An un-memorable venture into PSP tactics.

User Rating: 7.5 | Field Commander PSP
When one is as thoroughly a tactics fan as myself, one has certain expectations. One of which is that the PSP will COME OUT WITH A DECENT FRIGGIN' TACTICS GAME (ahem) Chaos Seed and Worms, were certainly enourmous dissapointments, I got very excited with the release of Field Commander. If there's one thing to be said for it, Field Commander is deffinetly the best Tactics game on the PSP. And while the graphics my not be amazing, the battle system is solid and entertaining. But, it is still nothing compared to the blazing glory of Advanced Wars. The couple of advantages Field Commander has over Advanced Wars is as follows:
A: Multiplayer
B: "Divisions" are more interesting than "countries"
But sadly, that's about it: and the end result is a game which, once done with the single player campaign and a few games online, it will be just a shelf ornament. To tell the truth if they had added a few more unit types and created battle cutscenes more advanced than mere close-ups, this just might have been a must for tactics fans everywhere.