the best I could get was a 1-0 win when I was playing as Brazil against Costa Rica. not to mention the losses. They focused too much on the small details and forgot about gameplay. to be honest FIFA 06 is too hard, frustrating, and pretty much a waste of time.

Gameplay- bad, enough said-3

Graphics, surprisingly good and realistic-9

Sound- exellent!!-10

Value- not worth $ 40 in any way-3


As a big fan of soccer, i'm disappointed, I expected more, the manual doesn't explain much. I trusted gamespot for a worthwhile soccer game. I bought an EA sports game, a foolish mistake. Unless you can take the frustration, don't buy this game at full price. If you're looking for a good game look elsewhere.